
Chapter 31: I Will Take All Your Hatred and It Will Be My Strength

POV of Leylin Blight

"Brother, you're back!" Stan exclaims excitedly as he approaches his brother Ford. But he doesn't receive a similar welcome.

*SMACK* The sound of a blow echoes.

"What are you doing? Why did you hit me?" says Stan, confused and slightly annoyed.

"I told you not to activate the portal, didn't you see my warnings? Things could have gone wrong," Ford scolds. He seems too exhausted from his dimensional journey to understand that his brother risked the universe for him.

I should intervene, I also need to score some positive points with Stan for now.

"I don't like to meddle in other people's family affairs, but Mr. Ford, Stan isn't entirely to blame," I say, using my telekinesis to separate them.

"What! Telekinesis?" Ford exclaims in surprise as he floats in the air.

"Yes, but it's more like magic," I explain as I set him back down.

"So, you're our Uncle Ford," Mabel says, approaching him.

"Why didn't you tell me there were children?" Ford says reproachfully to Stan and me.

It seems he doesn't consider me a child, and frankly, I prefer it that way.

"Who are you, my dear?" he says, leaning towards Mabel.

"She's one of Sherman 'Shermie' Pines' grandchildren, our little brother," Stan explains before rolling his eyes after seeing Dipper trembling with excitement as he approaches Ford.

"So I'm... I'm a great-uncle," Ford mumbles, surprised by the news but happy.

"Excuse me, Uncle Ford, I just have a million questions to ask about the journals and Gravity Falls," Dipper says with a notepad.

Anyone could tell he was overexcited, he's breathing too hard after all.

"No, my boy, not today. Your uncle needs to dismantle this thing quickly," Ford replies before returning to the portal.

"Can I help you?" I say, approaching Ford.

"Aren't you some kind of magician?" he asks, confused.

"In a way, but I prefer the term 'Magus' personally. For the moment , I'm a witch from the Boiling Isles," I explain, shrugging.

"Fascinating, you come from that place," Ford declares, intrigued.

He's currently looking at me like a scientist observing a new species. To prove my point, I removed the illusion that gives me a human appearance.

"I've heard about your dimension, I'd really like to study your race," Ford says as he walks towards the portal with me.

"You could do that, you just need to work for me," I say, using my telekinesis to lift debris.

"Sorry, but that's not possible now. My work in Gravity Falls is far from over, but I'd like to come to your dimension in the near future," Ford replies, fiddling with cables.

"Just to know, are you really not going to thank your brother for bringing you back?" I ask quietly.

I could see Stan pouting nearby. He seems frustrated to have lost 30 years trying to bring his brother back to this dimension and he hasn't even thanked him.

Personally, I think Stan should consider himself lucky that Ford didn't kill him or hurt him more than with a punch.

Ford got stuck there because of him.

"I'd have to explain the whole story for you to understand my anger towards him," Ford replies with a reluctant look.

"You can, we have plenty of time," Mabel suddenly declares. Dipper has settled nearby.

Ford just sighed before explaining the situation between him and Stan to them while we dismantle the portal.

Personally, I'm just helping with the portal and not really paying attention to the story since I already know it.


"Thank you Leylin, you've really been a great help," Ford declares, holding a glass ball in his hands.

It's obviously "The Interdimensional Rift" that I'm looking for. I have to destroy it to complete my deal with Bill.

"It's nothing, Mr. Ford. I recently gained some knowledge about 'Pan-Dimensional Beings', so it's easy for me to help you," I explain, subtly using my telekinesis on Ford.

"What! You have knowledge about these creatures?" Ford exclaims, clearly amazed.

"Yes, and soon, I'll have knowledge about other dimensions," I say resolutely before stealing "The Interdimensional Rift" from him.

"What are you doing? It's dangerous!" Ford says urgently.

Currently, the twins and Stan have gone up to rest and it's almost dawn.

We had spent the whole night working, me and Ford, but also exchanging scientific anecdotes. I was doing this to get closer to him and to steal "The Interdimensional Rift".

"I know, but like you once did, I made a deal with Bill," I explain with a serious expression.

"No, no, no!" Ford shouts before pulling out a weapon and aiming it at me. A strange force brutally pulls me towards Ford.

"Magnetism?" I say, surprised by the use of this trick.

I could see that he was waiting for me with a metal glove emitting electricity.

But I'm a practitioner of magical arts and Ford must surely be exhausted right now, he's spent all night working on the portal.

Personally, I can go 3 days without stopping work and it's thanks to my knight physique.

I used my telekinesis to neutralize Ford's weapon before throwing a card with a glyph under his feet and freezing him in place, except for his head.

"You won't get away with this, Leylin... I'll stop you," he says with difficulty because of the cold.

"You don't understand, Ford Pines? You lost the moment you came back, but I was serious for my job offers," I reply, looking him in the eyes.

"Never... will I work with a Bill Cipher worshipper," Ford replies, looking me in the eyes.

"Ok, that's too bad," I say, sighing with a disappointed expression.

"For now, I need to get one last thing from your mind, Ford. I'd ask you to open it now or I'll unfortunately have to do something regrettable to your family," I explain in a serious tone.

I'm not going to do anything to them, I'm going to face Bill Cipher alone and if I lose?

I need to leave instructions in Ford's mind for this eventuality.

I could ask him nicely and not steal "The Interdimensional Rift", but that would take an enormous amount of time unnecessarily and Ford still has too many secrets from his loved ones.

I prefer to take on the role of the villain for now before my departure and if Bill Cipher is observing this place, he'll see me as a suitable ally.

This will facilitate the betrayal towards him.

"You, you monster..." Although he said that, Ford ended up opening his mind after I gave him a few demonstrations of the children's and Stan's fate.

It's in moments like this that I thank Berserk and illusion magic, I can break anyone's mind with visions of horror.

"I would have gained more time if you were like ordinary people, I had to use this horrible illusion based on light," I mutter, removing the Potara from Ford.

The man seems to be conflicted, he now knows about my plan.

"Don't make that face, I'll do a better job than you with Bill Cipher," I say before leaving.

I had explained to Ford that he needs to make me look like a villain in front of the children and Stan. The Plan B I've concocted will depend on the hatred people will feel for me and Bill Cipher.

Why do I want people to hate me when the situation will soon be critical?

It's quite simple, Plan B is the execution of the ritual and the fulfillment of the prophecy, but it's not my last card.

If that fails, there's still the Memory Gun in my possession. Ford has all the plans and he knows the identity of the people concerned by the prophecy.

I just have to hope that their hatred for me will be enough to create a sufficient unity to beat Bill Cipher.

"Lelouch vi Britannia, I hope my plan based on yours will work," I mutter, looking at the sphere in my hands.


Author's Note: Yes, the protagonist has taken several layers of insurance against Bill Cipher.

And yes, Bill Cipher can see to some extent the events in the Mystery Shack (that's why Leylin Blight is careful).

If you haven't seen "Code Geass" and don't know Lelouch vi Britannia, then I'll explain what Lelouch's plan consists of.

Lelouch vi Britannia unified the world and ruled as a dictator for a period. He wanted the whole planet to hate him and he planned his death to bring an era of world peace.

Here, Leylin Blight uses a similar principle. He knows that some people concerned by the prophecy hate each other like Gideon and Stan, so he makes himself hated by all of them and officially passes himself off as a subordinate of Bill Cipher.

His enemies will associate him with Bill Cipher, so they will be united against him and Bill, BUT he has taken insurance to avoid a stupid death at their hands (which is Ford).

So the protagonist's first plan is a confrontation with Bill Cipher by himself, the second plan is the prophecy, and the third plan is the Memory Gun.

There's possibly another option ;)

Heroherocreators' thoughts