

Anna2810 · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs


Song lin smiled at him, pride shown through her eyes. She looked down as her phone beeped with a message. She opened her chat with lin shiyu

-----I will be waiting in my office. Come tell me what else I have to know about the mission after the commander leave-------

Song lin sighed and put her phone away. Just then Lu chen spoke. She almost thought he isn't paying attention since he had been silent throughout the talk.

"Is it you who gave the order to send us here for inspection?" when he asked about the question even Ji zue glared at the commander. The commander smiled sneakily

"Had fun inspecting?" Song lin couldn't help but smile at the sarcasm in his tone. When Ji zue noticed her smile he glared at her and she glared right back at him. He then turned to the commander and asked through gritted teeth.

"Is there a reason commander Zhuang in sending us here other than your amusement?" Song lin tensed up a little when she noticed the anger in his voice. How could they speak like that to the commander? But the commander's face didn't show a gist of seriousness. He giggled. Song lin didn't know what to make of that little giggle. She couldn't quite understand the closeness between them. She felt like an outsider watching a group of close friends. Mr zhuangs voice interrupted her thoughts

"I sent you here so both your parties could understand each other's potential so that you don't create a nuisance when I tell you yo work together" he paused and gave a pointed look to both Ji zue and Song lin. He nodded at the bandages on them "I take it you already tested each others potentials " he said barely controlling his laugh. But lu chen seized the chance and laughed out loud.

"They almost killed each other" he said still laughing. Ji zue have him a look which finally shut him up.

"Why us?" he asked again. The commander sighed and said

"Because your team trusts you both. They'll believe you when you say that you can work together with these girls. But without your words even if I personally go and introduce them as the shadowsisters They'll still talk shit" he paused and smiled at song lin

"You should be thanking me for not sending all of them here" he said sweetly.

"Oh don't tell me the rest of the team is also like him... bearing him for a month is already irritating " she blurted out before she could think. They went silent. Song lin held her breath. Ji zue slowly turned to her and raised his brows at her. That creepy little smile back on his face

"Irritating?" he asked with deadly calm. Song lin stared him down even though she could feel her thundering heart and her sweaty palms. There is something about the way he look at her like he didn't know someone exists in this world who doesn't fear him. That itself made song lin want to punch him, major or no. Just as he opened his mouth commander spoke.

"Well, shall we get to business?" he gave her a look that literally screamed : This isn't over. She just rolled her eyes while he glared at her one last time and turned back to the commander.

"So....are you in ?" the commander asked. They all nodded without word. The old man sighed helplessly and stood up

"Then it's settled...you have 3 days before you go to America. 3 days is all I can give you to settle your matters. Tomorrow morning get off from your posts." he paused and turned to Ji zue. "Give your team a headsup about all of this. Meet in some place where no one can find you and discuss everything. Make sure no one's tailing you. I don't want to take any chances. After your meeting you are free to go to your homes and visit your loved ones and after 3 days let's meet again and that time both the colonels also will be there with me. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir!" they said at once and saluted. The commander nodded and said

"You don't need to see me out and song lin..don't enter in your records that I came here and....I want you to take care of the place where you meet. They're good at killing but not at hiding" he said smiling a little.

"I know a place. we'll meet there. Don't worry sir" she said seriously , the commander nodded one last time and went off.

"To lin shiyu's office. Lets discuss there" Song lin said without looking at them as she made her way out. Ji zue would've snapped her neck for that tone if not for the mention of lin shiyu's name. He remembered the scene where shiyu walked out.

So they both silently followed her out