
The phoenix blade

Author: Dani
Ongoing · 1.1K Views
  • 6 Chs
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What is The phoenix blade

Read ‘The phoenix blade’ Online for Free, written by the author Dani, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: The powerful kingdom of Regalia is ruled by a tyrannical queen who has erased all magic users from existence. Her ruthle...


The powerful kingdom of Regalia is ruled by a tyrannical queen who has erased all magic users from existence. Her ruthless army ensures that anyone caught processing any type of magic is swiftly sentenced to death by her hands. However, the queen's iron grip on power begins to waver as she feels pulses of a mysterious source of magic spread throughout her kingdom, eluding her relentless search for whoever stands in her way. Within this treacherous world of manipulation and deceit, the days grow shorter, and the nights become plagued with blood-soaked nightmares. Uncontrollable magic unleashes unimaginable horrors, and a delicate balance between light and darkness hangs in the balance. Amidst this chaos, a young individual with blue eyes turns from red to golden to deep orange glow that looks like flames at night. Each day, magic becomes uncontrollable. With hands soaked with blood and minds filled with uncertainty about what the truth is and what the lies are. They are just trying to survive to see the sun the next day and the hope that plagues their hearts that things will be okay. without having to keep fighting Flames dance on their fingertips as the figure embarks on a dangerous journey to uncover the truth behind the kingdom's hidden magic, striving to restore harmony and reclaim the freedom that was lost.

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