
The Panic Room

What would you do if you woke up in an empty void with only this floating man to guide you? This is the situation Vida finds herself in. Is this a blessing or a curse? Who knows. But it’s obvious that something is happening beneath the surface of this light hearted adventure.

EllaRendon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

The Rabbit Hole

They went through the door but much to their surprise there was nothing but a black void that would make them fall. It almost seemed like they were falling upwards for some time. It was a moment before they landed in a pile of leaves.

"Was that supposed to happen?" Vida asked as she dusted herself off.

"No, but things here are slightly unpredictable." Vida sighed and lent Ace a hand before pulling him up. "You know I could've just floated up, right?" Ace laughed. Vida blushed out of embarrassment.

"Oh shush, I was being nice."

"Whatever you say my little rabbit." Ace teased.

"So, where are we?" Vida brought her gaze from Ace to the surrounding area.

"God knows if I know." Vida rolled her eyes.

"Well, we should at least walk around and try to find something."

"Sure, let's do that." Ace agreed before they started to make their way to nowhere in particular.

"So, why do you want to teach me how to do this stuff?" Vida asked finally breaking the silence.

"You were chosen, I didn't have much say in it, but either way you seem nice enough so I don't mind." Ace shrugged his shoulders.

"Who was I chosen by?" Vida was curious and wanted answers, it's not every day that a man with superpowers says he wants to teach you how to do what he's doing, and not only that but you will become stronger than him and were chosen for this by someone. Ace smirked and pushed one of the trees aside, letting Vida go first before following after her.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, that's why I'm asking." Vida said with a roll of her eyes. Was this guy that dense?

"Well unfortunately I can't exactly tell you that information."

"Why not?" Ace smirked looking at Vida.

"Because, you've gotta figure that out on your own."

"And why is that?" Vida asked raising an eyebrow.

"Can't tell." Ace shrugged his shoulders as he tracked forward. Vida huffed and rolled her eyes once more before following him. Ace stopped walking causing Vida to bump into him.

"Hey! What gives?!" Vida asked angrily.

"Shh." Vida huffed but followed command before going next to him to see what had caused him to stop. He seriously stopped for a bunny? Vida smiled and made her way to the bunny. "Vida, come back here!" Ace whisper yelled. Vida sat down next to the bunny and it came next to her. She pets the bunny on its head causing her to smile. Ace huffed before going to where Vida sat.

Slowly the bunny transformed into a human with bunny ears catching Vida by surprise.

"Why hello traveler!" The girl had white hair and white bunny ears, pale skin, and black looking pupils.

"I told you not to come here." He chuckled causing Vida to glare at him.

"You could've let me know they weren't a regular rabbit." Vida mumbled causing Ace to laugh a bit.

"What are your names dear travelers?" Vida must admit this bunny girl was adorable.

"I'm Ace and this is Vida." Ace smiled.

"Oh how nice! My name's Bunny, you simply must meet the others."

"The others?" Vida asked tilting her head.

"Mhmm! My village!" Vida smiled and stood up dusting herself off before looking back a Bunny with a smile.

"Lead the way." Vida smiled before Bunny jumped due to happiness.

"Follow me then." Bunny said excitedly before starting to hop north.

"So, how many of you are there?" Vida asked as she examined the vegetation they passed.

"About one-hundred." Bunny continued to hop.

"Wow, so you're village is pretty big, huh?" Vida asked as her hand glided across a tree trunk.

"I guess you could say that, we're all pretty close though." Bunny smiled.

"That's good." Vida smiled as she brought her attention from the vegetation to Bunny. Bunny hummed in agreement before stopping.

"Here we are!" She exclaimed happily before hopping towards the small huts that made up the village. "Come come!" Bunny grabbed Vida's wrist dragging her into the village. Ace chuckled and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans before following behind. "We have guests everyone!" Bunny said stopping in front of a hall full of bunny people that looked like her.

Murmurs filled the mess hall before they erupted in cheers.

"Visitors! Visitors!" The bunnies cheered happily causing Vida to giggle and smile.

"Will you please stay for a while?" Bunny asked with puppy dog eyes. Vida kneeled down beside her and brushed a strand of her hair out of her face.

"If you'd like us to stay then sure, we'll stay." Vida smiled causing Bunny to smile and clench her hand happily.

"She says they'll stay everyone!" Bunny announced to the rest of the group causing them to cheer louder. The night was spent celebrating and feasting, the two were definitely enjoying themselves.


Vida woke up groggily and looked around. What is that loud stomping? She could hear yelling outside waking her up for real. She got out of bed and ran outside to see the village in utter chaos and terror.

She looked to Ace who had just come out of his hut as well.

"What's going on?" Vida asked having to raise her voice to be heard over all the screaming.

"I don't know!" Vida looked around to see Bunny sitting behind one of the huts clutching her knees to her chest. She ran to Bunny and kneeled in front of her.

"Bunny what's going on?" Vida asked before Bunny brought her face up to reveal she was crying.

"There's a monster that terrorizes our village and he's here." Bunny explained quickly before putting her head down again. Vida looked shocked for a moment before running back to Ace.

"You need to get rid of this monster."

"Vida I'm not strong enough..." Ace sighed before an idea popped in his head. "But you on the other hand."

"Ace I don't know the first thing about how to manipulate reality."

"Simple just imagine it, but for this one you'll have to absorb it."

"Absorb the monster? Like a sponge?!"

"Yup!" Ace said before patting Vida's shoulder. "And it looks like the big guy himself is hear." Ace said pointing to the approaching monster. The monster looked like those shadow monsters you imagine when you were five.

Vida took a breath in before walking towards it catching everyone's attention. The monster stopped walking in front of her and growled in her face. Vida held herself together and imagined herself soaking in the monster. It hurt but she was getting it done.

Murmurs could be heard behind her and Ace cheering her on. It took a minute but Vida soon absorbed the whole monster. Vida turned around to see the shocked and still slightly scared bunnies. They were silent for a moment before erupting in cheers. Vida smiled and walked back to Ace.

"Lesson one you are a duality with both light and darkness existing within your being all at once."