
The Ones to Destiny

A Mystery between worlds, a collision of friends, a mystery of past. Whats in for The Ones

Kymoa · Fantasy
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6 Chs


e and Ava were on our way towards the Treehouse. She was babbling about the crazy night she had when she got home. I told her to go up ahead so I could pick something up from my hidden base.

While I was getting ready I heard Cristan say Ava's full name. "Avana!" He shouted. I dropped my book, and ran as fast I could. My feet were on fire, I could literally hear and smell embers behind me but I wasn't worried about that. When I was in view I saw Ava's body vanish with a blast, and Cristan over the edge. I lunged at the latter, and climbed like a cat was trying to get away from water. I jumped up and landed with a superhero landing. "What happened?" I asked, pulling my enchanted diamond sword out. "She's gone," Cristan said, losing himself. "What?" I asked. "Hugo's gone!" He whimpered. Tears forming. He collapsed to the floor, making the whole treehouse shake.

"Whoa!" I heard Ellie say as she started climbing up the latter. When she reached the top, We helped Cristan in, and sat him on the couch. "Okay." Ellie stammered, as her new pet who she called A-spen. "If I'm correct," she said, smirking. "You and Hugo. Where cuddling." I cut her off before she could finish.

"Get on with it!" I said firmly, eager to get every detail out. "He started having a weird dream when he began floating mid air. Eye's glowing blue. Same as Ava." Cristan said, trembling. "Okay, that's not a lot of information." I said. My right arm began hurting again. It's been hurting ever since last night when I got hit with the trident. "Your arm okay?" Ellie asked, I nodded. Even though I wasn't, my problems are my problems.

We sat around, thinking about what happened to Ava and Hugo. Cristan was first to speak out of the silence.

"The night before, Hugo came to me talking about how he felt liquidy having a dream. Like water. He couldn't explain it." Cristan said firmly. "Like water huh." I said, thinking about what Ava said walking here.

"Wait! Ava said last night when she got in she felt windy." I blurted out. "Wind and Water. Brothers and sisters. I know a rhyme Ava's mom told us when we were little." Ellie admitted. "I don't know all of it but it has something to do with Wind, Water, Earth, Lightning, Rock, And Fire." Ellie summarized. I took note of what she said. It was part of the puzzle that was going on here in Greenville. "What do we do? We have to get composition prep for Mob Con." Cristan reminded me, I rolled my eyes. Even though he was right, I didn't like the fact that he reminded me.

"Cristan right, we gotta get to Competition Prep." Ellie reasoned.

It was a quiet walk to Competition Prep, but who's gonna talk about anything when your friends are missing.

We walked through the small gates and into our section, there were crates and chest. But before we got started we had to figure out what we were going to build.

"How about….. an Ender Dragon Ship!" Ellie said, her face glowing. But the glow turned to a shadow. "That was Ava's idea." She said, Aspen patting her little paw on her head. She hopped down and went to a chest and hoped in. Then pulled out a violin, and hopped back over to Ellie. "Huh? But It's been eight years since I played." She responded. Taking the violin. "Yes I was seven years old playing the violin." She responded to her familiar. "I played with Cristan who played for Hugoo." She smirked. Cristan blushed.

Aspen hopped to another chest and pulled out a ukulele. "Uh…. for me?" Cristan said, taking it.

"Aspen wants us to play. She says something about notes connecting? I really don't know." Ellie verified. "How about, Tall Gates?" Cristan recommended.

We started playing but blocks were flying out of the chest swirling around Cristan and Ellie. They were playing their hearts out. Eventually a beacon was crafted and was the heart of the machine heart.

They stopped playing and looked shocked, but they looked at me. "So, when did that happen?" Ellie said, surprised. She tucked her violin in her chest bag, Cristan put his ukulele in his chest backpack. "You sounded amazing but you also were doing Mumi Magic. It's magic performed by music." I clarified for them.

"Mumi Magic? Ellie and Cristan said in unison.

I rolled my eyes and continued to build.

At the end of the day we only had the dragon's eyes left to finish, at that point it was almost fly ready.

I walked up to the head and checked the controls, Ellie and Aspen popped up each in a different eye. I jumped a little giving them an annoyed look. "Sorry…We found some glass for the eyes." Ellie said, holding up the purple glass.

"Good job, now click them in so we can take a test fly around the forest a little bit," I confirmed. "Kk," She said as she and Aspen clicked in the glass for the eyes.

We secured the glass and got into our seats, I was the one driving Ellie and Cristan on my said, there were two seats behind me but they were for Hugo and Ava.

"All systems go," I said, flicking on the power core and main systems controls.

The dragon roared as its wings began flapping, and we were soon in the air above the campus. We flew towards the forest, all looking good. That's when I saw Hugo and Ava running from the village towards the west, but they soon disappeared around a tree.

"What the-"