
The Paying Guests

Being irritated by her parents, Lyra leaves her home dashing straight to the bus stop. She had never taken any kind of irresponsible path or never taken this kind of action before. She booked the most creepy cab as for not having any other choice. Sleeping in that car was not a right decision and that what she did. That led her to the most UN-expected place and that incident had changed her life completely.

Swastika_Thapa · Urban
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Chapter 1: Away from home

Away from home

"The weather of August, still hits different. Why is it called a romantic season when all I can see is misery in my path? My parents, they never cared about my decisions." These were all those thoughts I had on my mind that time. I was sitting on the night bus. Just two hours are left and I will be 18, not a very big problem I guess." I muttered to myself. I eventually started looking around the whole bus as I didn't notice when I came in hastily. There were not many passengers that time, only a few ones. Some of them were sleeping and some were actually very creepy. "Hard day maybe they had" I told myself while adjusting in that firm seat again.

The bus stopped at the last station. Everyone came down from it and disappeared in the dark making their ways home. I was very desperate at that moment because the city I needed to go was like 10 to 12 hours away from there. So I booked a cab, as I knew today I needed to stay somewhere. Maybe they will call it off as I will be soon 18. I have money with me so there will be no problem.

It was 10:40pm already. I started looking out here and there for that car. Usually I used to memorize the no. plates. The thing I needed to do was to find that same one. There were no cars in that road. It was very disturbing standing there all alone. And the best part was that when all those haunted videos started flashing in my eyes which I used to watch while eating popcorn. But after some time out of nowhere a car stopped in my left side. I really didn't hear it coming but the no. was matched with it so I didn't think anything else. I had already convinced him about me being 18 after a short time but in return he had given me the most horrifying glare I had ever seen. It was dark and you can say because of that I was only able to see his eyes and half of his upper face. I didn't mind much because I was desperate of any of my move, so I quietly sat in the back seat.

I know that I am the most careless person in my whole town. But sleeping in that suspicious car was the worst thing I ever felt till now. When I woke up it was already 11:45pm, so I started looking outside as I was never been out for this late, let all alone myself. It was raining and all I could see outside was trees on my both side of the road. The raindrops in the car window were racing with each other making me concentrate more in them. But suddenly I remembered that I needed to find a place to stay tonight. "How can I forget about this? What the hell is wrong with me?" I blurted it out. And just after that my eyes fell on the rear mirror. I shivered down to hell when I saw him looking at me with the creepiest and mean look, like he was plotting something. I looked away in my phone to distract myself, so I decided to look at the map of that location. I really start panicking inside when I saw that there was no place to stay in that area and I was sure that this road was very uncommon in use as it's a long way to the city. This place has its own creepy legend which I never followed. The moment I looked down in my phone again, the car stopped. I saw the mirror, but this time he was facing the right side in the window. I moved my head in that direction. All my senses come alive; I mean I was so glad and blessed that moment that my eyes had start to felt heavy with tears. There was a house, not a house but a very big place or you can say for me a place to stay one night. I had already given the payment online so I just came out of that suffocating car and took a deep breath. I came further and further to that house to actually see what is written in that board. "Paying guest..." I read it out loud. I was very happy by the fact that I didn't need the help of anyone in my family. "Wow I learned to help myself, without anyone's help" I yelp. "By the way thank you...?" I looked behind to thank him. But he was already gone. Like the way he came at first. I didn't mind that much as I was busy being happy. But that happiness didn't turn the way I want it to be.