
The Panic Room

What would you do if you woke up in an empty void with only this floating man to guide you? This is the situation Vida finds herself in. Is this a blessing or a curse? Who knows. But it’s obvious that something is happening beneath the surface of this light hearted adventure.

EllaRendon · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


"I'm sorry miss but there's nothing we can do for her now." She heard the man say before she heard her mother weep.

"T-There must be something you can't just give up on her like this, please doctor I'm begging you." Her mother pleaded with the doctor. The doctor sent the mother a sympathetic look. It was never easy to break news like this to parents. That this was their child's life now.

"Believe me miss if I could do anything more I could, but there's sadly nothing I can do. I'm only a doctor, not a god." The doctor explained before walking over and sitting next to her mother giving her a hug. "She'll still have a wonderful life, she'll just learn to appreciate it more." The doctor said with an encouraging smile.

She hated seeing her mom cry, and even though she wasn't necessarily seeing it even hearing it made her want to run to her mother and hug her tight. She clutched onto her stuffed bear and held it close to her chest.


Where am I? The question was so simple, but she had a feeling the answer was more complex. She sat up, her arms behind her as her she leaned back a bit. White, nothing but white surrounded her. The void was empty and blank; expressionlessness she had never seen before.

She stood up and dusted off her dark blue jeans as she looked around, her brown curls following her head. She decided to walk around, it seemed like an eternity before something happened.

"Hello?!" She screamed out into the void. Her voice echoed back to her for a moment before another voice could be heard.

"Hey, kid." She jumped justifiably startled and looked back to see a man floating mid-air. Her brown eyes widened at the sight.

"W-Who are you?" She questioned. She was trying not to freak out considering she was stuck somewhere unfamiliar, in a seemingly vast and empty void with a strange man who was floating in the air.

The man was caucasian with black hair and blue kind eyes. He wore a white button down, black ripped jeans with fishnets underneath, black and white high tops, and fishnet gloves.

"My name's Ace." He smiled as he made his way down to the white floor. "And you're Vida." Vida stood there in shock, now the situation was becoming more terrifying.

"How do you know my name?" She asked backing up ever so slightly.

"Hey, don't be scared. I know your name cause I'm here to teach you."

"Teach me?" Okay it was official, Vida was intrigued.


"What are you supposed to teach me?" She asked curiously.

"I'm here to teach you how to bend reality." He smiled. Okay, she was officially afraid again. This man must be outside of his mind!

"You need some help man." He frowned for a moment before an idea popped in his head.

"Let me show you." He snapped his fingers and the white void slowly filled with doors of all shapes and sizes. Vida looked up spinning in a circle as she took in what she had just witnessed.

"Woah..." It left her mouth unintentionally.

"I can show you." She spun around to face him.

"Show me what?"

"How to do this." He smiled, Vida looked at him skeptically.

"There's no way I could do anything like this, I don't have any special abilities."

"Oh but that's where you're wrong my dear." Ace slowly disappeared before reappearing behind Vida. "Actually you're destined to be stronger than I ever could be." Vida slowly turned around.

"I don't know..." She mumbled.

"What's stopping you?" He crossed his arms and rolled his eyes as he looked at the tan girl. Vida clung to her arm as she bit her lips nervously. Right then an idea popped in his head. He snapped his fingers and slowly they were in a meadow with flowers surrounding them for miles. Vida looked up startled.

"Where are we?"

"Somewhere peaceful." He smiled looking at her. "We simply must change your clothes though." He snapped his fingers and her jeans, shirt, and jacket turned into a pink dress with a small apron, her furry boots turned to slick white boots with pink bottoms, her pants were replaced with white fishnets and her hands now had white gloves over them. He snapped his fingers and a mirror was placed in front of her so she could see herself.

A small gasp escaped her mouth. "It's missing something though." Ace flew up top the mirror and raised an eyebrow. Vida smiled and looked around before grabbing a few flowers, both white and pink. She slowly weaved them together to make a flower crown. She made one for herself then made a blue and white one for Ace. "Here."

Ace flew down and bowed down allowing Vida to place it up top of his head.

"So what do you say little rabbit?" Ace smiled. Vida looked down and frowned.

"I-I can't."

"And why is that?" Ace asked sarcastically with a roll of his eyes as he popped out his hip sassily.

"This isn't real Ace, it can't be it has to be a dream of some sort. Even if it was why should I do this? I don't know what's gonna happen if I say yes." Vida said bringing her eyes to meet his. He sighed and looked at the girl.

"Even if this is a dream,what's the harm in dreaming?" Silence overtook the duo. "Aren't you tired of the same old pain and hurt? Don't you want to experience something different?" She crossed her arms in a sad attempt to feel better.

"Yes..." She whisperered lowly, her eyes slowlymeeting his. "But I can't do what you're proposing."

"Tell me the exact reason why." He stated sternly. Her lip quivered and she looked down.

"I'm afraid if I dream of these things I'll realize I was never truly living." A tear escaped her eye before she looked up.

"But isn't that the first step in living, my dear, you were meant to dream. Don't deprive yourself of it because of fear." Silence overtook them again. "So little rabbit, what do you say?" Vida smiled wiping away her tears.

"Let's do it." She smiled causing Ace to smile. He snapped his fingers and a door appeared in front of them. "After you m'lady." Vida smiled taking a step through the door with Ace by her side.