
The Otherside - Journery of the Quadbrid

All the myths and legends of old are all real. The otherside of society is full of the supernatural. The Grandson of 4 of the most powerful creatures in japan embarks on his journey of growth to become the most powerful creature in the world.

KiwibroG · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Chapter 8 - Fiance Candidates

After a few hours of indulging in some culture in the entertainment room, it is almost time for the fiance candidates to arrive. They were supposed to be coming just before lunch and as its 10.30 am now they should be here soon.

I decide to freshen up and change into some more fitting clothes for meeting women who I will potentially spend eternity with.

Now changed into a white shirt and blue sports jacket with golden trim, along with blue pants and some comfortable house loafers I descend the stairs and head to the sitting room on the first floor.

After what seems to be a lifetime they have finally arrived. Lucy and George receive them at the front gate and bring them to the sitting room where I am waiting.

"Greeting Ladies, I am Tsuki Ryoshi it is my pleasure to meet you all." I slightly bow to show courtesy." George please take their belongings to their rooms, Lucy please prepare some tea and coffee for the ladies."

"Now how about some introductions, Now that mine is out of the way we can start with you on the left and move our way across the room yes."

"Hello, I am Illya Dracul from the Dracul clan its a pleasure to meet you." The women who just spoke I a vampire. She has glossy black hair half way down her back. Glowing red eyes with a cute button nose and small red lips. A small bust of around B - C cup with slim curves and a petite bottom.

"Greetings, I am Yasuko Tsukiko from the Tsukiko clan of the 9 families. Its an honor to meet the Matriarchs esteemed Grandson." The next woman was from the Kitsune clan. Long golden hair almost to the floor, bright golden eyes that seem to be as pure as a babies, slightly long nose that sticks up and sweet pink lips. Shes has a huge bust over DD cup and very alluring curves squeezing her yukata to the max

"Yo, the names Aelia Vidius, I cant wait to fight ya haha." The seemingly more outgoing and casual woman is a werewolf given by her carefree nature. Short silver hair, lazy crystal blue eyes and a more mature face probably given her olive skin color and her darker shade of lips. Nice D size bust with a body packed full with lean muscles.

"Pleasure to meet you Tsuki, I am Nessarya Uron. I've been looking forward to meeting the Succubus Queens Grandson, Rumor says you even managed to charm her, I cant wait to play with you fufufu." The last and most playful woman to introduce herself was from the Lust Demon nation. With light purple hair laid over her shoulder, dark purple eyes and bright red seductive lips. Huge bust comparable to the Kitsune girl and curves in all the right places with more than enough to grab onto.

"Well then its a pleasure all of you. Moving on as you all know why you are her I need not delve any further into it. I'm sure you all have been told to win me over or whatever else by you families. So I'll be straight with you all. I do not need clingy or lazy women to be my future wives. Strength and strong will is what I am looking for. If you simply want to be stay at home and be pampered then this is not the place for you. As you have all undergone the trials to get here I am sure you are aware. I have a reputation and status to uphold and your actions will reflect back to me so please keep that in mind. One last thing fighting between you is forbidden if this rule is broken you will have to leave."

"Moving on your rooms are all located on the third floor. They have been prepared with the basics, if you need more please write a list and give it to either George the butler or Lucy the maid. We are scouting chefs right now so if you have preferences for food please inform them when they are chosen and arrive. Any questions?"

"Yes I have a question." Illya answered." Is there anywhere on the premises where we are not allowed?"

"Ah yes good question. The first and second floor and all shared spaces. The third floor is your rooms. So whether you want anyone in them is up to your discretion. Be aware that for safety purposes your rooms with be magically scanned randomly once a week for anything dangerous. The whole fourth floor is my quarters and they are out of bounds unless I invite you. The room is rune access so if you try to force your way in you'll be incapacitated. Lastly the servants quarters outside are off limits. I have yet to explore the basement but i believe there is a training room and Lust room down there. You can use the training room anytime you want. As for the other room well you know what it means to enter there don't you. Anything else."

"Yes me, Is there a shrine here for prayer?" Yasuko asked.

"Hmm a shrine. Nope not at the moment but I'll be contracting a witch to deal with some barrier installations so we can get one into build one for your use. Just inform George and he will handle it."

"Alright ladies that is all for now, go get settled in and have a look around the castle. Also Illya please inform Lucy about you blood preferences, we have all types of human blood and some animal blood on hand so let her know what you like. Anyway enjoy your evening."

Finished with the ladies, I decide to head to basement to fully ascertain whats down there, honestly I am nervous as to what my sly Grandparents hid down there.