

The woman sat on the throne, eyes studying every member who entered. None of them can see through her disguise, none of them that she wasn't the real queen.

A smirk started to spread across her face as her eyes showed power.



Waking up with a start. A young girl no older than fifteen, screaming for help from the one person who is supposed to protect you. Her heart was beating inside her chest at an angry speed. The nightmares started getting more and more frequent as days passed to the point sleep was getting less and less. She was already feeling drained from the day before, letting out a huff before jumping from the thin mattress on the creaky wooden floor. The girl's room was a little; only a mattress, a dresser filled with barely clean clothes, and a half-broken mirror. She had only very little time before her landlord awoken, quickly moving to change into dark pants, knee-black boots, and a shirt; they were the best she had, wearing a blood-red balaclava over her neck and a cloak.

Glancing into the mirror showed just how much sleep she had: dark circles under her eyes, and her skin was paler than usual as her skin was always lightly tanned because of how much she spent in the burning heat outside. She believed her looks were imperfect for her age. She had a scar on her eyebrow going through her left eye; lucky her sight wasn't gone; she had forest green eyes and hair golden brown, but it was matted. It had never been cut or cared about. It always goes into a French braid because she never has the time or the money for help. A loud knocking was heard, breaking the girl's thoughts, "You better be up, you lazy piece of shit, before I come in there!" hearing the slurred words from the man behind the door made her roll her eyes. She believed she had more time.

'I guess it's time to face the world.'

She glared at her door, where she knew her landlord was behind it with a scowl stitched to his face; she could smell alcohol on his breath through the door. 'I hate it when he's drunk.' The brunette looks even more annoyed. It just means he's had a shit night – a shit night means a hell of a week for the girl. Time is ticking. She needed to leave before the man got angrier and broke her door. It wouldn't be the first time; If she stays out of his way and gets his money, she will be able to have a somewhat peaceful week away from his abuse.

'Let the hell begin.'

The Kingdom of Regalia is the ruler of the seven kingdoms and the most powerful; no one has ever dared to dethrone the royal family. Their loyalty stays with the queen. Those who had the pleasure to meet her say how evil she is that when they stare into her eyes, they feel their whole world clasping around them. All they see is darkness and only a little hope that they make it out alive. Still, the light got crushed. So many had lost their life because of the queen, so many from the Slums had been lost by her, people who made the place a little more burble to live in. No one outside the castle had ever met her, only heard stories. Instead, she has her army patrolling the streets; all of them wear black and gold-plated armour, their face fully covered, and only their eyes can be seen; people who have ever been close to them say they felt their life force was leaving them; some say they felt like saw their worst fears just like there queen.

They patrolled the inner part of the town closer to the castle, where only The Slums (not the best name I know). The Slums were overpopulated with washed-up junky, orphanage children and gangs, and some were just pure horrible people who would probably slit your throat if you looked at them the wrong way. There is no protection there. All you can do is survive and hope you see it the next day. The only way you can make a living is by stealing. Joining fight rings or you become Contracted, meaning you do other people dirty work, and they pay good money.

A rundown-looking bar called The Rusted Blade was crowded for being so early. 'I hated big crowds.' Natalia ensured her hood was up, only allowing her green eyes to be seen. The girl had made a name for herself around The Slums. Only a few people knew her real name, and she wanted to keep it that way. She made sure she had her dagger strapped to her belt. Thankfully, there was only a need for one person.

"haha, Azure. My favourite assassin."


James revealed himself, taking over half of the table; seeing as he well he is a half-giant, (he wasn't a fully large giant as his mum was a human and his father was a well giant) the man in charge was a massive man with a black, unruly beard that covered his attire face, hiding the neck so that it wouldn't be visible with how fat the giant was, but his hair was neatly combed, and his clothes at best; were customise just for the giant himself, with how much money the giant owns, he can have them made just for him. James is the wealthiest man in The Slums. No one batts an eye on what he does; he keeps people in business as James is the one who sets up contracts; no matter what it is, if you're desperate for something, he's the man you go to. His daughter Maria owns the Rusted blade. She isn't as bad as her father, but it best to stay off her wrong side, James's gruff voice booming across the hall. Everyone could hear him laugh, 'Serious this time in the morning.' Somehow, this man was surrounded by women of all types, doing anything to get his attention. Some made it obvious they wanted him, falling all over him, flirting as much as possible, and others were more subtle of them.

The younger girl Squeezed her way through the cluster of people but didn't utter a word to him; she was in no mood for him after the last deal went south. She snatched the paper from him, leaving him with his arms outstretched. "Oh, come on, little firecracker? Are you still mad after last time?" James's words were ignored as she quickly moved to leave. 'I'll probably give him the benefit of the doubt when I get paid for this.' she thought, "So, you still giving the poor old guy the silent treatment?" a voice taunted, smirking. She couldn't hold her smile as a shaky-haired boy jumped from the tavern's roof. "Calling him old... will probably have him give you the silent treatment. Or possibly have you fetch his pet's food again." her voice came out strained; it had been a while since she had spoken, and the girl laughed at the look of pure disgust from the boy.

"Hi, Natalia."

"Edmund", breathing a sigh of relief, seeing him again after almost two weeks away. Both felt relief from seeing each other because the next thing they knew, they now grasped into a bone-crushing hug. "Eddy to...to tight buddy..." gasping for breath, trying to fight to get some air. Seeing Edmund's bright red face makes her snigger. It doesn't take much to embarrass him. "What have I told you about calling me 'Eddy...? it's tasteless." Rolling her eyes, smirking at Edmund. Who was dressed in similar attire as Natalia and a bandanna around his neck in sky blue instead of blood red like his partner. "So, what's on the agenda for today, little sis?" he joked, grasping her shoulder and making them walk; already, the sun was burning with heat.

'Eric Paul'

"Says reasoning are unknown but.... the price is..." Oh my god, "it says the rewarded 'fifty' gold coins to whoever eliminates the target." astonished can't describe what they are feeling fifty gold coins that set them for life. Eyes wide, a huge smile overtook her face, mirroring Edmund, who were both astonished to see the price.


"I... are you trying to get us killed?" hissing at Edmund, the brunette jumped to cover his mouth before he blabbered anymore. Natalia hid her embarrassment by hiding her cloak as she felt scowls from other people. 'I swear this boy is going to get me killed one of these days if not by a sword to the heart, and it is by his stupidity', she thought. "sorry", mumbling, rubbing the back of his neck. Before a smile went back on his face, "fifty gold coins. We can be free of this life." the smile was back on his face, and she couldn't hold back anymore before they both ended up smiling just as happy and excited. "Now, before we celebrate, we have a job to do. We need to find out who Eric Paul is. Because as far as I know, I've never heard of this man in my life." She cleared her throat as she read over the paper again, but neither could put a name to a face. They both got to work- questioning people who strolled the streets. Most were mothers lucky enough to have the skills to open their shops to give their children a decent childhood; both teens searched, doing their work as best they could with the bustling of the town's folks some were quick to get to work and the rest getting into the already packed bar to fetch a drink.