
A trip to past

Kali sat on her seat inside the train, lost in thought as the world whizzed by outside the window. The other passengers were chattering away, but Kali felt separated from the crowd, as if she were in a world of her own.

She opened her bag and took out the ancient stone axe, feeling its weight in her hands. As she closed her eyes and focused her will on the stone, she felt a sudden jolt, as if she were being pulled through time and space.

When she opened her eyes again, Kali found herself in a strange and ancient world. The air was thick with the scent of vegetation, and the sky was a deep, rich blue. She looked down at herself and saw that she was partially not feeling her body, it was like a presence without existence.

Kali felt a moment of panic, unsure of what to do next. But then she remembered the lessons her grandfather had taught her about the power of the stone axe, and she realized that she had been transported to a time long ago. It is a dimension of nowhere, a non-existing plane where there is no barriers of time, space, distance and life or death. It's a presence of just being there somehow.

Taking a deep breath, Kali began to explore her surroundings. She saw towering trees, their leaves rustling in the breeze, and heard the distant roar of a waterfall. The ground beneath her feet was covered in a soft layer of moss, and she could feel the coolness of the earth seeping into her.

As she walked, Kali noticed that the animals around her were different from any she had ever seen before. There were giant sloths, apes who were way bigger and wider than in our time. She watched in awe as a pack of wolves trotted by, their sharp eyes glinting in the sunlight.

Kali walked for what felt like hours, marveling at the beauty and power of the ancient world around her. As she walked, she felt the power of the stone axe growing stronger in her hands it is leading her way in that massive world. Finally, Kali came to a clearing in the forest, and saw a group of primitive humans gathered around a fire. They were dressed in animal skins, and their faces were painted with intricate designs.

Kali walked towards a group of people who were preparing for a sacrifice. They were holding the stone that she had brought with her, and they were chanting in an unknown language. Yet Kali was able to understand the meaning of what those people are saying, She watched as they offered fruits and other things to the stone, treating it like a deity.

Kali was amazed at the sight in front of her. It was like she had traveled back in time to witness a long-forgotten ritual. She continued to observe as the people performed the sacrifice, and then suddenly, a loud rumble shook the ground beneath her feet.

The people started to panic and scatter in all directions. Kali looked up and saw a massive boulder rolling down the nearby mountain, heading straight towards the village. She quickly realized that it was an avalanche, and it was going to destroy the village.

A loud thud sound came from the opposite direction of the avalanche and everything which was shaking before stopped, and there was intense calm, that sound came from a stick of a young teenager, who was walking with his father towards the ritual performing area. It was obvious that this young Kid and his father was certainly different from the other people of that era, Kali can sense a huge amount of energetic vibe from both of them. She can hear from the communication of the villagers that the Name of this duo was Kastura & Rudra. Kastura was the old man and Rudra was that young lad who came along with him.

As Kali look at there moments, She started to feel that kastura emits a kind and compulsive aura while Rudra brings a sense of judgment and intensity in the environment. Rudra have something different about him, which makes him stand out of any of the other villager present there. He looked in the direction from where Kali was observing everyone, and smiled. Though she wasn't visible to anyone in this realm because she came from a completely different dimension. Yet it felt like that Rudra was able to see her and did that on purpose. She trembled down her spine.

Kali watched as Kastura and Rudra made their way to the site of the sacrifice, their presence commanding attention from the other villagers. Kali could feel the power emanating from them, a power unlike any she had ever encountered before.

As they reached the site, Kastura addressed the villagers, his voice ringing out with a strength and authority that left no room for doubt. He spoke of the importance of the sacrifice, and how it would bring prosperity to their village. Kali could sense that the other villagers looked up to him with a mixture of awe and fear.

As the ritual began, Kali could feel the tension in the air. The young boy Rudra stood beside his father, his eyes closed in deep concentration. Suddenly, the ground began to shake again, even more violently than before. Kali watched in awe as Rudra lifted his staff, his eyes glowing with a fierce energy.

Rudra called five villagers for the sacrifice, three men and two women. The villagers were hesitant at first but they knew they couldn't refuse the leader's request. Rudra, with his stick in hand, approached each of them and put his thumb on their forehead. As soon as he did that, the villagers' eyes slid backwards, and they started shaking violently for a few seconds.

Kali watched in horror as the scene unfolded before her. She couldn't understand what was happening to the villagers. But soon, the shaking stopped, and the villagers came back to their senses with tears of joy in their eyes. They seemed transformed, as if they had been touched by some divine power.

Rudra and Kastura then led the transformed villagers to the ritual area. There they performed a series of complex rituals, chanting and invoking the powers of the spirits. Kali could sense the energy in the air growing more intense with every passing moment.

As the rituals reached their climax, everyone stood with their hands folded and necks down. The villagers looked up in awe . The ground shook violently, and few of them lost their balance. The transformed villagers were bleeding from their nose yet they are happy they started falling down one after another as their bodies started to shrink as if all the water from their bodies have been draining. Within few minutes all five of them are lying on the ground like rotten flesh and was completely life less. As soon as other villagers come near the dead bodies to collect them for cremation to get rid of their after life and this cycle of karma. Kastura collected everyone and started speaking while sitting on the ground.

The villagers listened intently as Kastura spoke, some with fear and others with reverence. Rudra stood by his father's side, his piercing gaze scanning the crowd as Kastura continued to explain the purpose of the ritual.

"We are not just sacrificing these people for the sake of it," Kastura said firmly. "We are doing it to bring forth the greatness and prosperity that lies within them. When they die in a state of elevated emotions, we are able to capture that energy and store it in this stone."

He explains how Rudra, brings out the happiest and most prosperous of the emotions hidden inside a person, When he put his thumb on someone's forehead, the person feel immense pleasure of a lifetime, a pleasure far beyond anything physically possible, Rudra opens a state of ectasia to other people and make them realize the true nature of life. A person who accept his/her death in complete consciousness emits a huge amount of universal energy which can be useful for the next generations to keep developing and have the life going in its best state.

He held up the stone, which glinted in the light. The villagers leaned in closer, their eyes fixed on the shimmering object.

"Through this stone, we can fulfill our greatest desires and achieve our greatest dreams. But we must continue this ritual, year after year, to keep the power of the stone alive."

The villagers nodded in agreement, some with tears in their eyes. They knew that the sacrifice was necessary for the well-being of the village and the greater good.

Rudra stepped forward, his voice low but commanding. "Remember, as we perform this ritual, we are honoring the greatness that lies within us all. We must strive to live every moment with the same level of passion and intensity, so that when our time comes, we too may be remembered as great."

Ritual ends with these announcements and everyone started to cremate those five great sacrifices, the people who leaved their bodies behind so that they can attain the singular eternity.

Kali was amazed and scared at the same time, What Kastura said made sense to her, but to kill someone for their happy and positive energy feels sick to her, though Kali herself was feeling relaxed in that aura she was feeling a calmness around her surrounding with a sound of silence.

Few kids come to Rudra with curiosity and asked him if it is not fair that these people have died for them and their family will always be in remorse for loosing their loved ones.

Rudra looked at the kids with a gentle smile and knelt down to their level. He placed his hand on the shoulder of the youngest one and spoke in a soothing voice, "My dear children, death is a natural part of life. It is only the physical body that dies, but the soul lives on. These people have sacrificed their lives willingly, knowing that their energy and positivity will be used for the greater good of their community."

He continued, "Their families will grieve for them, but they will also take solace in the fact that their loved ones have made a sacrifice that will help their community thrive. And remember, death is not the end. The soul continues on, and who knows, they may even be reborn into a better life."

The kids looked at Rudra with a mix of confusion and understanding. They nodded and went back to playing, but the conversation lingered in their minds. Rudra stood up and looked at Kastura, who gave him a proud smile. They both knew that they were preparing the next generation to carry on the tradition and legacy of their village.

Kastura stepped in to answer the question. "The sacrifice of a life is not something to be taken lightly," he said. "But in the case of this ritual, it's necessary. We are not just taking a life for the sake of it. We are taking lives that are filled with the most positive of emotions, and that energy is what we use to fuel our actions."

He added " The life all along on this planet is singular, we all share this same energy just in different vessels, we start thinking that we are separate from each other but just like a reflection in the drops of water and light which emits from the sun, the core source of that light is sun itself, So the core source of you and me living is the life itself no matter how many of us are dead and how many of us gets born again, the life on this whole universe keeps on happening, a human body is no different than that body of the bird sitting there it's just the size and shape which is different"

Kastura put his hand on the child's chest, and said "Inside you is the same life, which is inside me, which were inside the people who just left their body. The death is just another aspect of a transformation of form, There is no sadness and remorse in the death of someone but a new start. We cannot end a life by just simply killing the body it keeps going and going from other dimensions too."

The children seem quite convinced about the things Rudra and Kastura said, Even Kali who have no idea why she was able to understand some ancient gibberish also pretty convinced herself and agrees to whatever this father son duo said