
Chapter: 33

Ye Jun quietly walked toward the dustbin and picked up the flowers thrown by Nari. He dusted it off a bit and looked at them with sad eyes.

"It was so stupid of me to think that you brought this for me." 

He mumbled as he looked at those fresh flowers.

"What are you doing here, reporters are waiting for you at the exit?" 

A woman came to him with a bright smile.

Ye Jun turned around to face her,

"Oh! You already received a bouquet? That's so famous of you even though you didn't reveal your face." She laughed.

"Let's go." she locked her arms with him.

He looked ahead and walked together with her. His eyes roamed around the whole airport trying to find the one woman who he had unexpectedly met some minutes ago. 

The reporters asked numerous questions and Ye Jun answered them with a frown on his face while his eyes never stayed still until one reporter asked, "And we heard your and Miss Se Jeong's company are merging. Should we consider it as you both are getting married?"