
The Paying Guests

Being irritated by her parents, Lyra leaves her home dashing straight to the bus stop. She had never taken any kind of irresponsible path or never taken this kind of action before. She booked the most creepy cab as for not having any other choice. Sleeping in that car was not a right decision and that what she did. That led her to the most UN-expected place and that incident had changed her life completely.

Swastika_Thapa · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs


Parents. Who are they? Two people who completes a happy family. But something is wrong. I mean mine, mine parents. They always chose for me. Is there something they are afraid of? They never let me go out like others. I am just sick of this all. But now can complete my dream. I will be 18 soon.

My last words on my diary before I was packing up. I heard my mom calling me downstairs with the same irritating voice. I unconsciously pack my back pack with every suitable thing I could have found. I got up and rushed to the main door with my blue suitcase in the other hand. The wheels of suitcase were hitting the stairs which made my parents run in my direction.

"And where do you think you are going miss?" my mom said while folding her arms straight to here chest. She was not the same women i knew 5 years ago. She changed her behavior towards me. Now she gives me the most angry glares.And my dad? he follows her all orders like a guard.

"Mom, I am 18 now. No need to worry about my future in your own way. Now I am capable on my own." I was determined to reached to that door. Just 5 steps and I will be out of this jail. But mother was faster then me. she blocked my path of going out. And then she yelled at me.

"Do you have a visa? your ID? who will know that you're 18 my child?" she said while having a shaking grin in her smile.

I took out my ID which was updated. I took it yesterday from my mother's closet while she was talking with her friend. I showed it to her. She was shocked and angry and her hands fell of her chest.

"You are too cruel aren't you?" she pointed at me. She was looking like she is going too broke apart from her wrath.

"WHAT about you?!" I screamed. I never talked like this with my mother. My dad had lines in his forehead. With a shock and a desperate emotion, he left the room. I didn't looked at my mother's face and then I burst out of that house. And then I walked till I reached the bus stop.

Guys this is my first story on watt-pad. I love you all and please don't forget to comment. ;)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Swastika_Thapacreators' thoughts