
A visit to Himalyas

Kali packed her bags and headed towards the Himalayas, the journey was long and tiring, but she was determined to find the answers she was looking for. She finally reached the base of the Dronagiri Parvat, where her aunt and uncle lived in a small village.

The Himalayas is a mountain range in Asia that separates the Indian subcontinent from the Tibetan Plateau. It is the highest and the youngest mountain range in the world, spanning across five countries: India, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, and Pakistan. The Himalayas are home to numerous peaks that are over 8,000 meters high, including the world's highest mountain, Mount Everest.

Dronagiri Parvat is a mountain peak located in the Himalayas in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand, India. It is a part of the Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Dronagiri Parvat is famous for its stunning beauty, and it is considered to be one of the most sacred mountains in the Himalayas. It is also believed to be the abode of Lord Shiva, and many devotees come here to offer their prayers and seek blessings. The peak has a height of around 7,066 meters, and it is surrounded by other prominent peaks like Nanda Devi, Dunagiri, and Changabang. The area around Dronagiri Parvat is known for its natural beauty, and it is believed that the mountain range is home to many ancient secrets, including the legendary "Sanjeevani Booti" - a historic plant believed to have life-restoring properties.

According to the Ramayana, Lord Hanuman was sent to bring the Sanjeevani Booti to heal Lord Rama's brother Lakshmana, who was gravely injured in battle. It is said that Hanuman visited the Dronagiri Parvat to search for the herb and finally found it, saving Lakshmana's life.

The Sanjeevani Booti era of Dronagiri Parvat is thus a significant part of Indian history and is revered by Hindus as a symbol of healing and rejuvenation. Even today, many people visit the Dronagiri Parvat in search of the Sanjeevani Booti or to seek spiritual enlightenment from the mountain's serene surroundings.

Kali, entered her village and greeted few people in her way, when she reached her old house she got showered with lots of childhood memories, she was greeted with open arms by her family members and they were surprised to see her after so many years. She spent some quality time with them, sharing stories of her adventures and asking about their lives. She remembered the time when she was young and visit these mountains to explore and play with new things, she always had a connection with these mountains and it is a nostalgic experience for her.

Her family's daily routine, which mainly involved farming and taking care of their animals.

After spending half of the day with her family, Kali decided to climb up the mountain to meet her grand father, who was a monk and lived in a small ashram. The climb was steep and the air was thin, but Kali was determined to reach the top. She finally reached the ashram and was greeted by her grand father, who was sitting outside meditating.

Her grand father was a sight to behold, despite his age of 100 years, he was still slim and fit, he didn't have many wrinkles on his face, and his eyes sparkled with wisdom. He welcomed Kali with a smile and asked her to sit beside him. He knew the reason for her visit and was ready to share his knowledge an wisdom with her.

Kali told her grand father about the spirit, the stone and the list of events happened with Ashi and how she made a deal with the spirit to save her life. Her grand father listened carefully and then spoke in a calm voice, "The Himalayas are full of mysteries itself, some can be dangerous while others can bring enlightenment. The spirit inside Ashi, is not an ordinary one, it is an ancient one, and it has been roaming the earth for centuries."

He continued, "The only way to understand the spirit's motives is to understand the history of its origin. These stones hold many secrets, and only those who seek them with pure intentions can uncover them."

Kali listened intently to her grand father's words and felt a sense of calm wash over her. She realized that the answer to her questions lay in the past and she needed to uncover the secrets of the human civilizations to find them, which are yet to be discovered.

"Did you brought that piece of stone with yourself ?" , her grandfather asked.

"yes, I've it with me.", kali replied in an instant.

Kali opened her bag and gave her stone to her grandfather. His old hands holed that carved piece of art, He closed her eyes and the facial expressions changed with every passing second. He was connected to that piece now and was digging every history attached with it. Her grandfather was not a normal guy, He started Meditating at the age of 28, and He never been to any doctor for diagnosis, he never fell sick or get tired. Instead he can dig into something's or someone's past just by a mere touch of his hand.

It was a trait passed into Kali's family from the ancestors, It is kind of a science of dimensions, Kali herself has been taught into all this but as she grew older she lost her interest in family belongings and went outside to explore the rest of the world. She was very close and familiar with all these spirit, magic and history thing as she grew up between all this. She have a very vast knowledge of different types of sorcery and magic myths and legends going around in world. Kali was someone who tried to run from all this because her family suffered a lot due to all these supernatural stuff, But this way or that fate always bend her into that same direction.

The grand father opened his eyes and gave the stone back to Kali, He looked at her with a serious expression and said.

Grandfather then explains to Kali that the stone is actually a relic from that ancient civilization, which was known for its advanced knowledge and spiritual practices. He tells her that the village was known for its unique abilities to communicate with spirits and otherworldly beings, and that they were able to harness their energy for various purposes. The civilization was about 3 million years old and situated in the western coastal of Bharat where today Sindhu river is located.

He goes on to explain that the stone itself was a powerful tool used by the villagers to connect with the spirits and channel their energy. The family of the head of the village used it to do the deeds and harness prosperity. However, over time, the power of the stone grew too strong for the village to handle, and it ultimately led to their downfall. The stone's dark energy affected the youngest son of the head of the village as they used to keep the tool with themselves after the rituals. The young child who's mind got corrupt due to the negativity was named as Rudradatt, He started behaving unnecessarily evil as time passes Rudradatt started getting more and more brutal and her grandfather narrated the whole thing which he saw in his vision.

Grandfather warns Kali that the spirit inside Ashi may not be as benevolent as it seems, and that it could potentially have far more dangerous intentions. He advises her to be careful and to approach the situation with massive caution.

Kali listens carefully to her grandfather's words, and she begins to realize the true gravity of the situation. She knows that she must find a way to break the deal that Ashi has made with the spirit, and to free her friend from its grasp.

As she prepares to leave the mountains and return to her friends, Kali makes a vow to herself to do whatever it takes to protect Ashi and to ensure that she is no longer under the influence of the spirit. Kali takes wisdom from her grandfather and started making her way back. Kali was surprised and horrified about everything she got to know about that stone and the spirit which is residing inside of Ashi. She was thinking about it on all her way back.