
Chapter 46: Eclipse Lake

On the floor of the steps to the portal; Belos' shadow overlooks a section of a book on Grimwalkers, a blueprint for the key and his mask.

"Great starting off again in Belos' domain..." groaned Eda along with others.

Belos has an Abominatron turn a valve that pours goo through a tube that he has connected to the portal door. It lights up and he try uses a fake key on it but it disintegrates as he tries to use it.

Eda smirks at this and the audience thought that at least Belos wasn't making much stride yet in his plans for the portal.

Hunter is hiding and quietly tells Flapjack to shoo with Belos with his back turned asks Hunter if he wants to see how it works.

They gulped; "Well he cleary doesn't want his uncle to crack open his new Palisman friend..." Luz said wondering if he could be swayed to the good guys like Lilith was, could be harder since he is Belos' own nephew but still.

Hunter comes over after hiding Flapjack saying that he didn't mean to hide, Belos turns to face him and his face is shown.

Gasps filled the audience as they all had their mouths wide open.

"The Emperor's own face... All these years and I could never get a glimpse off it..." Lilith muttered.

"What happened to him that not only gave him those weird outbursts but put his face to looking like almost Two-Face from Batman..." Hal asked with most of the audience not looking forward to learning more about the deal with him was.

Belos says that without the real key; the portal door refuses to open. Hunter asks about if it's true about how rain doesn't boil in the Human Realm; Belos clarifies saying that he has been there before which he never told Hunter and quickly explains about the trees and night which he looks forward to seeing again.

"Belos... He's been to the human realm before? If so how did he get back to the Boiling Isles?" Luz asked wondering about her ultimate foe's mysterious past.

Most of the audience were confused about this detail as well.

Belos asks if he was spying on him to hear these boring stories; Hunter asks why he was switched out for Kikimora at the operation at the Knee and Belos replies that everyone has their use and the Titan has big plans for Hunter and it would be such a hassle to find a replacement.

"...I don't like the way he said 'replacement'..." frowned Camila upon seeing Belos implies that his own nephew was the slightest bit replacable.

He then says that Hunter can be useful by staying safe in the castle; Hunter swears he could do better if this is punishment for failing his last mission he can do better but Belos tells him good night.

Amity looked tense feeling that this felt quite familiar to her; reminding her off how her own mother talks to her.

The opening is shown.

Amity with a clipboard is walking through the halls of the Owl House and asks Hooty for his status; he crashes through the window with the perimeter secure and is told to clean up the mess.

"I never want to see you trying that Hooty! Do you know how expensive those windows are?" warned Eda to Hooty who gulped.

Willow with Clover nearby has gathered supplies in a paper bag and Ghost comes over putting down a spider with Amity asking if he helped too.

The pet owners thought this was adorable and Amity smiled; seeing her future Palisman and was looking forward to meet Ghost in person.

Gus comes over with Emmiline bringing over some CDs while King has a speaker; Gus explaining that Eda gave them some soothing human noises from her basement and then realises that Eda is still there.

Amity goes to the living room saying that Eda is supposed to be helping Hooty with the defenses but finds her trying to make a pose and roar.

"I don't want to find out whatever this is but I know we will soon will..." moaned Lilith as others where made speechless about this.

"I bet I know what this is..." smirked Eda; trying to transform into Harpy Eda on command and perhaps she can learn to do it herself this episode.

Eda is trying to turn into Harpy Eda on command with help from a workout video which is a video copy of Dragonclaw Z; Amity says that it looks ancient and Eda notices that it's 30 years old and she remembers seeing it in theatres.

Eda glared at anyone who would dare to make jokes about her age but Luz and some humans were excited; "Oh I love this franchise! Going to the video store to check them out as well as watching reruns! Despite some issues I really like Dragonclaw Super!" Luz squealed excitedly and Amity thought that before she would have found Luz's dorky fangirling out stupid but now it was endearing and cute.

Amity tells her that they have a crisis on their hands but Eda is dismissive saying that everything is fine; Amity takes Eda to Luz's room asking if this seems fine to her as Luz is under the covers with rolled up tissues and she has a cloth on her forehead while playing about with her arms with socks on her hands thinking that it's like she has snakes for arms.

"Luz! What has happened to my Mija!" Camila screamed dreading about any effects that a dark magic world disease would have her; pulling Luz in with great concerned as Amity and Luz's friends were concerned as well.

"Don't worry or overreact; the Common Mold is harmless..." brushed off Eda.

"Except Eda; we don't know what a witches sickness will do to a human." Raine pointed out before Lilith or Amity could and Eda sighed.

Eda tells her that she just has the Common Mold which is harmless but Amity reminds her that they don't know how it will affect her as she is a human. Luz wonders if she would return to the human world if she eat the portal key but the Abomination holding a tissue box takes it from her and gives it Amity saying that she isn't giving it back until she is better.

Luz looked embarassed about what she was seeing.

Luz then gets her cat message toy to send a message and Amity looks at her's but doesn't understand it before closing the door.

"I bet that it's nothing bad Amity." Luz assured Amity.

WIllow admits that seeing her around more often is different and Amity explains that she was taught to see every situation as an opportunity and she will show Luz that she is an awesome girlfriend.

"More confirmation! Yes!" squealed Willow along with others.

"No more suffering through them slowly getting together on screen!" said the twins at once.

"So now we have to suffer through them being sickingly sick with eachother on screen." Boscha said as there were glares at her.

"Well she isn't exactly wrong..." Eda managed to admit causing the Lumity couple to glare at her.

King notes that it feels like just a few months ago that she almost got Luz dissected by their crazy principal and Gus reminds that it was a few months ago.

The audience laughed at this; how things changed especially here where they had less time and are just watching all this...

They hear a yell and they open the door concerned to see Luz pointing to the echo mouse showing another diary entry: Phillip narrates that after 5 years he has finally found Titan's Blood the power source so potent it could pierce through realms. Old tales speak off lakes reflecting green trees and blue skies; the Titan's veins run through the land and many people believe the wild portals are created when the Titan's Blood leaks into the water. It's how he got there and he shall journey back to Eclipse Lake.

"So we now know how Phillip got to the Boiling Isles in the first place..." Luz commented as this was advancing the mystery of Phillip.

"Well looks like the next stage in finding Luz a way back is here!" Eda commented with other agreeing but Lilith frowned.

"If he had found his way back then he wouldn't have been able to donate his journal to the library. Obviously something went wrong on his journey." Lilith pointed out and things were tense as they realised this.

Luz has it drawn down and wants to go to Eclipse Lake but Eda catches her and Willow pushes her back in saying that she isn't well. She is tied up and Eda says that if she calms down then King and her will get the Titan's Blood and King is excited about a chance to take their new powers on a test drive.

Eda and King were excited about this; "On one hand Luz isn't in danger this episode but on the other she has a witches sickness..." Camila muttered not knowing what to think off this development.

Luz passes her drawing to Eda before resting and Amity volunteers as Luz's girlfriend and Eda gets it and puts Willow and Gus in charge of watching Luz since she thinks she has snakes for arms.

Luz looked further embarassed about this display and there were snickers at this.

"Remember when Willow got the Common Mold herself Harv?2 Gilbert asked his husband to Willow's embarassment.

"I could gie you all the scoop on what happened to Gus during his time in it?" suggested Perry.

"How about when just a few weeks ago Boscha got it..." Boscha's mother suggested and there were snickers from the 3 embarassed teens as they all shouted out in unison:


Kikimora is watching over Emperor's Coven scouts and Abominatrons working at a mime and the captain suggests that they slow down as the tunnels are unstable.

"Here is something that we didn't need; seeing Kiki again..." groaned Lilith and there were no disagreements there.

Kikimora thinks that it could be her last chance to show Belos what she can do and knows that the Golden Guard will spoil it; she then yells at Steve to jump over the chasm before she throws him over it.

"She is always so mean to me!" groaned Steve putting his face to his hands as Lilith patted him on the shoulders.

Behind a tree Hunter is disguised as a scout asking why Flapjack keeps following him; he explains that the plan is to sneak in to find the Titan's Blood before Kikimora and give it to Belos so he could be useful again.

Lilith hated to admit it even to herself but even she found herself feeling sympathy for Hunter here; especially as she could relate to trying to earn Belos' favor against Kikimora even if she never tried to actively undermine the short demon.

Hunter ducks as the tree he is hiding behind is destroyed by a blast from the Abominatron that Kikimora is riding on top off; the captain asks if everything is alright and thinks that she just heard an annoying voice.

"Well one thing we have going for our side is that we are united while Belos has his two main underlings competing and undermining eachother trying to earn his favor..." Luz pointed out and this was a good sign.

Hunter runs away to find another way in but notices Eda, King and Amity walking a path; King says the place is crawling with tools and what gives with Eda explaining that the Titan's Blood is the most powerful source of magic in the Isles so no surprise that Belos wants it too.

Definitely no surprise there.

Luz says that they can't afford to mess this up as Luz is counting on her but corrects herself saying them. Hunter wants them to lead him to the Titan's Blood but Flapjack plays with his mask causing him to trip and fall down in front of them; he tries to pass himself off as a normal Coven scout and Eda asks if King recognises the annoying voice. Hunter asks why does everyone say that before running away but Amity catches him with goo from a jar in her coat with his mask falling off.

"There's my awesome girlfriend!" Luz smiled in pride to Amity causing her to blush as everyone even Bump and the Abomination Track impressed with her use off the goo. Even the projection was smiling at this.

Eda says that he is Belos' right hand man and Amity says that the Golden Guard is a lot scrawnier than she imagined which King laughs at to Hunter's annoyance.

Despite their sympathy for him; they couldn't help but snicker at this.

Eda crashes through a wall off the cave trying to turn into Harpy mode which King found very funny.

Eda shook her head; she will find out how to trigger it one way or another.

Amity has her staff pointed to a tied up Hunter refusing to put it down not trusting him but they found old mining equiptment and Hunter tries to explain how ancient witches used to mine for Titan's Blood but Amity points out that they are not paying attention.

Eda wants King to fire a drill at her thinking that the adrenaline will kick in and trigger the transformation; Hunter warns them not to but a blast is went off and bounces around the cave before Amity catches it in a ball of Abomination goo.

"How exactly did you last all this time on the run?" Raine asked Eda shaking their head and Eda glared at them as the audience snickered.

"I already have enough critics here so I don't need another." retorted Eda.

Hunter explains that the walls off the cave are made with the veins off the Titan so any magic that they shoot will bounce back at them. Eda then suggests that King uses his new powers to echo locate the Lake and attempts but shrugs; Hunter mutters that the two are going to get them caught and Amity retorts that there is no 'us' while telling him to keep walking.

"He is probably right... You have made it so that I agree with the Golden Guard and that is something that I can't forgive Edalyn..." groaned Lilith and Eda glared at her to more snickers.

"If I can forgive you cursing me then... Will you please stop that?" Eda snapped facing those who were still snickering.

Back at the Owl House; Willow is trying to cook while Gus doesn't think Hooty's idea of listening to whale noises and thinks that they look terrifying but Hooty retorts that he never heard of underground hip-hop before and Gus finds it soothing. Willow asks if they could please be quiet and suggests playing them at the same time which gets them excited.

"... We don't have to listen to whatever that turns out right?" asked Samantha hesitatingly.

"Come on; I bet it will be a blast!" Gus protested along with Hooty.

Back at the caves; Eda tells Hunter that Luz told her that she met someone interesting on the trip and said that he was in her own words 'a bad but sad boy' which Eda and King snickers at.

The audience snickers as well; it was indeed a fitting description of him so far.

Hunter retorts that if he ever see him again but Amity tells him to watch it and says at least he isn't delusional enough to to think that he can turn into a Harpy to which Eda hisses at him.

Eda hissed as well.

King tells them to give it a rest and Hunter says to listen to her rat to which King attacks his hair and Amity points out that they can see Kikimora leading an expedition through the caves.

King was glaring at the screen.

The captain stops them pointing out that it's a dangerous area so they have to move carefully and Kikimora retorts that careful takes too long and her butt is on the line.

"With any luck she will get herself put out of our misery." Lilith said sounding like she was pleading with the tone of voice and the audience were hopeful as well.

Eda says that Kikimora has gone through something and Amity points out that they are blocking the path to Eclipse Lake while Kikimora continues to rant.

"Can't anything be easy in the Boiling Isles?" groaned Luz and the others felt the same about these adventures.

Hunter suggests creating a distraction to which Eda takes off with King saying to wait for her signal; Hunter says that when they are caught they can take the Titan's Blood for themselves.

"Sorry Eda but I can't fault Hunter for not having faith in your planning skills." Willow said and Eda humphed with others shaking their heads.

Amity says to stop talking as if they are a team to which Hunter retorts that they might as well be since Eda and King have nothing at stake unlike them; Amity says that he has no idea what he is talking about but the cat message toy interupts and Amity doesn't understand the message. Hunter doesn't think it looks good and thinks that it says to come back with results or else.

"Wow... I think Hunter is projecting big time..." Luz remarks feeling sympathy grow for him with others feeling the same way.

Amity says that Luz wouldn't make that kind of threat and she is an awesome girlfriend; Hunter asks if she told her that.

"I am telling you it right now Amity: you are an awesome girlfriend!" Luz assures pulling Amity in with her arms around her neck and Amity smiles comfortable with the others smiling at the display.

Hunter says that they have a lot in common as the both of them are trying to show what they can bring to the table and they can't fail since there is nothing worse than disappointing someone who thinks you are special and this gets to Amity.

"Even if Belos has some genuine affection and worry for him; he really has done a number on Hunter..." Camila frowned understanding how someone raised by that tyrant could turn out like Hunter has.

"I understand how his words would affect you Amity with all the pressure that your parents must have put on you..." Luz told Amity softly and she sighed looking down with the projectionist getting a guilt feeling inside of him.

Eda puts her hair over face to pretend to be the Ghost of Miner's Past to spook them out to which King says that she looks like one of her hairballs and says to just do the trenchcoat thing.

"Eda; I don't want you to comment on Luz's planning skills again considering your best idea was to try and act like a Scooby Doo villain!" Hal remarked and Eda glared at the snickering audience members.

They avoided a blast bouncing about as as an Abominatron puts Kikimora's crew inside a magical circle; Eda catches up to Amity and Hunter asking why didn't they wait for her signal and Amity says that they don't have time to play around but she drops her cat message toy.

"I can't blame Amity for this..." Raine admitted in a low and guilty tone and Eda didn't have it in her at the moment to even react.

Luz plays with the ears off the echo mouse and gets a diary entry after booping it's nose: Phillip says that his journey to Eclipse Lake was both a success and a tragic failure as the tunnels were filled with Fool's Blood with him lucky to get out alive but his companions were not.

"Sometimes I hate being right and this is one of those times..." muttered Lilith as she shook her head as the others were concerned.

Luz says that she has got to warn them but accidentally breaks the crystal ball and tries to call for the others downstairs but they are listening to the combined music. She then notices her cat message toy.

"But Amity dropped it..." Gus remarked and things were tense in the audience as the group weren't going to be able to get the message.

An abominatron manages to catch the bouncing blast and Kikimora bet that it's Hunter in the tunnels and orders her crew to find him but finds the cat message toy picking it up.

"Off course she had to find it..." groans Luz.

After they find the cave filled with Fool's Blood; Amity points out that Eclipse Lake is further ahead with Hunter telling Eda and King to stop warning them about the Fool's Blood but Eda doesn't believe it breaking apart a rock with her staff causing a crack in the ground swallowing her and King.

The audience freaked out about this as there were looks off concern going towards Eda and King; Eda felt comfortable as Raine pulled her in.

Amity goes on her staff to follow but Hunter tells her to wait for him and they hear Kikimora's crew coming with her calling for the Golden Guard. Hunter begs to be untied so he can escape as he doesn't want to be replaced and Amity relents.

"Let's hope you don't regret it..." Emira said.

Hunter then sweeps her leg and rides on a cart to reach Eclipse Lake before anyone.

"I now regret Emira..." glared Amity as the audience glared as well; ignoring the sympathy that been built for the 'bad but sad boy'.

Amity found herself being caught by Kikimora and her crew.

"Amity!" the twins and Amity's friends shouted as Amity felt Luz holding her hand concerned.

Kikimora said that Hunter is always making her look bad well now she can get her revenge and the Titan's Blood too after being reminded by the captain. The Abominatron she was on transforms into a cart and takes off after saying she doesn't care what to do with Amity while being followed by scouts on another Abominatron cart.

They gulped; "still the transforming Abominatron looks cool..." said someone trying to break the tension and the projectionist nodded at the invention at work.

The captain halfheartedly interrorgates Amity before quickly finding it funny and just drops her through the hall with the cat message toy.

The audience became more worried for Amity and anger at the captain.

Amity is caught by Eda hanging on her staff along with King as she catches the toy.

Sighs of relief at this.

Eda points out that Owlbert is knocked out so they can't fly and King brings up Harpy Eda to which Eda admits that she doesn't know how but then Owlbert starts to crack.

Eda holds onto Owlbert protectively.

King suggests talking to the Owl Beast; Eda didn't as she thought it was a wild animal to which King reminds her that she once thought the same off him.

Eda blinks at this as this was a good point.

Owlbert cracks more and Eda tries; Eda says that the Owl Beast wants to make a deal that she is relucant about but relents as she flies out as Harpy Eda carrying them all but doesn't want to talk about what she promised to do.

Eda didn't want to think about the other end off the bargain was.

They follow with King excited about a real life mine cart chase but they see Kikimora's crew all knocked out after crashing; King pointing out that they must be more dangerous than video games make them seem.

"Any underwhelming anti-climax for that..." Luz admits and they all agreed with that.

"After everything we have seen in the Boiling Isles; we need more anti-climaxes..." Camila told her.

Amity points out the sign to Eclipse Lake but an Abominatron catches Eda's leg bringing them down; Eda tells Amity to get to the lake as the Abominatron tosses her back.

"Don't worry I can take them!" Eda shouted assuredly and confidently.

Amity runs forward with King and the captain throws her spear but Eda catches it and crushes it with her claw; she then goes to attack.

"Drat; cutting back before it gets good..." groaned Eda.

Amity reaches the lake but there is nothing in there but Hunter kneeling in the middle; she goes forward and Hunter says that there is no Titan's Blood.

"Well... At least Belos can't get it now..." Willow said and that was reassuring.

Hunter explains that Belos needs Titan's Blood to make a new portal key and Amity remarks about that putting her hand around the key.

The audience blinked at this bit of knowledge.

Hunter thought this was a chance to make up for his last failed mission but he can't go back empty handed so he is digging his grave to which King says that it's bumming him out.

No disagreements there and Amity thought back to how she thought about being scared of disappointing her parents.

Hunter says that everyone has their use and if they don't which Amity gets; King asks and Amity brings out the toy saying that she doesn't understand all the messages but thinks it says to come back with results or they are done.

"Wow Amity... I would never think of giving such a message to you! I would be such a controlling emotionally abusive bitch..." Luz assured Amity and she smiled along with others including Camila who didn't have the heart to interupt this moment to admonish LUz for her language.

King turns it sideways and Amity reads that it calls her rad, the Fool's Blood bad, asking if she is okay and to come home.

The audience smiled at this sweet message as Amity smiled at Luz.

Amity remembers that it's Luz that they are talking about and then comes up to Hunter as he tries to bury himself saying that he is right about them having a lot in common; she grew up thinking that everything was an opportunity to justify existing but there are people out there who won't make you feel worthless so you just have to let yourself meet them.

Amity then looked around and smiled at her friends and siblings; she and others hoped that Hunter would let himself meet them as well.

The projectionist was deep in thought about what Amity had said just now.

She offers a hand but he notices the key around her neck and reaches out for it; Amity says that being nice usually works for Luz.

Not unexpected but still disappointing all the same with groans from the audience.

"To be fair; it took a while for it to work on you..." Luz reminded her and Amity nodded realising that.

King uses an echo blast at Hunter but Flapjack turns into a staff for Hunter; it feels weird for Hunter not used to using normal staffs as Amity attacks with Abomination goo.

They start fighting intensenly with it ending in a stalemate.

The audience looked intense at this admitting that it looked cool and also impressed with the both of them; Amity could feel her siblings, girlfriend and friends smiling at her but the projectionist was also smiling down at her.

Hunter admits that Amity is strong and he is tired so she will probably escape but they know where to find her and Luz; Amity crushes her hand with the key and relents in handing it over saying to stay away from Luz.

"No Amity!" shouts Luz as there was dread from the audience about Belos now having the portal key.

"I would risk a lot to make sure that nothing would happen to you Luz." Amity said feeling like she would make the same choice right now while Eda just had her face in her hands.

Hunter says appreciated and then turns his head says he means it too before flying off.

"I can tell that he genuinely means that..." Luz admitted softly shaking her head; still upset about what had just happened.

Eda flies to them ready to fight but finds King with his horns stuck and Amity kneeling down; she then says dang it.

"Not a good feeling knowing that we lost that day..." Eda said able to tell what her screen self was thinking.

Luz wakes up with mushroms on her head feeling great but wonders if the mushrooms are permanent but goes to find everyone.

The humans were grossed out and Camila held Luz concerned but Amity said "don't worry; just an effect off the Mold being done. You take them off and you're fine."

Camila sighed in relief.

Luz runs into willow who is with Hooty and Gus with Hooty having Willow's soup bowl land on his head; Luz asks if the others returned and they spot Amity and King at the door trying to drag Eda through with her unable to transform back from Harpy mode.

"Something to work on after figuring out the best way to transform..." Eda said to herself

King says that she eat 9 voles on the way home and Eda says that it was her end off the bargain before going through.

The audience were grossed out especially Eda; "We are going to have to discuss this..." Eda thought in her head trying to communicate with the Owl Beast as if it was actually listening.

Amity is pulled into an embrace by Luz glad that her awesome girlfriend is okay with Amity blushing.

Cue squeals from Team Lumity which was now most off the audience.

King protests about no King hug calling her a swindler and a thief; picked up for a hug by Luz and he quickly regrets this.

The audience laughed at this to King's embarassment; still King thought that Luz was the best big sister that he could ever ask for.

Harpy asks Amity if she wants to break the news about the disastrous day but Amity says that they might be okay showing the Titan's Blood on her glove from crushing the key.

The audience sighed with relief and cheered; "Looks like that key is worthless to Belos at the moment! My awesome and smart girlfriend!" Luz beamed and Amity smiled.

Hunter looks at the cracked key and Flapjack goes to his hand with him noticing how he stuck with him the whole time; Hunter finds himself understanding him and is told his name as he speaks to him while walking off.

"Despite still being loyal to his uncle; the 'sad but bad boy' still isn't all bad..." Luz remarked putting on a small smile and most of the audience had to begrudgingly admit it.

"Well that was something, wasn't it folks?" Cornholio said.

"I'll say. So much for getting the Titan's blood." sighed Eda.

"But at least Belos won't have enough blood from the key for his own portal…" said Lilith. "I hope…"

"But hey, those moments between Luz and Amity were just SO ADORABLE!" Willow cooed.

"I think you did prove yourself to be an awesome girlfriend Mittens." Emira praised.

There were murmurs of agreement.

"Thanks 'Em." Amity smiled.

"Do you think Hunter will turn over a new leaf?" asked King. "I mean, I don't think Belos has truly been good to him."

"I wonder if he's even telling him the truth Hoot-Hoot." said Hooty.

"I hope so." said Luz. "I don't really think he's a bad guy."

"Luz Noceda: Always willing to see the good in people." Gus mused.

"And I love her for it." Amity smiled, making Luz blush and giggle.

"Now that that's done, up next is-" Cornholio was cut off when there was a flash of light. "OH FOR THE LOVE OF DIGIMON! NOW WHO IS INTERRUPTING MY-Oh my god…" He trailed off as his expression turned to shocked horror.

The audience was surprised by his change in tone and looked in his direction and gasped.

"Wait, is-is that Joey?!" Luz gasped.

"Who's the girl?" asked Edric.

"Wait! That's Joey's sister Angela from the video!" Hooty hooted.

"But why are they here?" asked Eda. 

"And why are they covered in blood?!" cried Amity.

Joey and Angela staggered over to the group.

"G-G-Guys…" Joe wheezed.

"Joey! Angela!" Camilla said as she tried to help balance Joey. "At díos mio, what happened to you two?!"

"The killer…." Angela wheezed as Eda and Lilith tried to help balance her too, holding her by the arms.

"The killer?" said Gus.

"You mean Ghostface?!" Luz asked in alarm.

"He cut us…" Angela panted before stumbling out of Eda and Lilith's grasps. "Blood… every… wh-"

Angela trailed off before she passed out on the ground with a THUD! 

Everyone screamed.

"Hang on, we'll help you!" Eda cried as the Clawthorne sisters kneeled down to tend to her.

Joe suddenly pulled away from Camilla before coughing up some blood.

"Oh Titan he's coughing up blood!" gasped Raine.

"What did the killer do to you?!" asked King, terrified. 

"Ghostface… cuts… every*cough*where…" Joey panted, blood dripping from his mouth. "You guys… blurry…?"

"Blurry?" Willow and Gus asked in confusion.

"Body… feeling… light…" Joey said before he collapsed onto the ground as everyone screamed again. 

All Joe could hear was Luz screaming "SOMEBODY HELP THEM!!!!" as he passed out from his wounds and blood loss, not seeing Edric and Emira picking him up.

"I doubt all the healing magic that I know would be able to heal injuries like these quickly...." Lilith muttered checking on Angela.

"...I wish that I had some off my potions with me...." Boscha muttered with some Potions Track students agreeing as even as much a jerk as she could be; she wouldn't go down to the level off just letting someone die in front of her if she could do help it.

Camila wished that she could do more but unfortunately most off her medical knowledge was or animals but blinked remembering something; she then turned to see Cornholio who was acting uncharacteristically shaken and quiet. "All your reality warping magic..... Can you fix this?" Camila pointed out as everyone blinked turning to their host as Cornholio readied his fingers.

"Oh yeah... Stand back and give me a moment please...." Cornholio said as they complied and soon enough the two were put onto beds and they all saw their injuries and blood disappearing. "Good as new..." Cornholio said smirking as they gave them some time to wake up and digest at how much better tha they were feeling.

"Thank you all so much and nice to meet you and everyone here....." Angela said smiling gratefully along with Joey.

"So nice to meet you too; wish it was under better circumstances...." Luz said as she and Amity had their hands together; not so much holding them as squeezing them; Joey and Angela nodded as well.

"I guess Ghostface isn't a joke after all; more dangerous than he ever was in the movies...." muttered a human teen with the rest agreeing.

"Don't worry as I am sure with my powers; we should be fine if he manages to find his way there!" Cornholio assured them and they felt better.

Cornholio then began opening up a portal for them to leave and everyone waved to them. Cornholio gave everyone some time to recover; people checking on eachother and Camila, LUz and Amity even checked on the really young Hexside students to see how they were before they went back to their seats.

"I think we all need something to get our minds off this; you think that you can play the next episode now? I hope it's a Luz and Amity date episode..." Willow asked and the audience felt like that they needed something lighter after all this; Cornholio looked tense.

"I don't think that's the best idea... This next episode is a bit heavy and it's the mid-season finale....." Cornholio muttered and there was scoffing from Eda.

"Come on now; after we just witnessed I doubt anything can jump up our nerves that much!" Eda laughed softly still a bit shaken from what they just experienced.

"I strongly recommend we get more time to recover or how about something else..." Cornholio suggested softly but then there were yells to get on with it. "Okay then... Don't say that I didn't warn you...." Cornholio sighed shaking his head.