
The opulent wife: the cool queen

The royal princess who caused the entire globe to kowtow to her posed as a commoner with an unattractive face and mingle in the academy to facilitate a political union. Due to her inferior rank, her classmates suspected her of theft, and the following day, she was beaten into the hospital. The day after someone dumped filthy water over her in the hallway, her head was shoved into an offensive ditch. At the academy's test celebration, it was revealed that she would be expelled for cheating on the exam, and all of her classmates despised her to the core. However, the royal family, who had been looking for her for years, found her at this very last minute.

OSTAR1 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

CHAPTER ONE - The female lead's identity was revealed to be...

The room's dark lighting suddenly resonated with the sound of a phone ringing. Moana Mack was seated in front of an outdated computer desk, her sparkling eyes glued to the monitor as though looking for some data.

If someone were standing next to her, they would undoubtedly be astonished and startled by what they saw on the computer screen.


When the phone's ringing was almost over, Moana's plainly from a life of poverty, sped over the keyboard before she nonchalantly picked up the phone from the desk.

A: "Miller Anna?"

Moana Mack lowered her eyebrows as she scanned the number on her phone.

She was familiar with this number because it belonged to the affluent, second-tier Xia family in this city.

The young woman of the Miller family was named Miller Anna.

Once the call was established, a subdued female voice could be heard on the other end.

"Good day, ugly... Do you have time tonight, Moana? Come celebrate my birthday with the Miller family."

Miller Anna politely proceeded to the other end of the phone before Moana Mack could respond.

"When you arrive, first visit the mall and purchase a decent dress. Don't put on your old school uniform again. On... I'm sorry, Moana Mack, I didn't remember your family is poor and cannot purchase the mall brands.

You may also arrive at Moana's house early, in which case I'll lend you one of my dresses to wear.

By the way, Moana Mack, do you not have a facial scar that is black? The guests attending my birthday party today are all well-known figures in the City who are buddies with my dad. I've heard that a well-known doctor will also arrive today. Perhaps there is a technique to remove your scar.

Moana Mack was exposed to nothing but sarcastic words and sentences. Moana Mack felt like bragging about her origins even though she didn't express it out loud.

She questioned whether inviting Moana Mack to a wealthy family's birthday celebration was purely out of goodwill or if there was another reason.

Moana Mack simply answered, "I don't have time."

This unexpected response left Miller Anna momentarily speechless. She scowled the next instant and inquired, "Moana Mack, what's wrong with you? Over the past month, you've displayed a completely different personality. I nearly missed recognizing you.

Due to your identification, I hadn't intended to invite you to the birthday feast today, but because there would be a doctor present, I figured the doctor could assist you as a courtesy to the Miller family.

Young Master Robinson was invited expressly because I knew you'd always liked him.

"You may tell him how you feel once your face has recovered. You will undoubtedly be welcomed by Young Master Robinson. Even though your family is poor, don't feel inferior. Young Master Robinson, in my opinion, is not the kind of guy who places a high value on material possessions.

Doing so will help her face heal. Miller Anna undoubtedly had a hidden agenda. Moana Mack was worried that if she went, she would be humiliated in front of the entire class and the upper class of An City rather be treated for her face.

After all, Moana Mack was just a regular citizen with no influence or authority in Miller Anna's eyes or the eyes of the entire institution.

She had a black birthmark on her right cheek and wore ragged clothing. She had always admired Young Master Robinson, Miller Anna's childhood sweetheart, despite being her timid little follower.

Miller Anna and Young Master Robinson's engagement was announced by Miller's family at this birthday dinner; inviting Moana was presumably an attempt to make her look bad.

Mr Robinson? Moana Mack made a small laugh. "I'll be there, I know," The girl who responded was probably between the ages of seventeen and eighteen, and she was sporting a worn-out school uniform as well as some vintage cloth shoes. Her dark yellow skin was covered in black scars the size of coins.

She should have conveyed a sense of deprivation given the way she looked, but when she smiled, she had a gorgeous aura. The "ugly and ordinary" Moana Mack that Miller Anna had portrayed was in sharp contrast to this.

Well, I'll be at Miller's house waiting for you.

Use the back entrance, please. I'm worried the security officer will think you're ah, I have to leave now.

The caller, Miller Anna, made a few snarky remarks after receiving the response she was looking for, and then abruptly hung up. Perhaps Moana Mack's hearing was too good because she could properly capture Miller Anna's chilly laughter, which was full of calculation and disdain before the connection was disconnected.

How dare you, ugly monster, think anything negative about my brother Robinson? Do you even recognize yourself? You simply aren't wealthy enough to purchase even a formal gown.

I'II will ruin your reputation at the birthday banquet.

freaky ugly? a lowly commoner?

Moana Mack's eyes widened as she focused briefly on her phone's caller ID.

However, a man in a black mask kept his head down and remained silent in a corner around five or six meters away from Moana. He didn't cautiously raise his head until Moana Mack had finished her call, at which point he addressed her respectfully: "Master, does this Miller family know who you are to be so bold in front of you?"

"What do I identify as?" The man's sentence was cut off by Moana Mack, who did it in a sarcastic voice. "A month ago, I worked as a cleaner in An City, sweeping trash for a living. In addition, I had the fantasy of becoming a commoner and a phoenix on a branch after my mother was accepted into a prestigious high school. But that happened only one month ago. And now, they must respect me, Moana Mack, not just in An City but even in the wealthiest aristocratic families in H Country's capital. Regarding the cause, I'm afraid I alone am aware of it.

Are you visiting the Xia family, Ma? Do you require me to provide you with a set of formal clothes?" the subordinate politely inquired.

Even the head of the most prominent aristocratic family respects our master, he says. However, a lower-class aristocratic family, the Millers, dares to irritate our master. If An City knew our lord was here, I truly want to know how much of a stir it would make.

Unfortunately, the master was happy to assume a commoner's identity. The master might have been worried that a man would come looking for her.

Miller family, Anshi.

Miller Anna's birthday celebration was attended by many powerful figures in the city as they were a second-tier prestigious family in Anshi. The entire Miller Family hall was exquisitely and opulently decorated.


Despite coming from wealthy backgrounds, the student's Miller Anna invited didn't have the designation of belonging to a distinguished family on their profiles.

They nearly exclaimed in awe as soon as they walked in, "Anna, your family is wealthy."

Wow, Anna. Is the gown you're wearing a part of the designer Nan's pre-sale line? I've heard that Nan has been away from the industry for a while and has only recently returned, winning the top prize in a global design competition as soon as she did so.