
The Paying Guests

Being irritated by her parents, Lyra leaves her home dashing straight to the bus stop. She had never taken any kind of irresponsible path or never taken this kind of action before. She booked the most creepy cab as for not having any other choice. Sleeping in that car was not a right decision and that what she did. That led her to the most UN-expected place and that incident had changed her life completely.

Swastika_Thapa · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs

The Stay

The Stay

I started to walk towards the main entrance of that place. The board had led lights and opened was written on it, though it was a little bit tilted and the lights were flickering. It was a complete set of a horror movie I thought. When I came in, I saw a woman in the entrance hall. She was looking like she hadn't slept for many days. As I came more nearer to her, her gaze met my eyes. She must not be very happy by my presence as her glare was telling so. So I looked the other way and I saw a man. His eyes were completely covered up by his bangs. He was looking like a man in his mid-twenties. His hands were inside his pockets and he was wearing a jean hoodie and pants. It was really weird but I was feeling his stare on me. So I looked at that counter where that woman was standing. I asked her, "Hey umm, can you please give me a key of a room. And I will only stay for a night." I don't know why I spout out that last thing. She looked at me; it was rather a guilty look, then she moved to get the key. I don't know what happened to her; maybe she was happy knowing that I was here for one night only.

I took out my phone, it was already past 12. Knowing how I am already an adult made me smirk a little. Suddenly I felt someone behind me, coming closer and closer. Just as I looked behind, the man with bangs in front of his eyes was behind me. He held my shoulders and started to moving me back and forth, shouting why am I here.

"Why-why are you here?! You should not have come here!!" he was looking like a complete psycho. I was scared and furious at the same time so I pushed him away and shouted, "It's my choice to come here! Who are you? I don't even know you!" I was very angry. Just who he was? How can someone do this kind of thing to someone they just met? I was going to say another word but just in time the same lady came running. She stopped us doing anything further and said sorry to me in his behalf. She gave me the keys of the room and told me to go away for that moment. As I was coming out of that hall I looked behind once more. She was whispering something in his ears. I ignored them and came out of that hall.

It was looking like a place which once was a simple house but rooms after rooms were built into it. Must be a very big land I thought. But all of a sudden a thing stopped me. I don't know which room she had given to me. It was just a key with no name on it. I literally didn't wanted to go back to face them again. "A bunch of creeps" I murmured. I needed to find a room myself which must be locked. So I started searching for it.

That place had 3 floors with 4 rooms each. I had already searched in the 2nd floor. Not even a single door was locked there. So I came back to the 1st floor and started searching for a room again, if I had missed any. But to my surprise there was a very different door which I hadn't noticed before. It had different colour and design. More dull and old in look which had made me more curious to know what's inside it? I was constantly thinking that it must be a place where the old items were kept so I came more near to it. The moment I touched it, it made a little sound of creaking. One thing was for sure now. It was completely opened. So just why can't I take a little peek?

I was really lucky to have tools and cameras I thought. "I will just click one or two and will come out eventually." I murmured to myself with satisfaction. As I opened it, it made the same old creaking sound like the one on horror movies. It hadn't been oiled for a long time. I was becoming more and more curious every minute. So at last I opened it. But to my surprise it got stuck in the middle. I tried to open it further but it didn't even move a single bit. So I used the area which was already opened to enter. The moment I stepped inside, smell of old books and furniture started to fill my nose. It was a long rectangle room with windows in 2 meter each. My both sides were filled with bookshelves and other furniture; it was a very calm place to study. Light wind was blowing, moving curtains slightly back and forth. But one thing was really odd there. It was the month of august but I started to shiver. The aura in that room was really gloomy but I was not feeling it the moment I had entered. My teeth started to stutter as I was going more deep in that room. I really wanted to go back but my feet were not letting me. Hunger of curiosity was chewing me up to know what's in the end there.

Next part: But suddenly the door thud opened in my back with shrill voices. And I was scared as hell that my feet stopped moving any further.

A/N- Hello guys, so this was the end of The Stay. I know it became too long but I don't know, my hands were not stopping the moment I started having idea. Like the FL feet were not halting. ;)

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