
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · วิดีโอเกม
90 Chs

Chapter 11 relic

Chapter 11relic

We are looting the last corpse on the outskirts of the wall, in the vicinity of the boreal forest.

Wolves come pouring out of the forest and ice trolls roar as they move towards the wall, at that the trees in the vicinity begin to freeze and a snowfall begins to fall on the forest section.

Tuc, tuc, tuc. My heart was jumping, my skin was bristling and my thoughts were just screaming run away, run away.


With a roar that was unlike anything I've ever heard, a sonic wave hits our deck and forces us out of camouflage.

"Co, run Sif, run!"

With a quick turn, Sif bolted for the wall, I take a second glance Backwards,only to manage to see a black helmet and in its slits blue flame eyes.


Hp 100/100% Mp 2900/2900



Race:ice reborn(leader)

Occupation:icy mage








Ability:<vampiric aura><ice nova>.

<raise undead><blessing of the silver moon>.

Description:an elemental creature of ice and water, thanks to the blessing of the moon his power increases the longer he is under it, he roams the cold northern lands looking for dead to revive. He is described as emotionless and brutal

The more distance we get from the being, the more quickly calm returns to me, at that Sif jumps over the wooden fence.

"Calm down Sif, that thing doesn't seem to want to leave the forest."

"I know that master, still we have to make sure and that will only happen when it reaches the walls, by the way we will tell the captain of on the wall."

With Sif's words, I fall into some deep thoughts, to tell them or not to tell them, it was sure I won't tell them anything, come on they tried to kill me, I'm a vindictive bastard and I like it, still it's not like if that thing can get past the walls it will only be a little damage.

"Tell what, Sif, it seems to me that we finished the mission and came back when we heard that guy's scream, right?"

"hahaha revenge is always served on a hot plate, by the way this was a line from one of your memories."

With a laugh, Sif approved my actions of revenge, well more than revenge, a little joke no? Now that I fall that line I don't remember and she said this whole line is from my memories.

"That's because I've been blocking your lucid dreams, making those memories be there, but don't remember."

System to the rescue I guess, in those short sentences Sif had already reached the foot of the wall, nearby are the remains of the adventurers who have not passed the test, their end was only a stain of flesh and blood in the sand, next to them are 2 troll corpses, giving a sign that they were facing each other.

With a glance I began to reflect on this, something so common according to my memories, but so stupid according to my inherited memories, the population should be more careful now that the creatures have been more active lately.

Coming out of that state, in a wave of my hand the feather appeared and crushed it, thus creating an upward current of air towards the wall.

In the blink of an eye we were already back to the top of the wall, there the church captain and Sophia are waiting for us.

"Nothing personal Nea, you must know that for an expedition you need a lot of food, then you have to take mouths out of the equation, besides on day 5 the population always increases."

I guess that explains everything, they were nothing but mouths to feed on this occasion, well this is where you realize that everywhere they are the same, they only think of themselves.

"How am I going to take it to heart, in this line of work anything can happen, of course a reward always helps."

With that she tossed him all the rings, one by one, and he just moves his hand, then out comes a soldier carrying a bag of coins.

"Sure it does, no work without fair pay, we're not like those Muscovite savages."

Whatever I just want to get out of here, I have a good plan, a prototype plan.

"Then I have to go, you know where to get my services in case something happens."

With that I turn around, starting to walk towards the stairs, as the horde won't end even if I'm here.

"Wait, I have something to ask!"

With a soft, low voice, but one that carries a dangerous feeling, I turn around seeing that Sofia is the one speaking.

"what can I do for you?"

"We heard that noise from the forest, wouldn't your beast or you know what kind of being it is."

I thought I had gotten away with it, whatever it is was only a childish plan for revenge, I will have to maneuver.

"I have not seen any part of its being, besides the helmet and eyes, there is a chance it is humanoid and very large."

With my answer Sophia turns around and looks towards the captain, he looks back at her and nods as he begins to speak.

"I understand you can go, as you said, if anything comes up I will send for you."

With that I turn around as I hug Sif, already walking down the stairs to the bottom I managed to see the healer camps, canteens and resupply centers all scattered along the main street.

"Where are we going master, you must know you have the face of a determined man."

"I'm not going to ask why you see my face in such detail, in this time I've been thinking why am I still an adventurer? I can be more, there is so much here that doesn't happen elsewhere death, war, famine and more, then there is only one choice if I don't want to see this..."

"Oh master, you look so wow, but you are right only with what I have seen in your memories, the system can more so much more, we must take the opportunity that now gives us."

Sif, you are absolutely right, we have to take advantage of the current moment we are in, there are about 30 independent kingdoms fighting to dominate the northern part of the old Muscovite empire, it is now I don't want to live forever being someone's dog and even more so When the system promises to take me to the top.

"That's just it, I've been thinking that there are already enough serfs for me to join them, then the mode of guidance through destiny must be abused."

With that I ask the system how much of the relic needs to be known for him to take over.

"According to my calculations it needs, approximate location, name, type, some kind of compression about it and desire to find it."

Those requirements are... Tricky since the name depends on whoever is relating, writing or describing it, while everything else is equal, I guess it will have to be luck of the draw.

"I understand then what needs to be done first for nu, your wish."

"We go to the archives in the central square, there we look at the government type relics."

What can I say about these relics, government type relics are some of the most dangerous and controlled of all, it is absolutely forbidden to sell or use them, of course they are not the most dangerous for nothing, these are noted for a control over the mind, emotions and the governed land.

"Oh, you haven't gone from furro to hypnotist, master how come I raised you so bad I did."

"Stuff happens, besides, even though they are very useful, they come with major flaws, it won't be world wide brainwashing or something."

With our hearsay we made it all the way to the central square, the place where it was located, the church, the guild and the archives.

It was a three-story building of solid rock ranging from the largest to the smallest, which pyramid, its 2-meter white wooden doors, its multi-colored windows on the second floor and at the top of the third is a light green pyramidal crystal.

"What kind of business they have with the great knowledge."

At its door stood two men in brown robes, black pointed hats and a wooden staff.

"I seek the wisdom bestowed upon us by the great envoys."

With that I pass them the entrance fee a few silver coins.

"Please come in and enjoy your stay in the archives."

Stretching out their hand one on each side, the great door is pushed back, revealing the great Bookshelves, tall to the ceiling and filled with books of all colors, sizes and shapes, colorful, rainbow bubbles float through the air giving light to the entire library, the floors are decorated with white tiles relegating the light upwards.

The archives are a kind of relic, they appear in every city that meets certain requirements, whether in the empire, dynasty or other countries, in all can appear.

And how was it that this relic was created, in ancient times knowledge was not maintained and people lived in an era of misinformation, this ended with the envoys, they had a mania for recording everything, they went to the ends of nearby continents, they searched everything about the ancient eras and more, all these stories of the search for knowledge and heroism gave rise to the crystallization of the world relic called the archives.

"Come on master, there is no time to waste."