
The People's Hero

Leonard Ajax is a ray of hope for the weak, the helpless, and the defenseless. His very presence brings a sense of security and protection. Leonard Ajax is the embodiment of fear to the scum and filth, that brings nothing but suffering and pain wherever they go. His very presence brings a sense of fear and dread. It's because of him a thief will think twice before robbing a store. It's because of him the criminals breathe easier when the sun comes up.

ItzMenace12 · ภาพยนตร์
17 Chs

Fire Fly

[18 June 2004]

"Geez was it really necessary for us to deliver the bike ourselves Tones," Rhodey in disguise grumbles parking the delivery truck at the designated location. "Yes, it is. Now stop whining," Tony also in disguise says rolling his eyes. They exit the truck and look around for Robin. "Are you sure th-" Rhodey is interrupted by someone landing in a crouch position on top of the truck. He pulls Tony behind him and takes out his gun aiming at the unknown person. "Calm down Rhodes." A modulated voice says. "Calm down soldier boy, not like you could do anything to him. If the police reports I read were to be believed," Tony says coming to stand next to Rhodey. Rhodey sighs and puts his gun away.

"Well since you're here, might as well get this over with," Tony nods and he and Rhodey walk to the back opening the cargo area. "Jesus! Don't do that!" Tony exclaims glaring at Robin who just appeared next to him walking into the cargo area and rolling out the bike. "I'm gonna make a few personal improvements but it's better than I thought it would be," Robin nods after looking over the black the red sports bike. "You thought I was gonna do a half-assed job. I'm insulted," Tony scoffs looking affronted. Robin grins at him and says sincerely, "Thanks Mr. Stark, I really owe you one...This is gonna help out a lot,"

"Just call me Tony," Tony says with a wave of his hand. Robin nods and takes a device from his utility belt and hands it to him, "It's called the Bird's Call, it's a two-way untraceable communication device. It works virtually anywhere on earth. Use it only for emergencies don't play with it," Robin says sternly as Tony takes the device. "Impressive, you made this yourself?" Tony asks curiously. "Yes..." Robin nods.

"Well it was nice doing business with you I guess," Tony says shaking Robin's hand. "Hopefully we'll meet again," Tony says stepping back as Robin hops on the bike. "Hopefully we do," Robin nods his head and starts the bike and revving it a bit. "Oh and Tony," Robin smirks glancing at Tony. "Yes?" Tony asks tilting his head. "Nice try," Robin says as a blue pulse runs through the bike and all the trackers and bugs Tony planted get destroyed in a puff of tiny smoke. Tony just shrugs, "Had to try,".

Robin just chuckles and drives off into the night. "Sooo can we go now?"Rhodey asks breaking the silence. "Ugh yes we can go now Rhodey," Tony sighs moving to the passenger side and hopping in. "Interesting guy," Rhodey says as he hops in the driver's seat starting the truck. "He sure is,"

--Line Break--

[Weeks Later]

*Robin reports are coming in of a blaze at the Tribeca fire station. It is suspected to be arson, as the power to the building has been cut, disabling the fire suppression system. You should get there quickly and investigate.* Glitch says. Robin makes a turn on his new and improved sports bike which he decided to name 'Red Bird'.

Robin arrives at the blazing fire station seeing a few people standing around looking at the fire. *I'm redirecting some of the city's power to jump-start the fire suppression systems.*. Robin watches as there is a bit of a spark of electricity and then the fire suppression systems turn on dousing out the flames.

Suddenly a man in a hazmat suit and what seems to be a jetpack on his back burst out the window of the fire station, with a strange weapon in his hands, and laughs maniacally, "You think you can stop me? No one can stop The Firefly," Firefly flies off with his jetpack shooting balls of fire near Robin's bike.

*Jesus christ what or rather who is that?* Glitch exclaims in shock. "Don't know yet but we'll find out when I drag his ass off to Blackgate," Robin says chasing after the pyromaniac on Red Bird. Robin races after him maneuvering out of the way of fireballs shot from Firefly's gun while he shouts words Robin can't hear. Robin chases him through Tribeca while dodging fireballs, they move in a circle right back at the fire station where Robin decides to use a little boost to catch up to him.

"Glitch take the wheels," Robin says and jumps off the bike and lunges at Firefly grabbing onto his back causing Firefly to lose control of his jetpack, sending them both falling to the ground and crashing into the pavement. "Fuck off" Firefly yells sending a punch at Robin, who easily deflects it and starts furiously punching him in the face. "No! New York...Must burn..." Firefly shouts hysterically. "Say goodnight sunshine," Robin sneers and knocks him out.

Robin rips off the power cell for Firefly's jetpack and then ties him up as a police truck pulls up. Robin nods at the police officers, "He's all yours,". "Thanks, Robin. Keep kicking ass out there," One of the police officers says as he picks up Firefly's weapon as the other two drag his unconscious body into the back of the truck.

Robin watches as the police truck drives off to Blackgate and turns to Red Bird that stops next to him. He climbs on and drives off. *Well that was interesting.* Glitch says in amazement. "Yeah..."

....Robin Gets His New Bike.... And Meets And Defeats A New Villian...

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