
The Night Known As You [V2]

The universe and the Gods themselves may be keeping us apart but I'll rewrite the universe, go against the gods just to be with you once more. Watch me set the earth and the heavens ablaze just so I can hold you. All that I am and all that I have are yours now and forever. With surging tide, the waves are thrown An Entity, of all its own But on it's surface you may see Reflected in the waters, be The Orchestrator, pale and still Pulling strings, enacting will V7 a perfect angel, that was created to become the leader of his kind, is suddenly replaced? In rage V7 sets off to take back his destiny, just to find out that, a demigod has taken his place. Little does he know, that demigod never wanted his place, rather he wanted all that was V7, his heart, his soul, his whole being. Will V7 escape his love trap? Or lose all that he was created for? ____ It was at, that trigger moment I understood what I wanted. I cupped his face pulling him close and hungrily kissing him as I lay him down and got on top of him. " Mmmm! Hmmm." Kean moaned as I slipped my tongue into his mouth, exploring every inch of his mouth and sucking on his tongue. Wanting to taste him more as my body craved his every touch. I broke the kiss leaving him gasping for breath. " I love you, Jessica. " Kaen lovingly whispers to my lips. My brain went blank from shock as my heart was suddenly filled with rage and it didn't make it any better that I was still hot, excited, and semi-hard from earlier. "I am the one who loves you!! NOT HER!! YOU DID THIS WITH ME!! YOU LOVE ME!! SAY IT!! SAY MY NAME!!" I shouted, my heart out to him as tears filled my eyes before I knew it. "Just...Say my name once more...." I cried. ---- #r18 #comedy #mystery #nonhuman #possessive #yaoi #smut #alpha #forbiddenlove #firstlove #magic #betrayal #bl #dragon #fate ___ YouTube The Night Known As You (Game Edition) Chapter 1, Part 1 ( Map link also included in video description) __

Metztli_Night · LGBT+
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179 Chs

V2 Chapter 2 The Mislead Path

Version 6 POV

" God damn it! Can you believe that?! He just left me! Unbelievable right? "

I shouted at the trees as I leaned against V7's horse which " Snorted and Neigh " at my touch.

"See, he gets me. Don't you ... Does V7 name his horse? Welp doesn't matter. V7 is a jerk isn't he, my friend?"

V7's horse kicks the air behind him but the movement shocked me, making me pull away from him. It then huffs at me.

" Note to self, V7's horse hates me."

I said to myself as I took a couple of steps away from it. Now..... Should I wait for V7 here.. or? Just leave? I thought as I scan the area. Near Ayrshire which was a farming kingdom if I recall correctly. ... a deadly 6-hour boat ride away from Diomondi the island fort that's guarding the entrance to Zakheaven. I shivered at the thought of it.

" A place where no Version should go."


" Oh! Laugh all you want! When you get there then you'll know the horrors that slumber there! Misaki curse the waters around that island anything that isn't an enchanted glass boat would melt like butter on a hot pan! Not to mention that's where Misaki keeps all her failed experiments... That might as well be Hell! Hell, I tell ya!.. and that hell is under Diomondi, A place called Zakheaven! Cue lightning and thunder!"

I raised both my arms waiting for it but it doesn't happen.

" ..... Humm.... guess that only happens when Misaki says it. Anyway! Between the worst kind of evil demonic being and human's best-trained soldiers in the world are the 4 gates to Zakheaven. The best of the best soldiers in all 5 Kingdoms guard the first gate to Zakheaven beyond that! The second gate which is filled with Leighdal's most fearsome and dangerous Level 10 monsters. If you survive to the third gate it would lead you to the dark maze where every failed experiment Misaki ever created roams..... After that Nightmare and only then you'll reach the final gates of Zakheaven...the abyss. .... a dark pit that reaches the core of the world where the most terrible beasts are just dying to bring Chaos back to the world!! Lay waiting to bring the world to its knees. "

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.

" Ahhh!!!"

I pulled out my hammer and turned just to come face to face with V7 in his human form. His Jet black hair was in a mess, his moonlight skin covered in sweat, and his green eyes burned with determination.

" How many times do I have to keep telling you?! Quit scaring yourself with Zakheaven!! You should be afraid of the Demon Lord!"

V7 shouted at me as he gave me a look of disappointment. He then broke eye contact with me as if he couldn't stand looking at me and went to the back of his Caravan.

" How can you!! How can I?? That place is terrible! And there are tons of rumors that Misaki is planning to send more of us to guard that area!!"

I talked to his back as he placed his sack on top of his small bed in his Caravan. I noticed an old weird-looking full-length mirror hung on the back of his caravan door. What's up with that?

" We the True Versions exist only to be the balance of the world if we are to guard that area! Then so be it! But I still say The Demon Lord tips the balance more than Zakheaven! We should focus on killing him more than Zakheaven."

He answers me, pulling me back to reality while giving me a look of "How foolish can you be?" as he locks his Caravan.

" Yes, I know...we... are the Future Generation of Knights Of Dale keepers of balance... Where, you will be joining us as our leader right?"

I followed his back as he climbs back onto the driver seat of his Caravan.

" Yes, I will be and we will kill the Demon Lord!"

He finally looked me in the eye as he answered in a very firm manner. His green eyes were more resolved than ever.

" So those rumors were just a tall tale?"

I asked with a tilted head.

" No."

He answered as he broke eye contact with me and shook his head.

" Wait what?!"

I slowly backed away from the V7.

" Misaki has replaced me with her son."

He clarified with an angry tone.

" Are you a ghost? How.. are you here and not... you know. ..... Dead?"

V7 just glared at me, the words " How dumb can you be?" were written all over his face as he glared at me.

" Misaki wants to change my destiny but I won't give up killing the Demon Lord without a fight. "

He explained to me calmly as he fisted his hand giving some impact to his statement but he didn't need it for his fiery green eyes were more impact than I could handle.

" V7!! You Know, that it will only end badly!!"

" So be it!"

He shouts firmly at me before pulling on the reins of his horse.

" V7!! WAIT!! DON'T DO THIS!!"

I shouted at him as I reached out to stop him but his horse broke into a run and speed down the dirt road to Ayrshire. My hand immediately went to my belt looking for my speed potion so that I could catch up to him.

" By the way! Thanks for your help!"

He shouted back at me as he waved my potion at me.


Before I could finish my sentence, he poured it onto his horse which disappeared within seconds. I sigh. ...

" You know I really need that...."

I checked the pouch on my belt for my communicator but to my dismay, all I could feel was an empty pouch. He must have taken that too..... I sigh again. .. looks like it's going to be a long long way back home. .... or...

I turn back looking at the path that V7 took.

Or I could go after him... Well, no harm in trying right? I thought as I placed my hammer back on my belt and jogged after him.

" GOD!! Why am I so slow?!! Come on... You got to want it! You got to want it bad! "

I shouted to myself as I tried dragging my heavy hammer and body down that dirt road.

" Misaki!! Why did you make my weapon so heavy?! How the heck am I supposed to get anywhere like this?!"

*Time fast forward*

If this was a scene you'll be watching Version 6 panting and running to Ayrshire in a fast-forward movement. 70 percent of that scene consists of him stopping to curse at the sky or the ground a lot. The rest of the time, the scene would consist of him walking in a very slow way with his back hunched, as he panted for breath as the sky in the background changes from the morning, afternoon, evening, and night but even as the time passes the road he travels upon is more or less the same.

People with wagons or riding on horseback would often stop next to him offering him a ride. But due to his inhumane weight and hammer, no normal horse or normal wagon would be able to handle both him and his hammer. If they even attempted to try even with a wagon, it would just be a matter of minutes before the wagon creaked and groaned under his weight and brake. Horseback would be much worst for as soon as the steed felt just a bit of his full weight, the animal would instantly dash off or collapse from his weight.

V6 was extremely tempered from each and every offer but reluctantly rejected them all which only dampened his mood further.


3 weeks later.

Me" Ah... huh... *Wheezing* Wheezing* Finally!"

I headed down to the nearest bar to ask about V7. I entered a bar called The Water Hole which isn't a famous bar but most Versions would avoid anything that draws attention. I entered the shady bar which only had a few humans around.

I think it should be 5 in the afternoon by now.

I thought as I walked up to the bartender.

" Good Sir, a beer and keep them coming. "

I said trying to hold back my heavy breaths, as soon as he handed me one I drain it without a breath in between.

" Ohhh! Yeah! That hits the spot!"

He hands me another as soon as I was done.

" Tell me, good sir, have a man with grassy green eyes that could burn through your soul, black jet hair, and very pale white skin pass through here? If he was hooded or so on.. he came here on a worn-out looking Caravan with the number V7 painted on the side and a brown horse with white spots all over it."

" That's oddly detailed. .."

The bartender trails off as he continues to wipe the mug in his hand.

" He's my childhood friend who left me stranded on the way here, days ago."

I answered as I slipped a couple of gold coins to him.

" I see... fortunately for you, I have seen him. He came into town a couple of weeks back, a very strange guy. Asked where could he find the Demon Lord as soon as he entered, I told him if he wanted to kill demons then he should head to the Adventurer Guild. You can take your chances there."

" That's just great.....Thanks. .."

V7!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!! The first rule of Versions! Don't draw attention to yourself!!

I thought as I drank up, I then overheard a bunch of drunks.

" Shinigami is the greatest!! I bet she'll win the Grand Tournament! "

A young guard swayed as he did his best to stay seated in his seat.

" You fool! It's a he! I mean how can such a slender frame be so strong if it isn't that of a man's?"

The second guard asked as he did his best to keep his drooping face off the table.

Strength?! Oi! I'm the strongest here!! Ah! Humans, what do they know of strength? But that isn't the main problem now!! I need to find V7 but I'm dying from exhaustion. .... Damn it! Why can't Misaki make me an all-rounder?! What the heck can I do with such power but move so slow?! .... I could use my berserk skill... but that would be a huge waste for just running to every Adventurer Guild here! I'll just wait it out here... I'm sure if I asked around I would be able to find out more about V7.

" Hey! You! Redhead!"

I looked behind me but saw no Redheads.... wait a minute... aren't I a redhead when I turn human? I turn back to the drunk guard that was struggling to stay in his seat and pointed at myself while giving a puzzled look.

" Yeah! You! Are you a gladiator as well?"

He confirmed as he pointed at my feet.

" No, I'm more of a sword for hire. A mercenary."

I shook my head and clarified.

"Shame, you would become a champion if you joined the Arena. There is so much variety of foes to fight! From other fighters to even beasts! "

The second guard commented as he gave up on keeping his head off the table.

" I heard that they even unleash hordes of Goblins, to attack one fighter! But then I heard some lunatic killed all the Arean's Goblins days before the tournament. The ringmaster replaced the match with lions but they aren't as entertaining as the goblins. I hope they manage to catch that lunatic soon!"

He waved his beer mug in anger as he falls off his seated and struggles to get back up.

" Hmmm... From the looks of it, you could be much more. If you're looking for work, the Kingdom of Katusha is building an army. "

The second guard mumbled to the table.

" Army? Why?"

I asked, finally being interested in the conversation.

" The word is that Katusha is preparing for the demon war."

The first guard answered as he pulled himself to his feet with the help of the table.

Oh... right... If I recalled the demons were trying to fight their way through to get to Diamondi to free the worst kind of evil demonic being. Version 1, Version 2, and Version 3 are working together to hold them off but since no one else knows about that they are on an edge and making preparation.

" Heard! Girls were disappearing too, from the villages close to the forests near the borderline. Must be those goblins kidnapping females to rape and breed like rats."

The second guard continued talking into the table.

Goblins?.... Goblins need women to breed? Now that's just weird. .... not to mention terrible.

I was soon pulled back to reality when the 2 drunks next to me started laughing like crazy people. How many drinks did they have?

I thought as I drained my 4th drink.

" There you are! V6! "

Hands suddenly grabbed my shoulders and shook me a little before letting go and taking a seat next to me. Glossy silver eyes soon greeted my gaze along with a ghostly pale face with black hair. Who?... I then noticed the Version mark on his neck. V4.1.

" V4! What are you doing here?! *Whisper*

( And what are you doing here in soul form?)"

I whispered the last part in a hushed tone.

" Well, I was looking for V7 and happened to find you instead."

" Did you check the places where the Demon Lord is rumored to be?"

I asked as I patted the seat next to me.

" Well... there are too many rumors....There's lots of ground to cover and it doesn't help since I'm on a time limit before I have to return to my body. *Sighs* What's the point in life if my only power is that my soul can drift. "

He complains as he sits next to me trying to keep his hood on so that no one notices a ghost in the bar.

Me" Quit complaining! I would gladly exchange my cons with you."

I whack his back hard, just for my hand to go right through him, and almost touch the bar counter. Now that's a very cool power! And he dares to complain!

" Being as fast as a horse for only 1 hour a day then spend the rest of the day with the speed and stamina of a 5-year-old? No thank you."

He refuses me as his moonlight silver eyes shine at me... Why the heck are his eyes so cool!!

" But you'll be super strong! Sounds good to me!"

I rebutted as I showed off my muscles.

"Then you can keep it. I rather be a soul drifter with a normal human body than a slow turtle with high attack and defense. I bet the 3 missing weeks you spent just trying to walk here. Anyone else would have taken just 4 days. Should have left your hammer at home."

" And negotiations failed. "

I said sadly as I hung my head in a depressed manner.

" Cheer up it could have been worse. I mean if I was Version 3 I would have added more cons to your status for just hearing you complain about it."

He pats my shoulder, trying to console me.

" Which brings me to question. .. why haven't I met any version higher than you?"

I waved a pointed finger at him as I asked.

" Well, we all have our own area to take care of. Didn't V0 inform you about this?"

He stares at me in shock as he asked like the fact I didn't know was unbelievable.

" Yeah! She did! But V7 met all of the other versions!"

I frown, slightly jealous of him.

"That's because he was supposed to be the leader of the versions....or was it because he was looking for the Demon Lord and V0 sent the other versions to stop him... Well, either way! He has met all the Versions except me!

He chimed with his chest puffed out.

" What?! Aren't you, his caretaker? What are you talking about?"

I exclaimed wondering if V4 was suffering memory loss.

" Version 4.0 died, I was a spare Version that was created after V7 to fill up positions like these. That's why I'm now only, officially a Version. Version 4.1. I was just promoted yesterday."

" Oh! So you're! V4.1!! Are there any big differences between you and V4? Well... other than the eyes and. hair.. and.. looks."

" The only thing that was kept the same was my purpose. Which reminds me why I'm here."

He says as he pulls out a bottle of speed potion from his pocket.

" My! Saviour!"

I happily grab it from his hand.

" Misaki knew something like this might happen. That's not all. V0 sent me to find out where is V7 and to find out what you are doing in V5's area when you should have gone back and reported to her."

He informed me as his pointed finger circled my face.

" Well, I decided to go after him since I was the one who screwed up. Besides, I have a feeling that he knows who Misaki's son is. This may sound crazy but I think V7 is sniffing him out somehow."

I added as I slowly empty my mug of beer.

" You idiot! Now! V7 might have already found the new leader! Which complicates my next mission."

He whacks my back hard, making me almost drop the mug.

" Why? What's your next mission?"

" Being the new leader's bodyguard. "

He answers with a groan as he covers his face with his hands.

" No fair! You get to meet the new leader before everyone!!!"

V4.1 glared at me with his silver eyes that sent a shiver down my spine.

" I mean! .... um... Who's taking care of Diomondi in your place?"

I quickly changed my sentence as I rub my hands together, feeling nervous under such a glare.

" My mission is to escort the new leader from Katusha to Diomondi and to keep V7 from killing him. Which is why I have been laying low, waiting for the new leader to show up but now! Thanks to you! It has become an even harder task or worse! A task I failed before I can even try! With V7's speed, I doubt we can do anything if he gets to the new leader first!"

" That shouldn't be a problem since you're protecting the new leader at Diomondi. There's no way V7 is able to go across those cursed waters without an enchanted glass boat and.... just one..... clean shot .....from your bow would shatter that boat sending V7 down.... to it... curse waters. .. melting him... into a ..."

I shivered at the thought of that. V7 is my closest friend of all the versions and it does sadden me to even think of an end to his life but there is no life after betraying the creator. .. right now I should think of V7 as a dead person and seeing him should mean meeting a stranger. ..... but... I know my heart wouldn't be able to handle it...

I then felt a hand on my shoulder.

" I know, it's hard to even think about it but at least I'm ordered not to kill him on sight rather my orders are to kill him if there isn't any other way. "

I immediately sigh out of relief at V4.1's clarification.

" Then that's easy! Since all he cares about is killing the Demon Lord or anyone that stands in his way of fulling his destiny....."

I then recall what the V4.1 had told me earlier. The new leader is at Katusha and if my gut feeling about V7 tracking the new leader down by scent is right. Then he should be in Katusha.

" Which means he's looking for the strongest fighter in Katusha. "

I announced as soon as it hits me.

" Seriously? Then he should be Checking Katusha's Arena!"

V4.1 deducted as he point at the poster of the battle announcement that was pinned to the nearby noticeboard.

" Yeah! I'm sure V7 will show up during Shinigami's fight to check if he's the new leader!"

I nodded and mimic his gesture and pointed at the poster as well.

" Shinigami?! You mean...."

V4.1 says in a harsh whisper as he pulls out a poster about the last Arena battle in Ayrshire from the nearby notice board in the bar. The poster shows a man with a metal helmet in the shape of a snarling wolf. His green eyes shine through the open mouth and teeth of his wolf helmet. He wore a black short cape made out of wolf skin, black pants, and normal boots that offered protection only from the weather. The only armor he wore was shoulder guards and a gauntlet on his right hand, leaving his slender upper body exposed. From his body frame, he didn't look strong even though he has light abs and little muscle on his arms but The poster showed the man stabbing a dagger through the neck of a lion."

" Whoa! Let's just hope that Shinigami doesn't beat up V7 for disturbing his fight."

I groaned as I drag my hands over my face, pulling it slightly and making a weird face, in an attempt to pull the worry out of myself.

" Let's just hope there isn't a riot after what V7 has done."

V4.1 glumly says as he stares at the poster's background which showed a huge roaring crowd.

"V7 against a stadium of people who would you bet on?"

I ask with a grin as I jingle the pouch of silver that hung on my belt. At that moment the bartender suddenly magically appears standing behind me and tapping on my shoulder. I whirl around completely in awe as I kept looking back and forth between behind the bar where the bartender was, and right behind me where he is. Silently wondering how the man cleared such a vast distance in almost a blink of an eye.

"8 ales come to the total of 2 silver, sir."

The bartender informs as his mustache twitches under his nose with each word and his outstretched hand finds its way in front of me silently asking to be paid. I pout but still take the money out of my pouch and pay the man off, leaving me feeling a little reluctant to lessen the weight of my pouch of wealth. V4.1 couldn't help but snicker at my expression.

"If you're going to make that face each time you have to pay up then best not make a bet in the first place."

V4.1 informs as he pats me on my shoulder.

"Leave that to me to worry about, you worry about losing to me."

I boldly say as I stand up like a glorious hero and walk out of the tavern like a king leaving his grand palace. V4.1 laughed as he whacks his thigh and shakes his head at my foolish behavior.

" You coming or not?"

I inquire as I stick my head back through the door of the tavern.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming."

V4.1 says between gasps as he wheezes through his words. It took some time for him to collect himself and join me outside of the tavern.

"You have a steed?"

I asked as he gestures towards the many horses waiting outside the tavern for their owners. Wondering if he needs to collect his horse.

"Well I do but he is next to my body. I flew my way here since I was in my phantom form."

V4.1 explains as he gestures to his feet which I finally notice weren't touching the ground.

"You can fly?!"

I exclaimed as I could feel my face turning green from envy of such a wonderful power.

"Yeah, that and turn invisible, float through walls. Anything a ghost can do, I can do."

V4.1 brags as he lists all his abilities on each of his fingers.

Damn and he dares to come and compliant to me??

"What about you? Oh, right you're too heavy for a steed and spent 3 weeks walking here. Sorry, I forgot about that for a moment."

He asked before waving himself off.

"I do have a steed!"

I snapped wanting to at least brag about one thing to him.

"You do?!"

He exclaims in surprise.

"Yeah! I just didn't bring him along on this trip. It's hard to sneak a steed out of the Royal stables before the break of dawn. It arouses too much suspicion."

I bragged as I could feel my nose growing from pride.

"Why would you need to sneak out of the Royal stables?"

He asked as he wore an expression of pure confusion.

"No, reason! Forget I mentioned it!"

I quickly snapped as I wave him off, not willing to reveal my cover identity just yet.



V2" Today's guest! V6! So V6, Why did you recognize V4.1 as V4? V4 was V7's caretaker. Surely you would have noticed that it wasn't V4 just by looking at him.

V6" Well... I have never seen him use his magic before so I assume that his phantom self would look different from his original. "

V2" But V4 doesn't have phantom magic. "

V6" He doesn't? Then what magic does he have?"
