
The war has begun

UNMODWSA (United Nations Ministry of Defence with Space affairs) sent messages to Titras but no response received from them. Since UN belived in no wars and peace all around, A crew of 8 members from the General Assembly were sent to Mars. The crew carried heavy equipment mostly Defensive but... the problem was we didn't knew that what kind of weaponry they had.

The spacecraft in which they travelled had a logo Of Un carved on it. After the departure from Earth, The crew reached Mars the next day. After reaching Mars the signal from Earth suddenly lost. Everyone was very tensed. The spacecraft never reached Earth. Everyone Assumped that Those people have been killed by those creatures. But since no profe was found, no action could be taken. The President Of Un took the decision Not to make any more communications with Mars. NRAS sent a Rover to Mars but as soon as the rover reached Mars, Signal lost. Everything was fine until one day at midnight a huge Cannon ball, as what it seemed like from outer space hit New York, where the Headqauters of United nation was situated. The whole headquarters was reduced to ashes. Not even the headquarters, even the surrounding area was also reduced to ashes. 1000's of people died including the president. This was the time when the Deputy President declared Complete Nuclear war against Mars. All Soldoers were provided with light space suits best weaponry and Millions of Space crafts were getting ready to be sent to Mars. There was a enormous spacecraft which would be the base of Humans on earth and house all spacecrafts and soldiers. The nuclear missiles were getting ready to hit those creatures and cause enormous destruction. But then, after all preparations were made UN decided to sent a crew of People who would work as spys on Mars. The space craft was equipped with best communications System and best weaponry. The crew was just of two members. They had N93 f2 Rifle Ray's the best Gun ever developed.

The spacecraft reached Dark side ie. Side which doesnt have Alien activity of Mars. The Main area ie. area where Aliens were housed, Was few miles away from space craft. And then...