

Anna2810 · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs

Hello I'm su yi

Ji zue and his team walked inside the building. He remembered lin shiyu telling him to get in the 4th room. He turned to his right and walked towards the 4th room. She had better be there. He could feel the others scanning the surroundings. It was instinct for them to do that. He didn't understand why the hell would they meet up in such a dusty place. When they entered the room they saw a women with her back facing them. It was lin shiyu and she was talking in phone. She turned around just a little and waved at them to come forward. She then bent and opened the wooden door.

"Yes colonel! we have it under control" she way saying in to the phone. Ji zue suspected she was talking to colonel liang. She then climbed down the steps. He turned around at looked at his friends. They raised their eyebrows at him. He sighed followed her down. It took a lot of convincing for Lu chen to actually make them say yes for working an other group. Especially ling xiao. But a word from ji zue had him shut his mouth.

Lin shiyu finally finished her call but she didn't turn around. He didn't understand this girl's behavior. What's with her? Its as if she's intentionally avoiding looking at them. He could feel Lu chen's confusion too but even he stayed silent.

On the other hand shiyu had a wicked smile on her face.

"What's with this dust.." she heard an icy female voice behind her. Shiyu's face nearly split in two as she grinned when she recognized the voice. When they reached the door she placed her palm on it. This time she go it right. When the iron doors opened she heard a light chuckle from behind.

They better not criticize my little white she thought as they all entered the house and she found Song lin behind the sofa looking up at their photos on the wall. She walked up to her and stood beside her.

"They are here" she said quietly. She nodded and Finally they both turned around and looked at the group. Before they could so much as open their mouth. The both females of the alpha team snarled at them.

"You!!" they said at once. Song lin winked at them while shiyu smirked.

"Missed us ?" they both asked at once. The males in house got confused looks on their faces. But before they could react the girls started running. pouncing Ji zue thought as he saw his teammates going after shiyu and song lin not running.

Lu chens eyes bulged out of his eyes at the scene. The demoness...the fucking demoness lost her calm infront of others. He couldn't quite believe what he was seeing. Both she and rose threw themself at Song lin and lin shiyu with such viciousness that he was glad he was not their target. But song lin and lin shiyu ran from there while his friends chased them. What the hell is happening?

They ran around like lunatics. They already ran around the hall once and now song lin and lin shiyu are at the entrance of the bedroom while the demoness and rose just crossed the sofa. That was when he noticed song lin and lin shiyu nodding at each other. He turned to warn his friends but he stood frozen when song lin picked up her knife which Lu chen didn't even realized she was holding and threw it with such force he couldn't see it. The males stood frozen as the knife soared in the air but not towards their friends but towards black button in the wall beside Ji zue. The second the knife hit the button a Glass cage sprang from above and fell on rose and the women beside her. locking them in. He was too surprised to even react.

Song lin panted as she leaned back on the wall but they barely broke a sweat. She and shiyu walked towards the cage without so much as a glance toward the males. They both stood infront of the cage smirking at the women inside.


The demoness slamed her hand on the glass but it didn't so much as budge. The sound broke the males out of their stupor.

"what do you think you_----" one of the males growled but was suddenly interrupted.

"You stay out of it" rose snapped at him. The males looked at each other clearly confused. A slight chuckle was heard, they looked up and found song lin chuckling at the demoness. The demoness glowered at her. But song lin looked away clearly dismissing her. Then she finally turned towards the males. Lin shiyu turned around along with her.

They bowed their head

"Major Ji " they both greeted at once.

"That was quite a fast greeting captain Song" he said sarcastically. She raised her brows at him.

"Oh is it? Then should I have greeted you a little more later?" she asked blinking her almond shaped eyes innocently. Ji zue took a step towards her, gritting his teeth but froze when they heard a sound. They turned and looked at the cage.

"You can continue your bickering later" the demoness paused and glared at song lin "First release us"

"I will. But don't start pouncing on us again" lin shiyu said softly. When the demoness opened her mouth, obviously to snap at her rose quickly spoke up

"Yeah okay" shiyu smiled kindly at her almost as if they didn't run around like lunatics before and went to the wall. She pulled the knife from the button and the cage slid up in a moment. The demoness stepped forward, her eyes glaring daggers at song lin.

"I think you have a death wish!" she said in an icy cold tone. Song lin felt someone walking up to them but she didn't turn her head. Instead she looked at the demoness from her toes to head slowly dragging her eyes. She said as she looked straight in to her eyes.

"I don't like it when someone threatens me in my own place" she said in the same icy tone. But the demoness didn't even flinch from her gaze.She moved close

"Is this how you treat your guests ?" her lips formed a mocking smile.

"Is this how you behave when you meet someone?" Song lin asked with the same mocking smile.

"You know quite well why we behaved that way.." she said through gritted teeth. The demoness looked like she barely kept her temper in check. But song lin's taunts aren't helping.

"I do?" Song lin asked raising her brows.

"Seems like you don't remember...want me to remind you?" the demoness asked her face inches from song lin. Song lin could see the promise of death in the demoness's eyes.

"Sure...why not?" Song lin smiled at her. Just then both rose and lin shiyu pulled their friends back to their side. Rose spoke something in the demoness's ear and she finally calmed down while song lin and lin shiyu just stood there looking at them. Rose stepped forward and extended her hand to song lin.

"Hello. I'm liteunant su yi" she said smiling at song lin.