

Anna2810 · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs

Meeting part 1

Everyone sat around the table which song lin and lin shiyu already cleaned up. Song lin's a little surprised when Lu chen sat at the head of the table. Ji zue, Ling xiao, rose sat on the other side and the demoness obviously sat opposite Lu chen. shiyu, song lin and yun shen sat on the other side. Song lin was a little more than surprised when yun shen sat beside her. It was Lu chen who broke the silence first

"So, what is the first thing we need to do when we reach america?" he said. Songin signaled shiyu to show them the information they got but rose spoke up

"There are somethings we need to consider before we move on to our mission" she said.

"Like?" he asked as he looked at her.

"A place to stay and money" the demoness and song lin said at once. Both looked startled and irritated. Song lin took in her features. The frown that always stays on her face. The eyes that somehow look like a weapon. She was dressed in a nude color off shoulder top paired with black jeans while her silky hair is pulled up in to a high pony. With her dark eyebrows and black nails she looked more an assassin than a military officer. Yun shen's voice brought her back to the present.

"Money....I guess we shouldn't use our own bank accounts and it isn't some teeny tiny trip that we could separate and divide the money among us---"

"There's no need of that. Leave the money matter to me" Ji zue said as he paused and looked down at the table "Why do you have to worry about money when you got a man who's born with silver spoon" he said trying to make a joke out of it. But Song lin could tell no one bought the joke. The air suddenly turned heavy and even the demoness pursued lips and stayed silent. To her surprise shiyu spoke up

"But even if its you..if by chance they notice us getting involved in this mission, they will block your account " she said her tone calm and steady. Lu chen shot her a greatful look.

"Being rich has its advantages miss lin...I can provide us all with fake accounts full with money. So don't worry about being tracked" he said quietly. Shiyu nodded and he looked at the others who kept silent.

"So money is out...now what?" he asked trying to shift the topic. But his tone is too emotionless to not notice . His fists too tightly clenched to think it doesn't bother him. Then rose suddenly linked her arms with him, opening his clenched fists and holding them in her hands. He looked at her but she just smiled and said

"Maybe a hotel ?"



Both Ling xiao and lin shiyu said at once. They looked at each other and smiled slightly

"Why?" Lu chen asked trying hard to ignore their smiles and suddenly the peices came back to song lin and she couldn't help grin inwardly.

Wow! Is that jealousy I'm detecting there? she thought.

"What are you smiling about miss song?" she heard yun shen's silky voice. Her smile vanished and her face returned to its usual aloofness. She heard him chuckle. He leaned close to her a little

"Why try so hard to restrain your fun?" he asked casually. She looked at him blankly

"I don't know what you are talking about" he laughed.

"You're a cunning little women miss song" he said quietly. Song lin just looked away barely restraining her smile.

"Why no?" she heard su yi ask.

"Beacause in hotels there will be lot of security, if some emergency happens we can't come running back there. Our behavior will seem suspicious" ling xiao said.

"And it will be easy for our enemies to track down hotels. The hotel staff clean our rooms and what if they find out something about the missions. Where will we put our weapons?" shiyu added.

"Ohh..you're so smart miss lin" Lu chen said smiling sweetly at her. She looked at him like he's an idiot. Rose giggled at that look. Both song lin and lin shiyu looked at her

"I was always thinking how they got lu chen to stay there for so many days. I can guess the reason now" she said, with a wicked light in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" shiyu asked her.

"She means that it was because of you that lu chen stayed there without complaining...because only a women can stop our mighty captain wolf from whining like an idiot" the demoness said bluntly.

"Hey!" Lu chen said looking like he was extremely wronged. Song lin laughed at his expression.

"Why are you smiling so much today?" Ji zue said out of nowhere. Song lin looked at him and stopped smiling immediately.

"It depends on who I'm smiling at" she said casually. A wave of frustration passed over his face. She would just never talk to him nicely no matter if he's being nice or if he's being egoistic. To everyone's surprise the demoness laughed. Even song lin raised her brows at her in silent question.

She cleared her throat and said

"Get back to the topic" song lin rolled her eyes which apparantly amused yun shen even more.

"So..we shouldn't stay in a hotel then where are we supposed to stay? I mean we'll be there for 4 months right?" rose said. Song lin paused and turned to shiyu.

"What did you say was the location of their base?" she asked abruptly. Shiyu opened the file infront of her and passed it around.

"California, somewhere around the Avenue city...why?" shiyu asked as everyone looked through the files. Song lin went silent for a moment and then said

"I have a mansion in Avenue city...we can stay there if its alright"she said quietly.

"Man---"Ji zue was saying when shiyu said suddenly

"No" all eyes turned to her.