
The Oracle Paths

Have you ever wished you exactly knew how to accomplish your dreams? Not feeling the slightest doubt anymore? Being aware at any time how every choice, action and decision of yours affects your future? That's what happened to Jake Wilderth, a procrastinating young man without ambition. When a mysterious silver spaceship, popping out from nowhere, delivered to each Earthling a bracelet containing an AI introducing itself as the Oracle, their destiny changed. From a boring uneventful life Jake began to strive for greatness, treading his Path over the dead bodies of many. What a blessing it would have been if he was the only one profiting of such a gift! But when everyone became equal to face the future, he soon realized no gift comes for free.. Just a warning. Volume 1 sets the atmosphere in a Earth slowly degenerating into chaos and can be considered as a big prologue. It is slow and not as rewarding for the readers than mainstream stories on this website. If you can push through it will be worth it. For some real action you need to wait chap 27. =================================== Discord link: https://discord.gg/d8udP7Q

Arkinslize · ไซไฟ
1184 Chs

All Crushed To Death

The thirty-six hours flew by, and exactly thirty-six hours after the ill-fated appearance — or rather demise — of the Rank 2 Privates, a fresh wave of Players debuted in this new realm.

Rank 3 Players, 1st Class Private! Every one of them was a bundle of nerves, anxiously awaiting the lethal dangers that were now a part of their fate, having been unwillingly thrust into a war that was none of their business. But the harsh reality was unbiased, and so...

They too met their doom!

Not a single Rank 3 Player from the two Mirror Universes emerged alive. Soon after, about two thousand souls roamed the battlefield, even before a real battle could commence.

For those who landed in the Duskwight Lands, most were ensnared by the commanding Soulmancers and Spirit Enchanters nearby. However, a few with a keen survival instinct managed to slip away before these demons descended upon them.