
Life Before The Klitron

While I was running through the forest I noticed that the sky was no longer a clear blue color. It had started to become almost entirely enveloped in a variety of large clouds that were a dark green color which gave me a horrible feeling that if I did not get into some kind of cover soon it might cost me my life despite all the high resistances that I got for being a living vampire.

"We will need to go inside of a cave and wait out this storm". I said to my minion as I pointed at one of the caves that was inside of the small mountain to that East.

After I made my way to the inside of the cave I sat down and decided to pass the time by talking to my servant about what her life was like as a human before I turned her.

"Come sit down and tell me about your life when you were just an ordinary human.

We have nothing else better to do during this storm that is about to occur so I want to know more about your previous life".

She came to my right side and sit down before explaining her story to me.

"So unlike most humans they get turned at a younger age; I was turned at a much older age so I have a lot more stories to remember. What exactly is it that you wanted me to tell you about my long life?" She asked me as I saw her pull out a pack of cigarettes from the front right pocket of her pants.

"Tell me about your coming of age ceremony. I have been told about stories from human prisoners of war that said it was both glorious and terrifying; but since the stories were told under duress I cannot always believe everything that they told me".

"Well then where do I begin the tail of my coming of age since it was a totally different time over two hundred years ago; for instance we did not have a Klitron process whenever we turned the appropriate age of sixteen".

"So are you telling me that the humans did not always have a process to determine what their talents were?" I asked in surprise because I had always been told that the humans always had this process.

"Well whenever the discovery of talents was realized throughout the Terran sector of the Galaxy we were actually at war with a separate faction of our race.

This faction that we were at constant war with was a group of humans that had unlocked the secrets of the human mind and became telepaths, psychics, and a variety of other forms of beings that use their mind as some means of weaponry.

After the war ended I honestly thought that it was fought for a very petty reason. We originally started the war in order to purify our race of their taint, and to unify our people once again. That was what the government told its citizens.

It was not until the most decisive battle that was fought on Frangor-7 when the first human talent was unlocked.

Saint Jessica unlocked the ability to heal other people while she was there attacking outlaws that were abducting female of the taren collective.

When we won the battle the government thought that talents were more dangerous than not so they applied a method to seal away someone's talent until the government thought they were ready to handle them.

I had unlocked my talent during a burst of anger at someone when I was in college. When I did I discovered that I had the ability to talk with the dead".

"So are you telling me that The Klitron process was originally created as a means to control your people? If so that is totally wrong and I am glad that I chose to turn you into my very first servant".

The rain stopped and I noticed that the clouds were clearing from the sky so I got out of the cave and headed towards the strongest sense of essence that I could smell due to my enchanted senses.

I was able to tell that the leader of this unified Demetra world was on the top of a massive mountain that was to my east.

As I dashed my way to the main mountain of the world I could tell that there was a large amount of Demetra that were rushing from the main mountain and towards the cyborgs that were attacking their world.

I chose to scale the mountain by climbing it manually instead of walking up the pathways since I had the active battle as a means of distraction so that I can maintain my element of surprise for as long as possible.

"Follow me and stay quiet we do not want to raise the awareness of the Demetra or the cyborgs before it is time". I whispered to my servant.

I was able to scale the mountain without any hassle in just a few leaps.

At the very top of the mountain I saw an entire city made out of the same type of buildings as the nest that I had just previously destroyed. The one thing that made this place different was that there was a massive structure that was much more meticulously designed which meant that it was most likely the main building of the world where the queen lived.

The city was surrounded by these organic bushes that seem to pulse as we walked by and they were about five feet tall and had prickly ends as if they were used for some form of detection.

These Demetra were all moving around the city and did not seem to notice us as we continue to approach the main structure.

As we made it about halfway into the City without being noticed I saw my servant step on a white bush which alerted all of the Demetra to our presence.

Then from the ground I saw six different cocoons rise and out of them came these medium height and build Demetra that had long slimy green tails. They also possessed two heads that spit out acid as soon as they saw us.

"You will be assimilated into the hive if our Queen wills it; if not you will be obliterated and removed from existence. Resistance is futile". The Demetra that surrounded us all said.

I shot my nails at the Demetra after he spoke and it did not make contact with their hardened skin instead it bounced right off and made contact with the ground. This told me that their skin was hard and would not be an easy thing to breach.

After I knew that I was not going to be able to kill them I chose to surrender as a means to meet their pack later.

If I could visually see them then I would at least be able to make sense of why this specific Demetra world chose a different path of evolution than all of the others that are on record. I could also probably have better luck killing the pack leader.

As I surrendered I lifted my hands up; and my servant did exactly the same.

It did not take long for them to take us into the main structure which amazed me as I entered it because of the depth of detail and clear mastery of architecture that was shown in this one structure alone.

The Demetra queen had once again integrated mechanical components into their organic structure; but this time it had been done in such a way to where it was almost not noticeable unless you knew what to look for.

The inside of the structure was at least twenty feet in height and divided into multiple sections that all met in one giant room that was in the dead center of the hive.

The Hive did not have any kind of flooring or covering. I could feel the ground as if it were alive just like the rest of the building as I walked on top of it.

Whenever we made it to the main room of the hive I was immediately kicked in the back which caused me to fall on my face; and instead of allowing me to move the Demetra kept me pinned while I heard a voice speak to me.

"So The Undead Council dares to attack me when I am currently in a battle against The Ancient Cyborg Slavery Bureaucracy. How desperate and ignorant your people are". I heard a mature feminine voice say as I looked up from the ground.

This person was clearly the queen of a unified Demetra. She seemed to be strong enough to command an entire planet full of Demetra.

As I looked at her I was filled with fear thinking that I was not going to survive this next fight despite the training that I had gone through.

This feeling of fear enveloped me which kept me pinned to the ground unsure if I should move or allow her to make the first action against me today.

"I will kill you before I give you any valuable information about my people. You should know that family ties mean almost everything to us as a race". I hissed at the Demetra leader knowing that that would urge her to fight me.

"Oh we are not like your common place Demetra that you have fought in the past. Due to our unity we have discovered new means of extracting information from our prisoners of war. I hope that you enjoy your stay here". The queen said to me.

She then stepped into the light where I could see her alien face. She had a single head and looked almost humanoid in appearance except for the scales on her back and the long tail that was above her butt. Instead of having normal fingers she had claws.

As soon as I was able to see her I could also smell a stenching oder that made it hard to focus.

I was using every ounce of self-control to be able to visually keep track of her location.

She then clapped her hands as she came down to my level before turning away and walking down a different hallway.

As soon as she did one of the Demetra that brought me in punched me in the face and knocked me out.