
The Order Of Swords

jackinson the main character is... wait wait wait who is jackinson??? it's Achlys the boy with no brain well anyway Achlys is a boy that is determined to be strong the adventure of Achlys can be a better name tho but meh atleast he has a motive and wants to do so yet he has alot of walls to break through we follow his adventure meeting new people and more obstacles but is being strong his only reason or is it a hobby he wants find out in.. THE ORDER OF SWORDS

Justin_Kragten · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

The city of Loipetras

,"Achlys and Tiabishi?"

Saria asks

,"have you guys ever been in the city of loipetras?"

As the duo looks at each other

,"no Saria we have never been in the city atleast not what I can remember"

Achlys answers and Tiabishi nodding with curiosity

Saria smiles with excitement

,"I'm going to take you to the cities tomorrow"

Achlys and Tiabishi eyes sparks with excitement once again

Tiabishi ,"clothes can be bought there?"

"Is there alot of food" Achlys asks excitedly

Saria and the others laugh as they all go home

,"bye Saria and Nox"

Waves as the duo goes the other way

As they leave

,"they can be alot of trouble?"

As Saria sighs

,"I don't want to talk about it"

As they walk away chatting and laughing

*As the next day comes in view*

Saria waiting outside the duo's house

,"where is that idiot and Tia"

As the door swings open

,"Saria!! Good morning!

Saria sighs

,"idiot, hey Tiabishi"

,"don't ignore me" Achlys shouts with annoyance

Achlys head gets grabbed ,"can you shut up Achlys?"

Achlys shaking with fear


Tiabishi walks to Saria

,"hey Saria so where are we going today?"

She asks with curiosity

,"we be going to check the artifact and going to look for swords for you also going to pass by the guild" Saria replies while holding the sword

,"we have to eat breakfast... Mother is making it for us wanna join Saria?"

Achlys asks

Saira nods ,"I have to eat breakfast also"

As the trio enters the house and eat some breakfast while Mariola lays on the ground fainted

,"mom we are going to the city need something?"

Achlys asks

Mariola shakes her head

,"I don't need anything at the moment"

,"if you say so mother"

Achlys replies

As they leave the house they wave to mariola

,"Saria? How long does it take to walk?"

Tiabishi asks

,"Its about an half hour if we running and that's what we are gonna do run to the city"

Saria replies

She starts running as the duo follows

*20 minutes later*

,"Achlys! Don't slack off same for you Tiabishi!"

Saria shouts while running circles around them

,"stop it Saria! We are tir-"

Achlys stops talking as his head gets grabbed

,"talking back I see... Did you ever learn to fly?"

Saria asks

As Achlys shakes head violent

,"please don't do this Saria I am sorry"

He says with a scared look

Saria ready to send him flying

,"to late idiot"

As Saria throws him towards to city while the ground cracks from the throw


screams with fear

Tiabishi tries not to laugh remembering the last time she laughed at this

,"she is a crazy trainer" she thinks

As Saria looks at Tiabishi

,"let's get running!"

Starts to run with Tiabishi

As they arrive in the city

Achlys comes walking up to them

,"you guys are late!"

Looks beaten up

Saria sighs

,"why did I decide to train you...

I regret my decision"

As Tiabishi is laughing

,"I am sorry it's just..."

She laughs harder as tears form on her face

,"you guys are really like best friends"

As Saria and Achlys look at each other

And share some mean glances


All three are looking towards the person who shouts

,"not now..."

Saria sighs

As the person comes running

Handsome guy blue hair

Blue/green eyes

About 170 cm tall

Personality: kind but worried always

Saria grabs her sword and stabs in the ground

,"fire spike"

(Magic name: fire spike

Rarity: high advanced

Explained: fire spike if the user stabs the weapon they use in the ground they can summon a spike of fire where they want in a 400 meter radius

Evolution: fire wall)

The person got hit and send flying

,"idiot of a husband!"

As the person hits the ground and gets up

,"hey... That's not nice"

says with a serious tone as he grabs his sword and dashes towards her

,"Saria you are mean!"

As they clash swords

,"stop being an idiot!"

Saria shouts

As they both use skills and one of them get hit

,"this... Is my husband "toiaka... And he is pretty much an idiot"

(Name: Toiaka colvani

Age: 25

Length: 6.2 feet tall

Magic: water magic

Weapon: long sword

Rank: captain of the city)

Tiabishi and Achlys watching in awe

,"S-Saria is he always like that?"

They ask with disgusted faces

She sighs and nods

,"he is always like that and sometimes I wanna..."

Glances at him

,"murder him"

,"that's not nice sary!"

As he is pouting

They all laugh as we skip to the next scene

Bows down and reaches a hand out

,"nice to meet ya I am Toiaka colvani!

You must be the students Saria were talking about!"

Tiabishi and Achlys look at him and introduce them self

As the group walks into the city Achlys and Tiabishi are going left right

As Saira sighs ,"idiots"

,"Saria Saria! Look at this sword what kind of sword is this!"

Achlys asks feeling an connection between the sword and him

,"this is an iron sword with a mist magic attribute. I have heard of that magic...

That magic is extremely rare but also very weak.."

,"mist magic?

Never heard of it sounds cool!"

Achlys shouts with excitement

,"Saria!" Tiabishi shouts

As Saria looks at Tiabishi

,"what is this?"

As she points at some sort of crystal

,"that is an elemental stone

That stone works for earth making earth more strong and a tier above from common to uncommon"

Saria explains as Tiabishi nods

,"now Achlys and Tiabishi... Follow me!"

As she enters a old wooden building

as for Toiaka he follows them also


Saria shouts as she walks in

,"welcome to the notitia point... How can I help you..?"

As an old man walks to the counter

As Saria grabs her fire sword and places the sword on the counter

,"help me identify it please Its an artifact"

As the old man looks at the sword

Uses a kind of magic to inspect the artifact

,"this is an fire sword the swords name is nota... Where did you find it?"

He asks before Saria answers

,"we found it in the cave of forgotten...

It was very deep in the cave"

As the old man nod

,"did something happen when you touched it?"

,"not really I got a memory I forgot a long time ago when I touched it that's all..."Saria explains

As the old man nods more

,"I guessed that the sword chooses you as the owner and showed you a forgotten memory to try bond with you.."

He explains

As Achlys interrupts and points at a old piece of paper

,"old man what Is this piece of paper?"

As the old man looks at it

,"that is the paper where the piece is signed when this continent almost fell under one rule..."

Achlys interested

,"'can you tell me.. I mean us more about it?"

As Tiabishi looks interested

while Saria just stares

The old man sighs and starts

,"40 years ago a country on this continent named Reteos was peaceful with every country

Until one faithfull day...

Reteos declared war against every nation on this continent...

The king of Reteos said that day

"We won't stop until every king is in jail

And burn to death we will conquer this world!!!"

As the continent was collapsing

One nation stood tall above the rest

Faught as the last nation (Loipetras) against Reteos nicknamed "the last barrier of hope"

As the nation faught for years been tricked been betrayed been ambushed but all faught over it until dooms day

The army of reteos defeated the first division of loipetras and used the last division to see defend the city

The general of Reteos named...

as the room gets darker and more serious

Hiyendel greenfield...

The general has done evil things: murdered his whole family as a place in the army, betrayed his comrades for his own survival ambushed and "used" woman for his own pleasure..

As hiyendel greenfield stands Infront of the gate...

For this country last hope was the king...

The gates opened before the king steps out the walls

"Hiyendel greenfield" what are you doing here... The king said

As for hiyendel steps Infront of his army of a few hundred thousends...

"Kind of loipetras..." Bow down and surrender before we burn this city down...

The king has other plans

The king said... "I will join you and serve you in jail until my life spend is over but if I do so it means you will leave this city and people alone..."

As hiyendel accepted the offer and took the king back to the country

As for the last barrier of hope? It's still holding that name till this day

But Reteos fell in a despair it fell apart as the country became unstable and the king became to Ruthless

When it collapsed no king returned to us and hiyendel greenfield? He was nowhere to be found... That doesn't mean he is dead he is still alive evidence has been found that he is alive...

That was 22 years ago

This country is serving without a king for 22 years..."

As the room is silenced and Tiabishi is shaking with fear

,"that... Name h-hiyendel greenfield..."

As she falls on the ground and Achlys runs to her

,"Tia! Tia! Are you oke?"

Holding her as Tiabishi has fainted in his arms

The old man walks over to Tiabishi

,"Is she an elf?" He asks worried

Achlys nods with concern

,"I should have known... Take care of her and don't mention that name near her..."

As Saria and Achlys look at each other and nod

*20 minutes later*

Tiabishi wakes up

,"what happened?" She asks

As Saria answers

,"Not much you just fainted you looked tired, you feel better?"

As Tiabishi nods and sees Achlys looking very worried but smiling at the same time

,"don't look so weird Achlys.."

,"RUDE... Ahum feeling better Tia?"

As Tia blushes a little and smiles a little

,"just date already jeez.."

Saria smirks saying that

As Tiabishi blush and look away while Achlys just looks confused

,"date? I don't mind I wanna try that! I don't know what that is!"

Saria Looks dumbfounded while Tiabishi is just blushing red

,"anyhow... Saria!! Can I buy that sword...!!! I wanna have it, it looks cool!"

Saria smacks his head

,"you just confessed and now you want a sword what's wrong with you idiot!"

,"Before we go... Old man? What year were artifacts made?"

As the old man is taken back by the sudden question

,"the artifacts were made in the era of Cladis 289 years ago...

It was made to stop the demon Lord Cladis... So they made all kinds of powerfull items to stop him

They stopped him with the cost that every single artifact is send around the world

There are about 40 artifact discovered for now making this sword the

Points at sword of nota

The 41 artifact to be discovered...

For now..."

Achlys nods and is amazed and intrigued while for tiabishi she is scared but interested

,"so I got an legendary sword?"

Saria asks

,"no you don't it's a rare item but not rare to be called legendary..."

The old man replies

,"thanks for checking Mr... We be going now"

Mentions Saria

,"it's alright I hope to see you next time be safe kids and Saria.."

As they all walk out

They get hit by sunshine from the 2 suns in the sky

As they look around and see alot of people...

,"it's really busy suddenly..."

Tiabishi wraps her hands around Achlys as Saira mentions it

,"let's go to the guild to see Nox I haven't been there in a long time and maybe you guys can sign in"

Saira says with a smile

,"I'm not really interested yet"

Achlys answers

,"you guys must sign in, you get paid"

She said with a dark smile and a red aura around her

Achlys and Tiabishi nods both their heads and follow Saria

As they walk around the city talking and thinking what to do after the guild

,"we are here..."

Saria mentioned

As they stand infront of a gaint castle like building as they enter they see alot of people in groups

,"that are parties... A group of people that bond together to do quests.."

Saria mentioned

,"hey idiots"

As they all turn around and see Nox


Saria says while being pissed

,"I did it for those 2 not for you weird woman..."

Nox says

As the duo tries not to laugh

,"haaaah?!?! Weird woman?!

You old crippled old man"

She replies as the whole groups starts laughing