
The Path of Men

Believe it or not, you have a Spirit in eternity. How does it feel to know and live in the reality of your Spirit? Welcome to the world where Humans can move through the Spirit Realm and control their spiritual reality to affect their World. The battle of Light and Darkness, good and evil has been an ancient battle that has continued and seems neverending. Humans continue to flourish in their world while wrestling with their idea of good and evil until they are thrust into a different level of warfare, that not only determines their life but also the human world. A larger stage has been set that now allows humans to fight and turn their world in the direction they want, either towards good or towards evil. "Nicos, seemed useless because he has weak and underutilized Spirit root which makes him not to gain entrance into the Spirit Realm, never stopped fighting - he kept on pushing, carving a path for himself even after he had been banished alongside his family to an unknown region that seemed to have sealed their fate. Weathering the storm alongside his entourage as they also play their role in the turning of their world to determine the final winner." Light or Darkness; either good or evil. Only one can be king, both can't seat on the throne. Only one side can be crowned the winner. Which will it be?

Phoenix_Wolf7c · แฟนตาซี
41 Chs

Forgotten Region

The Electric Cab stop and jolted everyone in the cab from their silence with an electronic voice, "The cab has reached it designated destination and won't go further as the border of the Forgotten Region is a no entry zone, please step out the cab."

"So it is really happening, I still can't believe the esteem Tier 7 Healer and the Mayor of the Silversky City has been banished to the Forgotten Region" Tabitha commented derisively.

"In case you might have forgotten my dear sister, we are no longer a member of Silvermoon family and mum has lost her connection with her inner spirit so, they don't fear her or think of her as a Powerhouse anymore" Barnabas replied.

"Can you two stop battering and get down from the cab before you are charged of extra crime" Chloe said.

"Which punishment can be greater than being banished to the Forgotten Region, when it not like we are planning a coup on how to kidnap or kill a royal blood." Tabitha said.

"Haha, I give up, go ahead and try." Barnabas look at Tabitha provocatively "Let's see if you can get into 100 meter of any of the royal blood without being discovered with that malicious thoughts of yours"

"Can't you just keep quiet?" Chloe said

"And act like a mute like that guilt ridden fellow beside you?" Tabitha retort.

Nicos face twitched when he heard that but didn't respond.

"Easy now sister, he's going through a lot at the moment, don't add to it" Barnabas said, cautioning his sister while looking at Nicos with pity and concern in his eyes.

He can be considered to be close with Nicos before calamity befall him, as his little brother, Nicos always look out for Barnabas and agree to most of his request as long he is not asking for too much. He sometimes accompanies him to prank Tabitha sometimes which is the reason he and Tabitha get on each other nerves most of the time.

But ever since it was discover that he can't enter into the Spirit Realm and his Spirit Realm has decayed, he withdrew from everything and keep to himself and Barnabas rarely see him.

Chloe ignored her and look at the other man that has been with them in the cab through the journey and also quiet.

"Alfonso, you can go back to Silversky City, there will surely be a use for someone like you there, you don't need to continue with us from here".

"I serve you Madam Chloe, not the Silvermoon family or Silversky City and I will continue until my last breathe." Alfonso replied firmly.

Alfonso has been Chloe follower ever since she was a teenager. She helped him when he was in trouble and was at the brink of death. Ever since then, he has always follow her and only listen to her order. He usually does not question her decision if his opinion is not being seek and will just carryout the order but he has always been there to help out when things go haywire. Chloe looked at Alfonso with a complicated expression on her face.

After they got out of the Electric cab and face the Forgotten Region. Though Chloe has seen this place countless times, it still felt strange. Maybe because she will be living here now rather than just looking at it. The atmosphere in the Forgotten Region is distinctively different from the City they were coming from.

For one, the Spirit Essence is so thin in this area that it is utterly useless to even try to meditate in this kind of environment.

Chloe still remember clearly that there was a time when the former Mayor of the Silversky City try to annex this area and include it to his territory.

The end result was that he lost all his troop and his power, it was with the help of the Silvermoon family and most especially Chloe that he was able to survive the struggle of the aristocrat family and recuperate which was how the Silvermoon family became the strongest family in Silversky City.

From that point on, this place has turn to a place they send the exile, the useless ones with no potential. The moment one entered, there's no way out. One will have to live the remaining of their life here.

"Alfonso, since you are not leaving, you might as well lead us in, we don't know how dangerous it will be in there so I want you to stay on high alert at all time in case there's any hostile attack." Chloe said.

"Yes madam" he replied.

"The three of you should stay behind Alfonso and watch your steps, we are going in now" Chloe said to her children. Everyone obeyed her and no one said anything as squabbling won't do anything.

"If you are ready, let me know" Alfonso said while standing with his back facing them looking around vigilantly.

"We are ready Alfonso, you can start heading to the Forgotten Region" Chloe replied him after confirming that everyone is ready.

"Okay, I'm going now, please stay close" Alfonso said and begin to move towards the Forgotten Region with measured steps.

The Electric cab dropped them a thousand meter away from the Forgotten Region boundary and they have to trek a bit before getting to the edge of the region.

"We are here, everyone prepare your mind and be watchful" Alfonso said while taking a deep breath which he regret because the air is foul and filled with impurity.

"Alfonso, you really don't have to do this you know."

"I know Madam Chloe, but I'm doing it anyway." Alfonso replied without turning to look at her and step forward into the Forgotten Region.