
Annoying Brand

It is a drizzly Saturday morning. Greedy land developers, eager to expand their country club with the construction of a golf course, are pushing a foreclosure on all of the houses in this part of Astoria, known as the Goondocks.

Michael Walsh, known as "Mikey" to his friends, is a teenage boy about 16. He is particularly depressed. With the inevitable foreclosure pending for Monday morning, he feels gloomy about his last weekend with his girlfriend and their friends. Mikey is sitting by his bedroom window looking through a telescope at the neighborhood. He is asthmatic and must rely on an inhaler to control the effects the cold, damp air outside is having on him.

Mikey's older brother, Brandon Walsh, known as "Brand" to his friends, is about 18 and has similar feelings about leaving. He tries to bury his feelings in his bench press.

"Oh, bummer. Nothing exciting ever happens around here anyway. Who needs the Goondocks? Who needs this house? I can't wait to get outta here." Mikey says as he picks up a magazine and starts flipping through it.

"Really?" Brand says to his brother.

"Nah, I was just trying to delate myself. No, no…. Y'know, um..uh, dic..dictate myself." Mikey replies.

"That's delude yourself, dummy."

"That's what I said." Mikey says back to Brand.

Mikey jumps onto Brand's chest, pushing the weights down on top of Brand.

"Thanks Brand." Mikey says softly.

"I know how you feel, wimp. I'm sure going to miss this place too." Brand replies.

Brand pushes upwards on the weights lifting Mikey at the same time. A knock is heard at the front door. Brand and Mikey both leave their shared room.

"Adopted wuss." Brand mumbles as he pushes Mikey aside.

"Adopted wuss.. I'm no adopted wuss. I got a girlfriend before you, Brand!" Mikey yells at Brand as they both make their way downstairs to go answer the door.

Brand peers around the corner and sees Mouth, Katherine, and Luna through the glass door. Mouth is combing his hair. He is wearing a black concert t-shirt for Prince: Purple Rain, blue jeans, a gray jacket and sneakers. Katherine, Mouth's twin sister, was waiting patiently with her arms crossed over her chest. She wore a gray t-shirt, ripped skinny jeans, a black jacket, and black converses. Luna, Mouth's girlfriend, was also patiently waiting. She wore a black t-shirt, skinny jeans, a jean jacket and sneakers.

"Oh, it's Mouth, Luna and Katherine."Brand says as he walks away from the door.

He slouches in an armchair, stretching a spring-type chest exerciser. Mikey opens the screen door to let Mouth, Katherine, and Luna in.

"Hey, Meekey. Yo Mikey. Eh, Mikey, seen Adrian? Hey guys, what's going down?" Mouth says as he puts his foot on the table.

"Get your foot off the table, Mouth." Brand says.

Luna and Katherine sit on the couch as Brand is scolding Mouth.

"You got it. What's going down guys? Come on? This is our last weekend together, our last 'Goonie' weekend. We got to be goin' out in style, cruisin' the coast, sniffin' some lace, downin' some brews…but nooo. The one older brother has to go and screw it up, by flunking your driver's test? Don't know what to do with ya, kid." Mouth rants as Brand takes a swing at him for the little comment he made.