

Anna2810 · Fantasy
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86 Chs


Ji zue was sure song lin would pull rank the moment she knew rose's a liteunant...until she smiled. She fucking smiled at her. He looked at Lu chen wondering if he's somehow hallucinating. But even Lu chen looked a bit shaken.

Song lin smiled and shook her hand.

"Song lin" she said still smiling. Rose laughed and walked towards Ji zue. She draped her hand over his shoulder

"Bro...she doesn't look like how you described her at all" she said smiling sweetly at Song lin. Song lin raised her brows

"How did he describe me?" she asked her tone a little intimidating. Ji zue cleared his throat but before he could answer his friend stepped up to song lin. Thank god he thought.

Song lin looked at the male infront of her. His inky black hair, his cunning little smile. He had a kind of demonic charm to him.

Lucifer..song lin thought. She didn't know why but she could think of only that name when she looked at him. An angel cast out of heaven for his arrogance. Especially in that blood red jacket and black pants.

"Yun shen" he purred at her. she shook his hand and nodded slightly. He had an attire that screamed trouble. He smiled widely at her like he knew precisely what thoughts are running in her mind.He tilted his head a little and looked at shiyu behind song lin. He winked at her

"Hello there" he said to her. Shiyu bowed her head to him. He chuckled when he shiyu just bowed without talking anything. Song lin looked at him side ways. There's this dangerous vibe all around him. Noticing her stare he turned to her.

"Well...the rumors are pretty right I see." he said squinting at her.

"What rumors?" she sounded confused.

"Probably about you being an arrogant devil" someone grumbled from behind her. Song lin didn't even need to turn to recognize the demoness's voice.

"I was asking about me not you.." Song lin said loudly. She could feel the mood shifting in the room as the demoness came towards her. But then Yun shen chuckled. She glared at him.

"Found something funny?" she growled at him. Yun shen grinned at her and dragged a chair from the table. He gave the demoness a sneaky little smile as if telling her : yes you're funny. Song lin couldn't help but smile at his provoking behaviour. Her smile vanished when he noticed her. Amusement lit his eyes. He looked at her for a moment longer before averting his gaze

"Just that...it has been so many days since I have had the honor of watching someone kick your ass" lin shiyu and song lin held their breathe at his bold words though Song lin quietly enjoyed the fun.

The demoness looked at him with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

"How about I give you the honors of it and lets see who wins" she drawled as she cleared the mud in her nails.The momemt the words left her mouth. Both rose and the other male who was silent from the start said


"Absolutely not"

If looks could kill maybe Yun shen would've already died a few time lin shiyu thought. The demoness is looking at him with such venom that shiyu had a hard time standing near her. But yun shen was utterly unfazed. He gave her a lazy smile though his eyes held an unspoken challenge.

If not for the mission song lin would've liked nothing more than to sit and watch them fight. But they have more pressing matters at hand. She turned to the silent male and looked at him quietly. While everything about yun shen screamed trouble, everything about this man screamed peace. He looked good in his peach color formal shirt and white jeans. Song lin felt him monitoring her every move the moment he entered the house. she had a feeling that he also knew that she was watching him.

"Hello" he said suddenly. Song lin realized she stared at him a little too long. Just when she was about to answer him shiyu spoke

"I've seen you somewhere" Everyone looked at her. He looked at her and smiled slowly. Everyone stared as he took shiyu's hand and raised it to his lips. shiyu stood frozen as he kissed her hand and looked at her from his lashes.

"Long time no see...Cristina" he said softly. Song lin looked at lin shiyu, her eyes wide. How the hell did he know her name?.But shiyu suddenly smiled

"Its you!!!" he smiled and bowed.

"Do you know him?" song lin and Lu chen asked at the same time. Song lin looked at him but he was staring at them. At their hands in particular. Shiyu turned to song lin abruptly and pulled her sleeve

"Hey when we were in the city on some mission. I told you about a man I danced with in the pub." song lin didn't look like she remembered anything.

"Common song lin...you were drunk out of your mind that night and the next day I told you about him na???" she exclaimed. Yun shen giggled. Song lin glared at him and tired to remember.

"Oh! the angel guy?" she said. Shiyu nodded and looked up at him.

"Angel guy?" he asked raising his brows. Shiyu smiled awkwardly

"That.. um..you were wearing all white that day and with your smile and all yo..you looked.."

"Just like an angel?" rose said suddenly. Shiyu smiled and nodded slightly. Lu chen came up behind the angel guy and draped his shoulder over him.

"Ling xiao danced with you?" he asked but there's something in his voice that song lin couldn't quite place. She caught rose smiling to herself wickedly. She looked away when she noticed song lin.

"You were all there that day...It was on su yi's birthda---"

"Now...are we here for this or the meeting?" the demoness said suddenly. Yun shen stood up and linked his arms with her. Though she glared at him she didn't remove his hand.

"Though I hate to agree with you cheng xi...you are right" he paused and looked at his watch "we're running late."