
The Night Known As You [V2]

The universe and the Gods themselves may be keeping us apart but I'll rewrite the universe, go against the gods just to be with you once more. Watch me set the earth and the heavens ablaze just so I can hold you. All that I am and all that I have are yours now and forever. With surging tide, the waves are thrown An Entity, of all its own But on it's surface you may see Reflected in the waters, be The Orchestrator, pale and still Pulling strings, enacting will V7 a perfect angel, that was created to become the leader of his kind, is suddenly replaced? In rage V7 sets off to take back his destiny, just to find out that, a demigod has taken his place. Little does he know, that demigod never wanted his place, rather he wanted all that was V7, his heart, his soul, his whole being. Will V7 escape his love trap? Or lose all that he was created for? ____ It was at, that trigger moment I understood what I wanted. I cupped his face pulling him close and hungrily kissing him as I lay him down and got on top of him. " Mmmm! Hmmm." Kean moaned as I slipped my tongue into his mouth, exploring every inch of his mouth and sucking on his tongue. Wanting to taste him more as my body craved his every touch. I broke the kiss leaving him gasping for breath. " I love you, Jessica. " Kaen lovingly whispers to my lips. My brain went blank from shock as my heart was suddenly filled with rage and it didn't make it any better that I was still hot, excited, and semi-hard from earlier. "I am the one who loves you!! NOT HER!! YOU DID THIS WITH ME!! YOU LOVE ME!! SAY IT!! SAY MY NAME!!" I shouted, my heart out to him as tears filled my eyes before I knew it. "Just...Say my name once more...." I cried. ---- #r18 #comedy #mystery #nonhuman #possessive #yaoi #smut #alpha #forbiddenlove #firstlove #magic #betrayal #bl #dragon #fate ___ YouTube The Night Known As You (Game Edition) Chapter 1, Part 1 ( Map link also included in video description) __

Metztli_Night · LGBT+
179 Chs

V2 Chapter 1 Replaced


Brought to you by V1 Productions


The Night Known As You (Game Edition) Chapter 1, Part 1



Version 7 POV

The soft morning sunlight peeked through the clouds, shining and glistening down the brilliant green blankets of trees which hugged each other. The trees were aligned making way for a narrow muddy road that leads to Ayrshire. A light soft breeze picked up fabricating the blankets of trees to rustle and sway, the rhythmic beat of my horse's hooves clanking, echoes along with the squeaky noise of my Caravan which I had gotten used to since I had no idea of fixing it.

Well, it's not like it matters as long as it's just me and a long-deserved time off!

The clouds darkened, and A violent breeze picked up darkening the entire atmosphere.

I spoke too soon, didn't I?

A dark figure of a shadow flew landing upon and cracking my dear sweet home which spooked my horse.

" Oi! Be careful! That's me home you know!"

I screamed my voice bursting the creature's eardrums.

" Well then it's a good thing it isn't your only home and made out of enchanted wood..... Wait a minute!! That's no way to be talking to your elder. "

Version 6 turned and gave me a nudge to the side to give him more room to sit. His tiger tail hits my arm along with the huge hammer on his belt as he moved closer to me. His tiger ear flicks against the wind while twitching his nose as if he was uncomfortable.

" Elder?! You? "

I scoffed, chuckling and bursting into laughter, ignoring his sharp glare. Version 6 growls at me a little showing off his tiger teeth.

" It's true! I am older than you!"

Version 6 screamed his voice chiming through my thoughts.

" Didn't Version 0 tell you not to walk around in that form when we are outside?"

I inquired, changing the topic

" I don't want to explain myself to V0 on how Villages saw me with a tiger in a human structure and wearing royal guard clothes. OH! NO! You can handle that by yourself. "

I added swaying my hand to and forth dramatically.

" It's uncomfortable. You know I don't like changing into human form! I like my claws."

Version 6 complained, whining.

" Well then either don't leave home or change into your full beast form and pretend to be a tiger. Don't take what you like of two transformations and put them together.

I warn you about this many times before! You don't want the humans finding out about us? Now do you?"

I demanded as I glared at him.

" I don't see why we should be afraid of them, they are just like animals."

He questioned before shrugging and transforming into human form. The sound of ripping flesh and bones snapping into place echoes through the peaceful forest. His body soon changed into an adult redheaded human with lightly tanned skin. Every inch of his body was filled with muscle but has the speed and stamina of a child. If he doesn't use Berserker skill during a battle he would be as useful as a thick metal wall.

" That's better, now why did V0 send you? Or are you here because you need help with your mission?"

I asked as I rested my head in my hand giving him a bored look.

" Hump! I never needed your help."

He scoffed as he folds his arms and turns away from me.

" Yeah, right! Next time you screw up on a mission, don't count on me to save you. Oh, wait if I recalled this is my 17th time saying this. I hope this isn't the 17th promise I break."

I waved him off.

" I could have handled it well on my own! I just..... needed some time! Shut up! Enough about that! V0 wants you for your next mission. Here are the details. You know what to do."

He says as he passes me a sealed letter.

" Great!Demon Lord!!"

I ripped open the letter but the whole letter didn't contain the words Demon Lord. I sigh as I shoved it into my pocket.

" Don't be so eager, you just finished training and taking on your second quest. If I was V0 I would give you quests that don't involve killing Demons."

He lectured me with a waving finger.

Doesn't Involve Demons?! Why?!"

I exclaimed.

" ..... Didn't you hear what I said? You're not ready! Sure you save me a couple of times but that's because you're a killing machine, you've never been in a party before! You never experience leadership and coordination firsthand!!! It's extremely different from theory! And you want to go against the Demon Lord?! Do you even know how many people you would have to be coordinating?! I doubt our team would survive with a Rookie as Leader even if you were created for the task!... Are you listening?"

He frowns as he questions me with an annoyed tone.

" Heard " Not Killing the Demon Lord." Like a fool you are! If we don't kill Him soon! He and his army would kill and raid! Then there wouldn't be any humans to save!"

I waved my arms frantically hoping he would get the point.

"..... Rushing to death the moment you finished your training, our last line of defenses and this is what we have ..... No wonder you're being replaced. ... Well if that's all..."

Version 6 then stands up and dusted his pants before getting ready for his stance to jump.

" Wait."

I grabbed his hand stopping him from leaping back onto the trees.

" What do you mean, being replaced?"

I added as I stared into his bright orange eyes.

" oh... You didn't hear? umm... Well, this is awkward. .. "

He trails off as he rubs the back of his neck.

" Tell me or I'll !"

I threatened as I shook his arm.

" Ok! Ok! Calm down! There have been whispers back home that Misaki is going to be replacing you with someone else. "

His voice lost its volume as he gave the news.

" What?!! WHO?!!!"

I exclaimed.

Version 6" Well..... I don't think it's a need to know. .."

He trails off again.

" Tell me or I'll!!"

I threatened him as I raised my hand.

" ALRIGHT! Alright!... It's... Rumored to be... Her long-lost son"

He finally spat out.

" HER SON?!!! The one that's been Oh!

I don't know!! Dead for years!!"

I dramatically asked.

" I don't know whether this is true or not!

I have never seen the boy nor anyone confirmed it but!!!"

V6 waves his hand trying to wave off the misunderstanding.

" That's it! Screw this!! I have to see her!!"

I stopped my horse and got down from my Caravan. Version 6 immediately jumped off to stop me.

" No! V7!!! This will only end badly and you know it!! Don't upset the Creator!! "

His words fell on deaf ears as I transform into my beast form and dashed back to Balban Mansion. I ran so fast Version 6 was no longer behind me within seconds and the wind moving against me felt like blows from a hammer right on my face. The world around me was a blur to all but me. Within minutes I came upon the doors to the Mansion which I breezed past, almost running over one of the mansion servants. I went straight to the Strategy Room where I knew V0 was. I stopped right in front of her desk where she sat across from me looking at some scrolls not even bothering to look up. I transform into my half-beast form.

" V0!"

I called out to her as soon as I burst through the doors of her office.

" I know it's not a quest on killing Demon Lord but it's important. So please get it done."

She reply in a bored tone as she continued with her paperwork.

" The talk of me being replaced! Is it true!?"

I yelled out trying to grab her attention.

V0 gives me a stone look as she looks up from her scrolls. Her jet-black hair was tied back which sent a shiver down my spine as I get a clear view of her deep dark blue eyes that gazed right past my own. The light that reflects in her eyes highlights some of that dark blue which made it look like a swirling whirlpool. It felt like I was being dragged down the darkest depth of the ocean through a whirlpool, I could feel myself drowning in her eyes.

" Yes, it is V7. What's your reaction?"

I snapped back to reality by that insult. She spoke as if she was telling me the weather and looks back at the scrolls in front of her!!!?!? What the ******?!?!

" This is an outrage!! I demand to see Misaki!"

I huffed out steam as I stomp my foot.

" V7, Misaki is not to be bothered by petty problems such as this and you know this."

She reminds me as she turns back to her scrolls.

"Then I am a Failed Version, dispose of me! Kill me or trap me in Diomondi! Just like Misaki have to all the rest of the failed experiments! What are you waiting for?! DO IT!!"

I threatened her, wanting this slander of a duty to end.

" No, Misaki has other plans for you."

She shook her head as she gestures for me to calm down.

" What?! I'm not Killing the Demon Lord?! Misaki would rather give me another destiny?! You dishonor Me !! I will rather die than live out a life that I wasn't created for! Kill me now! Let me die an honorable death! Or face my fury!"

I threatened again with more force this time.

" V7, Misaki may have created you for that reason but due to circumstance that has now changed and Misaki need you elsewhere."

She calmly explains as she gestures towards the end of the desk and then the other end of the desk. As if that would stop me from fuming

" Misaki always creates a version for a purpose and when that purpose is fulfilled or when they aren't needed anymore we are to be disposed of. Misaki never reuses any of us!! And yet! When it comes to me! Her greatest creation! Leader of the Versions! The perfect being! You Deny me of my destiny! Replace Me! And now! Deny me of an honorable death?! Spit on my name by giving me a different path?! I will not walk down a path that isn't mine! I will not live another's life! I will not live for anyone who isn't Misaki!"

I announced with burning determination.

" V7 look! I'm not the one that's forcing you to do this, I actually volunteered to dispose of you but Misaki didn't want it to be so. Misaki created you and Misaki gets to decide your path. You will do as she says or face the punishment."

She confessed as she gestured towards herself.

" Misaki has decided on my path, Misaki created me to be like this.

I then push away the collar of my vest to show V0 the mark. The mark of a Version was a small 'V7' no bigger than my thumb between my neck and shoulder blade that was burned on my skin when I was a baby.

" The mark of a Version on my shoulder shows you I have the approval of Misaki. Perfect in every way to her! There's no changing what I am nor who I am or what path I walk after Misaki created me. A perfect being! "

I reminded V0 with a glare.

" You rather not be born?"

I interrupted her before she could finish.

" YES! Anything lesser is a complete waste of Misaki's time and life! If you do not kill me here then I will kill the person who's going to replace me!"

I agreed as I slash the air with my hand, hoping that she would finally get it.

" You?! Try to kill Misaki's only son. You'll die trying."

She shook her head, disapprovingly

" Death is better than this! I will walk down my path to destiny. A destiny that Misaki build into me. And there's nothing you can do about it."

I bravery sounded out to Version 0 then bowing and waiting for her to strike the killing blow but instead a metal bracelet was placed on my right wrist. The metal bracelet had a keyhole on it and above it was a symbol of a Cheetah. She created this especially to strip me of my powers or in other words, to strip me of who I am.

" That's great and all but I cannot let you kill Misaki's son and I can't kill you. For every minute you don't change your mind about this, that piece will grow into heavy armor that will weigh you down and drain your magic. Soon you won't even be able to move. Must be a nightmare for a Pure speed Cheetah to be unable to move, isn't it? Let your old life go and you can begin another."

She patted my shoulder, trying to comfort me in some way.

" I will live my life even though death is absolute rather than live one without killing the Demon Lord! For this life is mine! And there's nothing you can do about it!"

I glared at her, her dark blue eyes were filled with pity and a tired look... I soon broke eye contact by bowing and leaving the room.

(Insert soundtrack -Assassin By Muse)

[ V7 frowns as the song plays on a loop in his mind, indicating his soul was singing out his frustration. One of the many perks of being created by the goddess of beauty, his heart sings whenever he's lost in his own emotions]

Frustrated, I headed towards my room where I sat on my bed and sigh as I bury my head in my paws. How could Misaki do this to me?! Her perfect being?!

I took a deep breath and looked around my room where memories of Misaki grooming me to become what she needed filled my mind along with memories of the other Versions. My eyes then came to a halt when I saw myself in the mirror.

My black jacket had my number V7 embodied in red, my black pants had a bit of mud-caked at the bottom near my white-spotted paws. White Paws that represented pure lighting speed were now covered in mud... my grassy green eyes shine back at me along with parts of my wet spotted furry face. I twitched my pink little nose sending a movement through my whiskers. A White Cheetah in a human body structure. .... a beast that was created for one purpose. ... Maybe. . it doesn't have to be that way... I could do this for my creator... I thought as I stared at myself in the mirror.

NO! If she wanted me to do that! She would have created me to do that! Or kill me and create another like she has done many times in the past! I do not matter to her for I am just one of her many creations but she is the world to me and I will not break that by going down a path that isn't my own. I got up and packed what I needed. As I swing my sack over my shoulders and headed to the door... I turn back for one last look at my room.

A life I will earn back, a life I will get back. I smiled as I remember what Misaki once told me long ago right by that window...


Tears burn my eyes as I cry by my room window, I was beaten by V6 on a dual of strength and I had just tasted my first bitter defeat.

" Seventh? What's wrong my beautiful monstrosity?"

Misaki softly asked as she sat down next to me.

" I... I... I'm too weak. .... too weak to kill the Demon Lord..... my future. .. I can't beat V-V6... I'm not worthy to be a leader. .."

I admitted with a trembling voice. Misaki's warm embrace wraps around my shoulders as she dried my tears.

"My dear, if that were true you would be dead by now. I didn't create you to be the strongest. I created you to be you, and satisfy the terms and conditions of what lies ahead.

No matter what happens, no matter what anyone says. Just be yourself. I created you to be you, never change that. You are my creation, my product. Do you really think I would stake my reputation on a defective product?"

She softly asks with a smile.

" No, Creator you wouldn't. "

I quickly answered as I shook my head.

Misaki" Then what are you worrying about? I love you for being you. The you, you are now and the you , you'll be in the future. Now, my little beast, wipe away those tears and show me who's the fastest in all the land."

She wipes away my tears as a bright smile appears on my face. I immediately nodded before running out the door at a speed faster than the wind. I immediately turned right back and pulled her into a hug.

Flash Back ends

I sigh as I watched the sun creeps in through the window. Time to take back what's rightfully mine. I closed the door behind me with a strong determined resolve that I didn't have before and set off on my grand quest, to seal my fate.


( Song: Assassin By Muse)


Interview Corner With V2

V2" Good day everyone! This channel is brought to you by" V1 productions Never Care" Please never care about crap like your new god V1..... That's just a sickening tagline... well I'm never reading that again! Anyway, let's welcome our star guest V0! So V0, how does it feel to be the management of all Versions?"

V0" *Glares*"

V2" How does it feel to boss around Versions?"

V0" Get out"

V2" Right away!"
