
The One True Cultivation Art

After countless battles and the death of countless allies, I managed to defeat the demon lord. I had become the hero, stood on the battlefield for the sake of humanity's future... yet I found myself killed by the people I was fighting for. I realized that the world isn't black and white. instead, it's gray. as I was the hero for the humans, I was the devil for the demons, an evil monster blocking their race from leaving their dying realm... Well, It's all over now. I've died, I can close my eyes and rest... but I wasn't given that chance as I was reborn within the cultivation world. Although I want to sit back and sleep, I have to stand up to protect those I care for. this time I'm no hero of humanity, No... just the hero to my loved ones, the world can burn for all I care.

itachi1010 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

The Sect

In Heavenly Star Continent, there were a total of 6 kingdoms, and they split the land into 6 parts... of course, Ling Han was too lazy to hit each continent one by one. As he collected treasures, he was losing interest in going out to collect treasures. Instead, he was starting to plan on having people just go collect them for him.

Sighing, He had Ling Wong go and summon all of the level 3 Saint King. I had met most of them at the party, and now they were summoned over. I went to the number one Kingdom to wait for them, where I was welcomed. 

"Lord Han, it's always a pleasure to see you." the Level 3 Saint King all arrived with bright smiles to hide the fear in their heart. how could they not be scared when a half-step Saint just showed strength to rival a level 4 Saint?

Ling Han looked at the 6 experts for a moment, before taking a sip of the tea in his hand and spoke.

"I have come to the upper region for two reasons. The first is to take the Heavenly Star Continent under the Ling Clan rule, and at the same time collect some treasures. I will not force anyone to submit, so... which Kingdom is willing?" I asked calmly, making the level 3 Saints have a weird look.

"Well, the Golden Eye Empire would like to support the Ling Clan." a golden-eyed man said with a smile, to which I shook my head.

"Your kingdom is either under my Ling Clan or not," I said calmly, making the golden-eyed man frown slightly before he nodded in the end. at that, I gave him a paper,

"write your oath down in blood," I said calmly, I was using normal paper as it would be a waste to use paper from my treasury. although confused as to why I would want to write the oath down in blood, and seeing the paper was just a normal paper, he went on to write the oath down, but he was careful with the oath he wrote down, giving him much room to escape.

"I don't like the oath you wrote... if none of you are willing, you can leave. no one is forcing you to stay." I said calmly while causing the paper to catch on fire, before drinking my tea, which caused the Saint Kings to all secretly grit their teeth in rage.

"My Blazing Star Empire is willing to submit." A red-haired man said while taking out a paper and writing down an oath, before giving it to me. I took the oath and after looking at it, I nodded slightly before looking at everyone else. and seeing no one stepping up I stood up.

"Then have your Blazing Star Empire take over the remaining Empires," I said while breathing towards him, the red-haired man froze slightly before he exploded with strength at Level 4 Saint King. the Saint Kings pupils all shrank seeing this.

"Y-yes my lord. All empires shall not live past next month." the red-haired man said with bright eyes, he looked towards the other Saint Kings who realized they just missed an opportunity.

"Don't simply swallow them up, I also want all of the Mid Grade legendary grade treasure. Ling Wong shall remain here and look after everything, if you need something from me ask it through him." I said while leaving,

"W-wait, Lord Ling. My Golden Eye..." The golden-eyed man wished to continue but entered the carriage, which quickly left. the Golden Eyeed man watched as the carriage flew off before looking at the Saint Kings and Ling Wong who had an uninterested look as if he was standing before lower lifeforms... well, they could only kneel now. it would be foolish to fight back

"Wow, I can see your interest just dying out." Yuan Ming said with a smile seeing how bored I looked.

"It's boring... no challenge or whatever. but let's collect the treasures of the world before returning home. I will leave this to Dad, I wasn't built to be a conqueror." I said with a yawn while rubbing my eyes, I was getting sleepy.

"Maybe this world isn't worthy of you conquering. You return home and sleep, when you wake up everything would naturally be under the Ling Clan's control. you are so talented you don't even need to lift a finger." Yuan Ming said to which I nodded slightly as it sounded like it made sense.

"You are a priceless treasure... so no more of you walking around collecting trash, wait for the treasures that are worthy of your attention. Just leave it to big sis, I will help you collect the fate of the world. Alright?" She asked softly, to which I nodded slightly while falling asleep in her arms.

"... why do you always look at him like that?" Ling Hongwa asked while looking at the look in Yuan Ming's eyes. It was like she was looking at treasure.

"Because he is mine..." Yuan Ming said softly, causing Ling Hongwa's curious look to disappear as she frowned. she wanted to take Ling Han away from her, but Yuan Ming simply held Ling Han tighter... 

When Ling Han woke up, he found Yuan Ming had collected low to mid-grade-legendary treasure from both the Seeking Immortal Continent and the heavenly Star Continent. As for how she did it, she had used my technique of giving out rewards to the first few who managed to submit. the reward was a bottle that held my breath. Now, the Ling Clan had complete control of the upper region as well.

I went on to take the treasures into my treasury, and after a moment I felt myself collecting the fate of the whole world.

{Collected the fate of the whole world... the host has unlocked the full capability of the treasury. the new unlocked abilities have been listed below.

1. Time No Longer exists within the treasury. If something is to happen, it happens instantly. You have all of the treasures ever born from this world no matter how back, and so long as their fate is still connected to this world.

2. The treasures shall improve instantly until your current capability can no longer improve their strength... this feeds off your energy. so make sure you have a way to have endless energy or recover extremely fast if you want it to be instant.

3. Your Treasury shall have auto protection. if you are ever in danger, the treasury shall move to protect you. even if you don't sense it, as the treasury has so many treasures, the treasury can use them to boost its senses to allow it to be far sharper than even you. giving it the power to see danger even before you can. note that the treasury isn't alive. it's more like your subconscious.}

'Wow...' I could not help but think this as all of my treasures evolved, becoming not low Legendary grade weapons, not Mid Legendary Grade Treasures, or even High... but Peak Grade. this made me... well, a super rich man.

"what's with that smile?" Yuan Ming asked with a smile seeing how I had a lost look, I was quiet for a moment before taking the Curse Cultivation Pendant around her neck. I threw it into the treasury and took it back out. Yuan Ming at first pouted seeing me taking an away, but as I put it around her neck, she was stunned.

how could she not when she could now cultivate a million times faster? was this not too much? if the Pendant kept improving, would she one day be able to cultivate infinitely faster? As she had bonded with the Pendant, she was able to remove the curse this Pendant gave to her cultivation at will. it now hid her cultivation so well that even some immortals would not be able to sense her cultivation. She would be like a normal mortal

{Host, you don't need to take the treasures back into the treasury to give them an update. their true form is in the treasury. just have their outside self-upgrade.} the system said, to which I thought for a moment. The maid uniform Ling Mei had was swallowed in a white color light before it disappeared. although the maid uniform looked the same, it had upgraded, becoming a Peak legendary Grade item.

At the same time, all of the items I had given away were upgraded. I had rarely given anyone treasures, only those of the Ling Clan and those dear to me.

"Well, I should go to the upper region to adapt to the Qi up there," I said with a yawn, I just went from everyone around me being stronger than me to being the strongest person here. this was of course for the best.

So, I headed off the to lower parts of the Upper region. The Qi density there wasn't so high, and I could far more easily get used to the density of the Qi. I only needed... an instant. Well, I just had to tell myself to adapt to the Qi and I did. I was slightly embarrassed that the system had to point this out to me. 

The upper region Qi was far pure and denser than the lower region. I enjoyed the Qi here, far more than the lower region Qi. Comparing it back to Earth, was like going out of the city and entering the area free of that dirty city air.

but Instead for me, the air was not only that, but it helped me grow stronger faster than the lower region... that was until I found out I could just summon the density of Qi from the upper region when in the lower region. So I didn't need to be anywhere, after all my breath was the fusion of all breath-type techniques and ability. I could summon Qi from anywhere

Hell, I told myself to adapt to the density of Qi of the immortal realm, and I began breathing in the Qi from the immortal realm which only made my cultivation speed take major steps forward towards a breakthrough.

So, I returned to the lower region and sat back while looking and hearing news of a new sect that had opened up. A sect called the One True Supreme Sect. A powerful sect that taught everything from alchemy to martial arts, and even beast taming. it had many sect masters for each division, who all answered to the Supreme One...

of course, this sect was built by me. It was one of the things I had Ling Wong and Ling Mei create. for me, talents were not important. instead, those with strong wills were. So this sect would only take in those with a strong will. from there, I wanted them to train to become the best martial artists they could be.

Of course, a branch opened everywhere within this world. but the main branch was in Seeking Immortal Continent, where all of the sects had fused into one. I will give them the best resources and best investment for training... just so I can fight them and improve my overall capability. Of course, I fought the best martial arts this world had to offer, quickly allowing my Martial Arts capability to take huge steps forward. 

Other than that, I had to also search for those who were willing to sell everything for power. luckily, that was easy. many had their cultivation crippled, many had their talent stolen, and many had their hopes destroyed as they were not talented... I targeted them all and gave them a chance to change their fate by simply giving everything to me with an oath written in blood.

I needed 100 of such oaths for Absolute Contract to reach level 2

Level 2: You no longer need to write out the agreement in blood. so long as you and the other party shake on an agreement, the Contract shall be made.

For this to level up again, It looked like I needed 100,000 contracts made. Which I did in a few days. of course, everyone I made contracts with was gifted great power and would not simply be forgotten. No, I now held their life. they were to work for the Ling clan.

After 100,000 Handshakes. It leveled up to level 3 which was the max level.

Level 3: You no longer need a handshake to sign an agreement. just a verbal agreement shall do. So long as both parties agree upon something even with simple sign language, then a contract is made where you can set the punishment for breaking the agreement... it's not your fault if the other party doesn't ask what they were. Note, that you can no longer break your contract if you and the other party don't agree to break it.

it's not like I was one to go back on my words in the first place. So that didn't really bother me in the first place. With that out of the way, I began to start trying to recreate techniques from my past life. Absolute Combat was still at level 1, but level 1 gave me the power to copy and master all techniques and martial arts I saw. I could not only copy it, but I could also improve it and create something better. But while creating these techniques, I also began realizing I had more types of techniques I had yet to touch upon... so I began trying to look at some unique techniques, and creating some cool abilities.

[The Untouchable Supreme One}- The fusion of all Untouchable type abilities and techniques. this comes in two parts...

Part 1: The user can become unreachable, making it impossible to approach or get near them. This may grant them immunity to a number of different attacks and keep anyone or anything from ever coming near or touching the user, regardless of its origin. They simply never "get there" because they can't ever "reach" the user. 

Part 2: The user can move through anything and ignore most effects in their way. the exact means of how this is done vary between slipping partially into other dimensions, being able to make their particles move between different particles, being a non-physical being of energy, vibrating their molecules into a new quantum frequency, etc. You do it all and it's all fused. you can ignore most attacks, dangers, and even the laws of the world as if you're not there...

Note: Although for most attacks you need not worry about, if said attacks try to somehow find a way to counter this, it would burn through a lot of your energy to remain Untouchable.

This was cool and all, I simply created a technique I had seen back on Earth. but I didn't stop there as I tried more techniques. but recreating techniques wasn't simple. but I managed, but I only managed to get 2 things from the system. [Absolute Augmentation], [Absolute Reduction]. these two had 10 levels, and currently, I was at level 1, which allowed me to boost and reduce something by 10 times. even something like the cooldown of an ability, the activation time of something, and so on was affected.

There were just many types of abilities that I had yet to get, but I didn't want too many right now. It was getting hard to remember what I had, instead, I should master what I already had before doing anything else... oh, Absolute Reduction can be used to decrease the cooldown time of techniques. so I can fuse with my clones 10 times a week compared to when I could only do it once a week.

With the birth of the One True Supreme Sect, many sect disciples from all over wanted to join the sect. hell, many sect masters and ancestors left their sect to join the sect. this was because the sect accepted anyone with a strong will, age didn't matter. you can be an old man a step away from death and the sect would take you in.

The resources the sect also offered were the best. they also rewarded those who brought someone with the willpower needed to join the sect. this led to many sect masters picking up those sect disciples with the strongest of wills to join the sect. this also led to many mortals from all over being searched to see if they had strong wills

Pure Heron Sect, the 5 Lotus sect, and the many other sects all did this. Currently, at the One True Supreme Sect, Nalan Yanran stood next to a woman. A Xiatian realm cultivator from a small sect called the White Cloud sect, this woman had taken Nalan Yanran as her disciple after seeing her talent when she joined the sect. and after seeing that Nalan Yanran had a strong will, she brought her to this sect to see if Nalan Yanran was capable of joining the One True Supreme Sect.

"What is it Nalan Yanran?" She asked to which Nalan Yanran shook her head slightly. 

"I was just wondering if the crown prince who was the number one disciple here is the same crown prince from the Ling clan." She said softly, making the woman's eyebrow raised slightly. At first, that would sound like a dumb question, but one had to remember Ling Han was only 1 year and a few months old. Plus, why would he be here instead of going to those bigger continents? But who dared to take the name crown prince? but how would the crown prince be able to cultivate at his young age?

"Don't talk about this matter... it could bring you trouble if not careful." She said softly, to which Nalan Yanran nodded slightly. She had never told anyone she had met Ling Han, but since this was a test for her, she wanted to show Ling Han she could reach the capital with her capability.

She sighed softly before she felt a gaze on her. She looked around and soon saw a face she never expected to see... Xiao Yan was within the crowd of people. She frowned slightly, as this could be troublesome. her frown deepened even more seeing he was at level 5 Houtian... but it's been 3 months since they last met, how did he regain his cultivation so fast? 

"Alright! Listen up, you all wish to join the sect. to join the sect, there is just one test you all must pass... seal away your cultivation and reach the sect." from on top of the mountain leading to the One True Supreme Sect entrance, a man called out.

No one was shocked, the mountain wasn't so far away and was just a few minutes climb away. they all sealed away their cultivation and began to start walking up the mountain. the mountain wasn't too steep or had any wild beasts or anything. but a formation covered the mountain, which put pressure on their minds.

those with strong willpower would easily ignore this and walk normally, but with each step that pressure grows. Although the pressure was an illusion, it was a super realistic illusion that caused them to slowly drag their legs.

"..." Xiao Yan's eyes were filled with a deep endless killing intent, but Nalan Yanran just sneered. The Next time she meets him, She will not think twice about killing him. ignoring him, she also sealed her cultivation and began to walk forward.

Meanwhile, Xiao Yan waited for everyone to get a good head start, something which confused the woman who brought him here... Fireheart. She had been out exploring when she saw how talented Xiao Yan was within the fire path. So, she had brought him here to see if he had what was needed to enter The One True Supreme Sect.

"Xiao Yan, are you alright?" Fireheart asked calmly, to which Xiao Yan shook his head while smiling slightly.

"I'm alright, I just saw an old enemy..." Xiao Yan said while clearing his head before he stepped forward. he walked up the mountain as if he were taking a walk in the park. he easily passed many people and quickly neared the peak. Something which made Fireheart's eyebrow raise as even she had some trouble on this test... the only person with such ease to do this was Ling Han.

"Interesting." She said with a smile before disappearing, meanwhile, Xiao Yan quickly caught up to Nalan Yanran. By then, even his steps were heavy. they were at the front above everyone. Nalan Yanran's eyes widened slightly watching how Xiao Yan caught up to her, and with some struggle passed her and reached the peak of the tower. He looked back at her, before sneering and entering the sect.

Nalan Yanran's face turned dark before she took that final step and reached the peak of the mountain. She glared at Xiao Yan, before entering the sect where they had to wait for the 30-minute timer to finish up. of course, there was a time limit, if people couldn't reach the peak within 30 minutes they would be turned away.

Xiao Yan broke the record being 30 seconds, even beating the crown prince's record of 40 seconds. Nalan Yanran also beat the crown prince record, coming in at 36 Seconds.

"Your record has been broken by two people," Fireheart said with a smirk as she appeared before Ling Han who was getting ready to sleep... even though it was morning. 

"You do know I set that record to be broken right?" I asked calmly, to which Fireheart's smirk grew.

"Sure. thats right, you did. what was I thinking." She said causing me to grit my teeth. this woman knew how to get under my skin. The day I was old enough, this woman shall live her life being bullied by me.

"Was it Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran?" I asked taking a deep breath, but at my words Fireheart was shocked, seeing this I nodded slightly.

"They were a bit slow to arrive, those two love birds even came here together," I said with a shrug. Well, I should go see them. but before that, I looked towards Ling Wong

"get me information on those two following the last time I been to OX Village... which was more than what? when I was 8 months old." I said calmly, I was now 1 year and 3 months old. 

"Understood." Ling Wong said respectfully before disappearing. Fireheart had a confused look, not understanding who was the lovebirds I was talking about. She thought they were enemies... but she didn't care much.