

25th August, 2075 Certain disputes between some countries led to WORLD WAR 3  Huge destruction and loss of life, led UN to take certain important decisions. Since the War took place due to certain religious and Scientific reasons, Un declared the following steps to Prevent such wars of this greater magnitudes. There is only one religion that exists 'syncretism' and there is only one god  'Zeus' and all people which exist in this world are its subject. There is no country that exists but the whole is divided into certain parts which are recognized as Part A1 and so on. The UN is only the government that exist and each and every part of this world has to follow its rules. There is no politics, but democracy still exists; as I said earlier People have somewhat the same thinking. News channel and Media only are also Far better than todays Worlds. There is only one space Organizations exist NRAS.

After so much exploration of the image took from the planet Mars, a scientist In America, Colin Costell zoomed that image 1000 times and somehow made a picture of two creatures out of that. The result was two creatures Who were completely different from animals. They were not Humans and they were what we call Aliens. The next day News spread out and the whole world was shocked.

Similarly, the signals form Mars were decoded by group of some local scientists in India of what people called

Horshiyar. However when the signal was decided to actual words, it took several days to confirm it to higher scientists and spread out. People were scared that those unwanted creatures wanted to fight with Earth.