
The Ones to Destiny

A Mystery between worlds, a collision of friends, a mystery of past. Whats in for The Ones

Kymoa · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs


After a long day of testing out our dragon, I walked home tired. Aspen hopped down and hopped up the stairs. My dad rushed out of the kitchen, with a worried expression. "Ellie! You weren't responding to my texts! I got worried. I-tho Mi-ko shi otho-ah Una El-ine!" My father said. "Im getting on your nerves?!" I rolled my eyes, "Excuse me!! For living my life!! I don't have to fill you in on everything I do. Cause it's like. I-Shoo- Shicana-Ug-ganaena Jakane. Pa-nida Usha. Kija-pona Hen-ga Vaga-noshi! Re-ne-hena Shu- LIka C-vxa-sha Aga!" I screamed in Shoni Lina Language. My father looked surprised, he never heard me speak in the forbidden witch language. "Wher-where did you learn that?" He asked, his angry tension growing. "I-I've always known it. El-nie Hi-ponshi. Ellie Hiper. Not that hard." I said, not sounding nervous. "Y-y-your eyes!" He shouted as our small palm tree slowly grow. I turned around slowly to see the once small palm tree grow five feet up. "How the-" I looked back at my father who looked terrified. I heard Aspens voice who hopped down. "Why?!" I asked, 'we just have to' she spoke to me.

Aspen hopped on my shoulder as we ran out of the house, I looked behind me to see a man in all black cloth. He instantly disappeared. I ran, and ran until I was deep in the forest.

"What-what was that?" I asked, terrified. I always knew something was wrong but never payed attention. That guy...he felt...evil.

I looked up when I heard someone approach me, I froze. I couldn't move at all.

When I thought I was done for, Petra came out from the bushes holding a chest that seemed to be glowing. "What's wrong with you?" She asked, going along with her day. I-i," Just then someone hit me as we both were flying. It was a tree, as I slid down. It was the dark black guy from my house. He struggled to get up as a white blue person flew in and punched the person up. "Ellie!" Petra yelled as she ran towards me. My head hurt like crazy as I saw Petra pull out her sword as we saw the two people fight. Petra got struck by the black person as she fell back. I swear I saw a third eye appear on her forehead as she rose. Her left arm grew purple nether black as she floated up. But she quickly fainted as she went back to her normal self.

At that moment I saw Cristan rush in with his pickaxes, lightning struck, the ground rumbled up as everything went dark...I couldn't feel my body. But I could hear words. Hugo's words? But he disappeared....Right?

I promise I will do a translation, maybe? MIne and Only Mine is in progress so is Love of my life. I cant wait to publish!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kymoacreators' thoughts