
Chapter 45: Another Intermission

Once more the chairs were replaced by the tables and buffet and the audience began getting their trays looking forward to relaxing with their food and talk about all that they had experienced in the show. However King was noticably still cranky, upset and angry about what Hooty had done and so those in line quickly volunteered to let King cut in front of them so that he could claim his food and then his spot at a table much to the concern off his friends and loved ones.

Luz was quick to get her food so that she could join him at the table, right next to him. "Hello there big guy; are you going to be okay? I know Hooty right there on the screen.... Messed up but hey, we have done that plenty of times before and I know this is a big thing to mess up..... Will you be alright?" Luz asked trying to think of what to say to cheer him up.

"....Just give me time okay Luz? Make sure that the bird tube thing doesn't speak to me....." grumbled King and Luz was accepting and soon Camila and Amity joined them. Then there was Gus, Willow, Eda, Raine, the twins and finally Lilith and Hooty joining them at the table with the rest off the friends and parents wanting to give them some space. Hooty opened his mouth but looks from most of those at the table made him wisely keep quiet.

"Well... It's not like King's father really seems to care for him anyway...." Edric said and most looked his way as if he decided to sign his own death warrant as King glared daggers at him.

"Care to repeat that?" King muttered darkly as Edric gulped and yelled as Emira stomped his foot to get him to keep quiet.

"Well..... Think about it? Apparently he just left King for all this time with only that weird bodyguard thing and when he does find his son; what does he do? Go to the Owl House not to see his own son finally but to drop off a letter for him! I mean what does that say and what possible reasons could reasonably explain this?" Edric pointed out and they were silent as this was a good point.

"Well..... You don't know....... SHUT UP!!!!" King yelled as he was unable to refute the points.

"On a change of subject; it's nice to meet you Raine and I wish that we didn't have to see you forced to be a prisoner off the Emperor at the end off the episode there." Camila spoke as Raine smiled at her and then everyone else at the table as they looked their way.

"Thank you and don't worry everyone, I am sure it will turn out fine. I am flattered by your concern and it's been a real adventure watching all your adventures Luz and the revelations found...." Raine replied with a smile and then then had an uneasy look towards Lilith who then sighed knowingly. "I know you regret everything Lilith and this isn't my place to hold a grudge." Raine said and Eda shook her head.

"Well I think our main star is dying to ask you questions about our past together..." Eda laughed as Luz was indeed finding it hard to breathe before she blurted out a thousand questions at once to Raine overwhelming them until Luz's mother and girlfriend got her to calm down.

"Sorry Raine..." Luz said apologetically but Raine laughed it off. "But to make it up to you then how about we tell you how it's been in the audience watching the episodes together. I think you know already that after Grom, I already got together with my awesome girlfriend!" Luz said with a smile towards Amity who smiled back red in the face.

"You missed me having to get used to what the Boiling Isles has to offer Luz and all the dangers she has been put in...." grumbled Camila.

"You missed Eda having brought up the ex-husband she had in the human world...." King laughed and Eda glared at her adoptive son as Raine was curious and so Eda had to explain all that.

"Still some more mysteries to explore in the episodes to come like what happened to Emperor Belos and Hunter's family, how can the Golden Guard not use magic properly, the deal with Emperor Belos, the entire truth about King's dad.... Plus off course Fake Luz!" Hooty pointed out and those were good mysteries.

"I must say that this human food is tremendous; do you really just pop it into existence Cornholio?" Raine called out but Cornholio was busy showing something on his phone to a dumbfounded Bump.

Cornholio came over and and said "sorry but I have been excited as Filmore is finally on Disney Plus and I loved the show growing up! Bump's reaction is because the school principal in that show shares the voice actress as Eda."

The table shivered at the idea of Eda running a full school but Eda was getting ideas, like getting a survivor type reality show host as her deputy...

"Well I was wondering do you just poof the food into existence with your powers?" Raine asked but Cornholio grinned while shaking his head.

"Oh no, I actually did decide to have a chef prepare your food....." Cornholio said showing a portal vision off a kitchen where the chef had a racoon on his head directing him like a puppet, Ratatouille style with them singing about being like family and the racoon had the voice of Randy Newman.

"I was weirded out by the universe where fingers are instead hot dogs....." Cornholio muttered as the guests all had their mouths wide open and this put some humans off their food.

"Is our host always this weird...." Raine asked and there was a resounding 'YES!' shouted from everyone there.

"You can do literally everything and you have that cook our foods?" asked Boscha shouting from her table and Cornholio sighed.

"Not everything; believe me if I could I would put the Aladdin show on Disney Plus finally, in place off that Powder movie..." Cornholio muttered darkly earning some looks. "Trust me; blissful ignorance off that movie and the director is best!!!!" He snapped looking oddly serious.

Cornholio then soon smiled looking at his phone again and said "still, glad they added the Book of Pooh here as I have fond memories off that show. Better use off the Pooh license than the idiots deciding to make use that the book character is now public domain to make a horror movie called Blood & Horror with him and Piglet as slashers who eat Eeyore which is such a disrespect to my fave resident off the Hundred Acre Wood. At least Tigger fans don't have to worry as his inaugural book is not in the public domain yet...."

The humans giggled thinking that he was just joking around.

No one could possibly think off doing a legit movie like that....


The audience continued on their break until the time for the next episode....