
The Path of Men

Believe it or not, you have a Spirit in eternity. How does it feel to know and live in the reality of your Spirit? Welcome to the world where Humans can move through the Spirit Realm and control their spiritual reality to affect their World. The battle of Light and Darkness, good and evil has been an ancient battle that has continued and seems neverending. Humans continue to flourish in their world while wrestling with their idea of good and evil until they are thrust into a different level of warfare, that not only determines their life but also the human world. A larger stage has been set that now allows humans to fight and turn their world in the direction they want, either towards good or towards evil. "Nicos, seemed useless because he has weak and underutilized Spirit root which makes him not to gain entrance into the Spirit Realm, never stopped fighting - he kept on pushing, carving a path for himself even after he had been banished alongside his family to an unknown region that seemed to have sealed their fate. Weathering the storm alongside his entourage as they also play their role in the turning of their world to determine the final winner." Light or Darkness; either good or evil. Only one can be king, both can't seat on the throne. Only one side can be crowned the winner. Which will it be?

Phoenix_Wolf7c · แฟนตาซี
41 Chs

Middle of Nowhere

Alfonso and Nakita looks around. "I don't have a recollection of this region. Have you been to this region before?" Alfonso asked Nakita as he look around to find out that the place their Spirit Avatar was transfer to is not a place he has been before.

"The same thing applies to me." Nakita replied.

As an Adventurer that is not under any organization or Empire, Nakita has the liberty to move through region and explore other areas as long as it not a classified zone that Adventurers that is not part of the influence that owns the zone can't explore. Saying that he does not have a recollection of this area means two things, one is a new region that has just been added to the territory of the ones that owns the region and second instance is if it a classified zone and that will be troublesome as any unauthorized person that enter into a classified zone will be bearing a consequence depending on the level of classification and the rules of the owner of the region. To people like Alfonso and Nakita that are trying to keep a low profile, this will definitely not be a welcome circumstance.

"Uncle Alfonso, is this how it feels when you first gain entrance into the Spirit Realm with similar appearance or yours was different" Tabitha interrupt their discussion as she continue to look as herself. At the moment, she is clothed in a hooded silk-like material robe that covers her and obscure her face from outsiders but allows her to see without any blockage. The robe is smooth and well fitted in light grey shade with silver embroidery around the edges of the hood, the sleeve and the edge of the robe. The robe look plain but someone with a good eyesight will know it not a robe made with ordinary materials. Alfonso look at her and finally notice their appearances. Usually, for those who just enter the Spirit Realm for the first time, they only have a plain garment to cover their chastity, but their appearance now is very different from what is should be. They all seems to be suited in something entirely different from a plain garment. Nicos outfit tend to be more of a leather outfit for warriors, an inner cotton white shirt and a leather hooded jacket which is the shade of their surrounding – a clay brown color alongside with the pants and boots while Alfonso and Nakita as in similar robe as Tabitha in shade of black with white runic patterns on it. "Now that you mention it, it's not only the appearance that changed, you might have to check your profile card Alfonso" Nakita said. Alfonso opened his profile card as Nakita suggested and found out what he was talking about. The changes that occur to then is well beyond just appearance and the change in outfit. "This is really beyond expectation – a pleasant bonus" Alfonso said.

"I can't agree more with you" Nakita replied with a smile on his face. After years of dark cloud, it seems that sun is about to shine on the horizon.

Nicos and Tabitha looked at the both of them in confusion, "What are you talking about Uncle Alfonso?" Tabitha asked.

"How should I put this? To just summarize the whole thing, what happen to the two of us is beyond having our connection with the Spirit Realm reset, we seem to have gain an Optimal Class profession with a high rank rating." Alfonso said with excitement beaming in his eyes. Profession changing and increase in rank is not something heard of in the Spirit Realm unless one encounter a fortuitous encounter which rarely happen in the Spirit Realm.

Having their connection with the Spirit Realm reset while still maintaining their levels is enough to cause a tornado in this Spirit Realm. Having their levels retained after the reset is like fortifying their realm and solidifying their foundation, making them stronger than people as the same level as them. Now having a Optimal class profession with increase in rank is like giving wings to tiger.

"What's your Optimal class profession and rank?" Nakita asked Alfonso

"Well, it seems I'm not too off from the point from the beginning, my new profession is Mirage Fire Mage and the rank is B+." Alfonso replied "Mine changed from shield warrior to Qi Combat Master with a B rank." Nakita also said is profession and rank which is one minor rank below that of Alfonso.

"You and Nicos outifit are even more unique than ours." Alfonso commented as you look between Tabitha and Nicos.

"I wonder which kind of profession and class you two will have" Nakita added.

"That will be one of the few things we will be doing when we get to a city, we need to help them generate their profile card, that way it will be easy to check their progress." Alfonso said.

"What are we waiting for then, let's head to the city!" Tabitha exclaimed while beaming to the front rushing in an unknown direction.

"Young miss, you need to calm down." Alfonso said with a bitter expression – blocking Tabitha path, they've just enter the Spirit Realm and he need to start being on the lookout for this mischievous little one.

"Uncle Alfonso, what are we still waiting for?" Tabitha asked, looking confused at Alfonso who is still blocking her path.

"Young Miss, I and Nakita have not been in this region before so we don't know the direction that leads to the city and we have to tread carefully. We are in the middle of the forest filled with monsters and wild beasts." Alfonso answered her. Tabitha looked scared, looking around if any monster or wild beast are lurking around, Nicos also look around when he heard Alfonso statement.

"What are we still standing here doing then, left leave this place quickly" Tabitha said with a troubled voice. No one will believe that the little chili pepper will become a scaredy cat in the Spirit Realm.

"That's for sure, we just have to make sure we are not moving deeper into the forest in the direction we chose to walk." Nakita said while survey the area look for footprints that we help them indicate the direction to move.

After a while, Nakita said "We should be able to leave the forest if we follow this direction."

"Let keep moving then." Alfonso urge the rest and they begin to move in the direction Nakita chosed and the Spirit beast follow then along, absorbing the spirit essence automatically while Nakita guard the rear.

"It seems Eclairs will grow stronger for Barnabas to handle soon, I really will love to see the expression he will have when the Spirit Beast end up breaking their connection." Tabitha said already forgotten how scare she was easier.

"Erase that negative thought of yours Tabitha" Nicos chide her

"Hmph, Blokehead" Tabitha said not bothering to look at his direction. Nicos was speechless and shake his head while maintaining his silence for the rest of their journey.

After walking for a while, they leave the forest to arrive at an opening that is just around 500 meter away from a city gate. They felt relieved finding out that the route they chose lead then to a city. Along the way, Alfonso and Nakita has also use their hood, though it did not obscure then completely from others seeing their face like that of Nicos and Tabitha, but is still make it difficult for people to recognize them at first glance, this is to avoid getting their identity exposed as soon as they enter a city.

They walk closer to the city gate – hasting their footsteps. When they we close enough, they saw the name of the city which came as a surprise to them.