
The Owl house : A witch ?? no no ,I am a Magus

Author: Herohero
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 61K Views
  • 12 Chs
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What is The Owl house : A witch ?? no no ,I am a Magus

Read ‘The Owl house : A witch ?? no no ,I am a Magus’ Online for Free, written by the author Herohero, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering ADVENTURE Fanfiction, REINCARNATION Fan Fiction, MAGIC Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: Synopsis: A fan of Leylin Farlier from the novel "Warlock of the Magus World" died tragically at the hands of his fiancé...


Synopsis: A fan of Leylin Farlier from the novel "Warlock of the Magus World" died tragically at the hands of his fiancée's lover. Fortunately for him, his death wasn't the end but the beginning of a greater story. Author's note: This is a crossover with other works like Gravity Falls, Amphibia, Star Butterfly (Star vs the Forces of Evil) and Warlock of the magus world . It's not a harem (but the protagonist will have two waifus at the end, which for me isn't really a harem) .

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it's a fanfic born to check if I've progressed as an author, so I'm not going to promise anything but I want to say that I'm aiming for no one community in my fanfic except the power rangers (so if it's the power ranger who insults me ​​I don't care)


Cinco estrellas solo por qué me gusta la serie y casi no hay novelas de esta en esta página, espero que el autor no la dejé o que dure mucho escribiendo


Author will have a crossover between dipper's story and this one ..................................................................................................................................


Работа очень хорошо. Хотелось бы запереть автора в подвале и заставлять писать больше глав, потому что очень мало контента хоть как-то связанного с чернокнижником. Если у автора тоже есть жажда работ по этому фандому или с намеками на него, рекомендую русского автора 97lego97. Там есть как отличная работа по самому фандому – "Чернокнижник в мире магов: путь не в одиночку", так и несколько, где гг берет имя лейлин и имеет схожую философию – "Рассчетливый повелитель" и др.


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