
The north

hysteria, a land of abundance of resources and mana, in this land there are powerful gods who share the land and humans who create empires in them. Let's follow Nea horcrux a man who by some circumstances receives an ancient inheritance and with that will rise in this world of continuous chaos. It is a Fan-Fiction due to the use of locations, weapons, characters and more from other titles (movies, games, etc.), etc.) Disclaimer:The cover is not mine in any way, This story has been created with translation. The chapters will be uploaded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pd:between those days I may or may not upload depending on my mood since I do this for fun.

Th3_C4t · Video Games
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90 Chs

Chapter 10 In open fields

Chapter 10 In open fields

Leaving the army armory, if you can call it that. I notice how the sound of the cannons has diminished since we got up.

"So, master, how do we get out of here? I mean why through the main gate you can't."

Oh Sif, you must be a hidden genius.

"It's obvious we'll jump over the wall after we check in with whoever is in charge in this section."

"It's not obvious, that soldier doesn't explain anything, plus I'm a wolf, not a cat, so no fall on all fours assured."

As we talked we looked for a ladder to climb to the upper section of the wall.

"sure, it's obvious to me, since I've been in this line of work for quite some time, and what happens I thought that with your great pride you would appropriate the 4-legged fall for cats."

"why would I do that? Wait cat... Wolf... Did you just compare me to a dog, I am superior to those creatures with subservience in their veins, besides they wouldn't be cats, but tigers to fight."

It wasn't my smartest plan, truth be told that to tease the one who had my arms occupied, in a display of supernatural, he turned his neck and took a bite out of my hand.

"that hurts!"

With that stretch of banter that ended in a bite, he managed to find the ladder to the top. Already making it up the ice encrusted ladder, he managed to see rows of soldiers firing their rifles down and cannons on standby, with a glance I managed to find the boss around here.

He was a tanned man of about 1.80 cm, wore a black iron armor with violet finish, on the side of the heart there was an emblem of a sword embedded from where it grows some flowers and at his waist there were two swords that showed an aura greater than anything seen so far.

Starting to get closer I managed to see that here is the owner of the arch-shaped relic and others.

"We are all here by the looks of it, this is Nea and he will be our star collector, he will take care of the remains of the giants. This is Sophia, a great shot and who will provide the exact support from here."

A kind of group presentation started, but after the bow teacher there is nothing interesting around here anymore. Closing my ears, I turn my eyes to the battle. The wolves advance only in number, with each volley of soldiers, hundreds fall in their rear are some ice trolls, about 12 now standing and 4 lying down, their 5 meters high show their youth.

"Then take this to go down and up."

Returning to the preparation he presents us with a pure white feather.

[feather of lightness(consumable)]

[Optimum requirements:(n/o)


[effect:reduction of fall damage, creation of an updraft(1)

Description:bird feather that lives high in the mountains, their large feathers help them fall lightly and gracefully.

"Persian bird feather, ensure their fall completely safe and can create updraft once per lifetime, I will give you two."

With that we begin to line up while he hands out the feathers, with that procedure now complete we wait for him to give the signal.

"Wizards make the final arrangements."


With chants coming from some very specific soldiers, the silver sands begin to take the form of barricades, traps and spikes.


Hearing the signal we all bolt for the edge of the wall, jumping from up here is enough time for Sif to take her full form.


With a dull thud on the sand, we landed first Sif and I thanks to his weight, followed by us more people started to arrive, all armed and started to head towards their positions.

"Master which one are we going to first? The furthest one at about 900 meters or the closest one at 300 meters."

"We will start at the closest one, as there will be more cover from the wall on our early advance and on our retreat from the back."

With that said I draw my bone bow from my inventory, passing it off as me drawing it from the ring. At that, Sif uses her camouflage ability by merging with the night.

With slow and calculated steps, we start moving towards the first troll, by our sides were passing wolves with red eyes and over our heads frozen snowballs that trolls create.

"Now that I fall, Sif how reliable is your skill, as we are surrounded by enemies superior in both numbers and level."

"Enough so that we haven't been killed, so relax, this ability has been created through worshiping the poaching abilities of wolves. So as long as I don't attack, they won't see me."

With Sif's speed, it didn't take long to get to the first ice troll, the thing was, I had to touch it to keep it in the ring and it will show.

"Sif how much do you rely on your speed?"

" I'm a wolf, it's obvious that much master, wait... you're not going to do what."

With a wave of my hand there is no more troll corpse, I take it all plus the tree included. With such a demonstration in the middle of a battlefield let's just say it was coming.


With a roar that seemed to come out of hell itself, the ground began to shake under his quick footsteps, in the distance you manage to see a troll running towards here with his tree up, his beefy body about 5 meters and bearded. On the right and left sides wolves begin to move towards us, which is not very good.

"Run Sif, run like the devil himself is chasing you."

With some very bad words, Sif comes out of her shock and turns around launching herself to run towards the wall.

"I'm serious master, you can at least warn me before you do that."

As I listen to Sif, I half turn around on her back and place arrows in my bow and start a kite tactic.

It was inevitable, bone arrows to a troll, I'm half-witted. At that I look at his stats.


Hp 80/100% Mp 100/100



Race:troll (corrupt)









Description:a troll from the northern regions, due to the cold, the hostile environment and their warrior instincts, their defenses, vitality and strength are far superior to humans.

Level=danger(1 to 10)

"do something master, it's catching up with us!"


With the air being scratched, the troll's trunk flies past us, he threw it like a damn spear. At that moment I have realized that I should have leveled more, pulled out my lux bow and placed one of the arrows I had been given with it.

The arrow was hollow crystal in the center, Placing it between the two golden horns of the bow, I begin to circulate the mana inside it, giving it a white hue due to the neutral mana.(-100mp).

Managing to lift it after much, he aimed at the legs of the troll that moves with even more speed since he threw his tree.

<Lunar weapon>(-150mp).

With a dark energy that makes my hands sting, this energy permeates the entirety of the arrow and plus the plus of neutral magic, it is very dangerous.


With an absolute recoil in my hands, the arrow shoots out, leaving a trail of dark light in its wake.


With a scream that even I couldn't believe, the troll fell to its knees and from the area where the arrow hit, a putrid gray color begins to spread, eating away at its entire leg in 5 seconds.

Boomm! Boom!

With flashes from high on the ramparts and a thunderous sound, in less than the blink of an eye large amounts of sand and flesh rise from the former troll.

[+500 exp]

[amount of exp due to damage caused]


"they were testing us master, the pigs were testing us."

With a smile that wasn't one Sif began to speak, haha this always happens, Oh come on who is going to hire a stranger just why yes, I guess it was a test for the next expedition, if I die they get a relic and if I live a valuable asset, still they don't care what items are in the rings, that's weird.

"No offense Sif, around here it's always like that here, at least they dissimulated not like in other places, let's take the bright side, free exp and new weapons."

"Nothing is good, how dare they, do this to you, I'll kill them... Gorr."

OK, it seems to me that this has gotten out of hand, I have to calm her down and the easiest thing to do is with a sense of duty.

"Never mind this business now Sif, we need to get back to duty, we have a few more bodies to go and now it will be easier as we have a guaranteed backup."

With that said I give her soft white mane a tug, I also rested my head in the vicinity of her neck, it's just me or it seems to me that something dangerous is cooking over there.

My old bow in hand, since the lux bow is too heavy, begins again our journey to the next corpse, thing I have discovered is that if you kill in one shot Sif's camouflage doesn't disappear.


Poor wolves, they were just lab rats, but their exp will be remembered.

After that level gained from above, we approached the second corpse, simple thing, the truth thanks to the well accomplished support now that we were useful.

Things were easy, but if something can go wrong it will go wrong, oh how right there is there.