
The Order Of Swords

jackinson the main character is... wait wait wait who is jackinson??? it's Achlys the boy with no brain well anyway Achlys is a boy that is determined to be strong the adventure of Achlys can be a better name tho but meh atleast he has a motive and wants to do so yet he has alot of walls to break through we follow his adventure meeting new people and more obstacles but is being strong his only reason or is it a hobby he wants find out in.. THE ORDER OF SWORDS

Justin_Kragten · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

The adventurers guild

The group stands in the guild

,"can we sign in as adventures?"

Tiabishi asks shyly

Nox looks at them and smiles

,"you guys can go to the counter by that young man"

points at a young boy with white hair and black eyes

The duo goes over to the counter

,"hello kids! How may I help you?"

The boy asks

,"we wanna sign in the guild"

They answered

Boy nods and takes out paper

,"I will explain the rules..

First of

you becoming a member of the adventurers guild meaning you have to do work minimal once a 2 weeks

Second you have to form parties monsters are to strong recently same as groups and... Cults

Atleast 3 people in a party can be maximized to 20 per party

If you have chosen a quest you need to show proof that you have done it

Like goblin quest take theyr eyes out

The quest will say what you need to show proof for

Lastly you can't attack other members of the guild unless you both decide to do a mock battle that can be used to higher your place in he guild or just to test your skils

For the registrations I will do that with a skill to see your skills rank age and other stuff"

Achlys in interested

,"whats the name of the skill?"

He asks

,"it's insight"

He answered

(Skill name: insight

Rarity: high mage

Explained: insight is the only skill that can show stats of other things

From people to gods to plants

Evolution: none)

he uses insight on the duo

(Name: Tiabishi

Race: elf

Skills: air slash

Magic: ice magic

IQ 140

Strenght: 12

Speed: 43

Stamina: 64

Rank: low advanced)

(Name Achlys laveroit

Race: human

Skills: dash boost sense

Magic: can't be seen

IQ: 95

Strength: 47

Speed: 32

Stamina: 55


Rank: low advanced)

Eyes widen of the boy

,"is something wrong?"

Achlys asks worried

,"nothing is wrong I just am shocked how strong you guys are"

Gets the guild cards and write the names on the cards

,"here ya go"

Achlys and Tiabishi both grab their cards and jump around happy

,"we are adventures! we are adventures!"

Saria walks to them and smacks both their heads ,"shut up both of you" she says with an stern voice

they both lay on the ground with bulps on their heads

,"you're mean Saria!" looking with a disdained look at Saria

She looks back at them ,"you both shouldn't have done that then."

As she let's out a deep sigh

,"Saria what is that crystal?" Achlys pointing at a small white crystal

,"that's a magic crystal You can see what magic you have" Saria answered

,"what kind of magics do you have Saria?" Tiabishi asked


You have main magics



Fire earth




And alot more

While you have to those magics

You can also have sub magics or combined magics"

Saria explained with a tired expression

,"are you oke Saria?" Nox asked with a concerned face

,"I am oke just didn't sleep well"

she smiles make the worries of Nox even worse

,"Saria I am gonna work to get that mist sword it looks cool!"

Smiling with determination

,"and I will also work for a sword I want a ice sword"

Tiabishi said happy

Making Saria and Nox smile

,"Old man what quest is the best to choose?"

Achlys ask

,"it would be like goblin hunt or problem or herbs picking both are good for money but for you I would say earth dragon"

Nox said annoyed but smiling

,"you want us to die old man?!?!"

Achlys shouts making Nox more frustrated

,"I am not old I am still in my fifties!!"

Nox shouts with annoyance

,"I wanna do the goblin quest"

Tiabishi says shyly between the commotion

Achlys stares and after a few seconds smiles with approvement


He said

They grab the paper if the pin board


Slay 25 goblins

Take goblin hands as proof

Reward 50 silver

Time: 5 days

Location: forest of dryadales)

,"let's go Tiabishi! We gonna slay some goblins"


They both run but stop in their tracks

,"Saria where is the forest of dryadales?"

Tiabishi asks with an embarrassed face

She sighs

,"I will take you guys there... Bye Nox have a great day!"

She waves as she walks out with the other 2

Toiaka stands outside waiting

,"took long enough"

Saria glances and let's out an scary aura

,"you sure know how to annoy me...


She smiles scary

Toiaka looks scared as he hears his heart pound and runs away

,"I love you Saria!!"

Saria shakes her head

,"idiot I love you too" she whispered smiles and blushing a little

,"I heard that"

Tiabishi said looking with a smug face

Saria blushing and looks away

,"I have no idea what you are talking about"

Achlys looks confused but shrugs it off

,"let's go goblin Hunting!"

,"yeah I will bring you there" she said happy

*Thank you Achlys* she thinks

As they walk towards the forest

They walk around in the forest looking around and Tiabishi looks scared

They spot the goblins and hide behind some trees about 200 meters from the goblins

,"sneak towards the goblin and take them one by one out"

Saria orders

,"why? Why do we need to do them one by one?"

Asks Tiabishi

,"if the group sees you they will all attack you and kill you with ease

So one by one"

Saria explains

Tiabishi nods and Achlys is sneaking towards it

As he gets close he uses boost and dash to get one and dissapears

,"ghua? Ghuahuhee!?" The goblin shout as the group see one of them dead and stand on guard

As he takes more out one by one Until there are 10 left

,"Tia! Your turn!"

Achlys whispers

Tiabishi stands in a tree on some branches 30 meters away with the sword in her hand ready to strike down

,"air slash!"

She jumps down and a air slash comes out hitting 3 goblins not killing them

,"Tiabishi watch out!" Saria shouts

Achlys dashes and kills 3 goblins

As their heads fall off and a fountain of blood comes out

the other goblins are in fear

One of the golbins stands up and attacks Tiabishi hitting her leg

Tiabishi hears a few blood drops falling on the ground and is silent

Tiabishi let's out a sudden aura

Saria and Achlys are in shock

,"stay.... down..."

Tiabishi let's out bloodlust

All the goblins fall down unable to move

,"no elf is supposed to have bloodlust...

Why does she have it...?"

Saria questioned as for Achlys he is amazed to see that she got a new skill

Tiabishi walks towards the goblins

Their heads are slowly getting crushed slowly as their screams are getting louder and louder

*Achlys pov:*

Achlys sees the heads one by one exploding and covering Tiabishi with blood and brains of the goblins he vomits a little of how it looks...

,"Tia are you oke? I have never seen you like this!"

Achlys talks as Tiabishi turns around and attacks Achlys

Achlys jumps back takes out sword and tries to block every attack

,"what's gotten into you?"

Achlys asks concerned


Tiabishi shouts attacking more and hits

Achlys a few times

Saria jumps in but gets kicked back by Tiabishi breaking Saria's arm

,"jeez how strong is Tiabishi" smiles

,"Achlys keep blocking she got 2 skills but lost control"

She shouts

,"which skil- ach!"

He gets kicked in the stumach sending him to the other side of the forest hitting the ground hard

,"that... Hurt.." he stands up slowly and uses boost and dash to go back leaving a small crater in the ground

*We skip to Saria*

Grabs her sword and dashes towards Tiabishi and swings her sword forcing Tiabishi to block

The swords collide and the forest behind Tiabishi gets destroyed

,"Tiabishi wakes up!"

She shouts with a tone of resurring

Tiabishi uses elven beserk and bloodlust once again

(Skill name: elven beserk

Rarity: high angelic

Explained: elven beserk is like the normal skill beserk but for elves

Last one that had a skill like this was 700 years ago

Evolution: elven rage)

Knocking Saria back once again but stands back up and dashes again hitting Tiabishi

,"stop it Tia! You are out of control!"

Saria tries to make contact but it doesn't work

She feels something coming and look behind her and seeing Achlys full speed coming to Tiabishi

,"Tiabishi come back to me!!"

He shouts as the swords collide creating a shockwave

Tiabishi does a spin kick and kicks him down

,"ack... Sense!" He shouts activating the skill sense before hitting the ground

He stands up again

,"I have to use force to stop you"

Achlys whispers

,"Tiabishi stop it!" Saria shouts with more concern then before ,"light magic fall down!!" Saria heard someone shout she looks around and sees tiabishi get hit by light magic

,"TIABISHI!!" Achlys runs towards Tiabishi who lays unconscious on the ground with Bruces on her body ,"you are quite daring boy... Light field!" Achlys gets hit by the light field and is pushed back holding Tiabishi

(Skill name: light field

Rarity: angalic


A force field of light to stay enemies away from you or people you don't like

Radius around 25meters can be to 4 km

Evolution: none)

As he is pushed back he sees Saria nod ,"she wants us to run away.." he nods back and runs away as there is an light spear coming Saria blocks the spear

,"where are you! Show yourself and fight me" she demands with a stern voice ,"your turn is another time.... Saria colvani..." A pillar of light shines and it's silent

The light pillar dissapears and runs back to the city ,"Tiabishi stay with me we are almost in the city" Achlys is running still sweating and almost crying he fell but he stood up again ,"ack... No keep going!"

They arrive in the city there was Toiaka ,"hey Achl- come with me to the healing centre!" He has a worried expression and brings them there ,"thank you Toiaka!" He runs inside shouting ,"can someone help me my friend is badly hurt! Please help"

A few healers come running and take this out his hand to a room to heal

*Few minutes later*

Saria comes walking in and sees Achlys ," Achlys are you oke?" Runs to Achlys and She gives a pat on his head

,"you did a great job of fending her in the guy off" she reassured with a smile

Achlys shakes his head ,"no Tiabishi is badly wounded thanks to me not saving her on time"

as he feels a slap on his face

,"you did great, if not for you she would have died or even been captured your will to protect is stronger then anyone I have ever seen I promised to make you strong Achlys and I am willing to put my life on it!" she puts a fist on his chest as she is smiling

Achlys is showing a few tears

The healers come out with a smiling face ,"she is in a stable condition but sleeping we think that she will wake up in a few weeks we keep you in check" Saria nods as Achlys still looks down

*We skip to Nox*

Nox sitting in his office as someone knocks on the door and the white boy walks in ,"Ah diople what's the matter?" Asks as he is working on some papers ,"that Achlys boy from earlier had something weird in his status..." He explains as he notices Nox looking serious ,"what did you see? Explain to me every detail!" Nox asks

"I saw the normal statuses as first but more as I got down the status screen cracked more till... I saw something I couldn't read it but it was dark and there was some kind of aura coming of it when I read it..." He explains worried as his face is scared

Nox nods and thinks for a moment

,"I think you saw for the first time a marking..."