
The saddest part (1)

You know what the saddest part about losing you was?

I became thirsty

I yearned deeply

I searched in places I wouldn't find

I became hungry

I took a deep whif of whatever passed by

I took a bite of whatever seemed mildly "the one"

You know what the saddest part about losing you was?

I cried, days and nights

I wished. I reminisced

I clinged till I could no more

I hoped till I saw no light

My heart ached till it became numb

You know what the saddest part about losing you was?

I missed you, day in, day out

I saw you in my dreams every other night

I thought about you as often as I blinked

I saw you in every future I envisioned or fantasised

You know what the saddest part about losing you was?

I didn't get over you

I couldn't hate you

You know what the saddest part about losing you was?

I became afraid, unsure

I started to doubt and question everything around me

I felt unsafe, unloved, alone

I felt I had lost all I had, you.

I feel lost without your love, your attention

The first chapter of the story. it's love, hurt and all in this book. I hope you stay till the last chapter

Ekemespencreators' thoughts