
The Multiverse Traveller

*WARNING* *WARNING* Firstly let me get this out of the way. I've already dropped 2 other fanfictions so please don't expect much. If people who have read my other works read this as well, I am deeply sorry if I drop this cause it shows I haven't learned my lesson. Apart from that, there will be no/NADA/ZERO R-18 nor Harem content in this novel there is already enough of that on this site so I don't think you need it again. Apart from that for now I am stockpiling chapters so release rate won't be regular. BE WARNED. Every 5 billion years a tournament was held, a tournament to bring rise to a Great God. The existence of such a being could bring a race to prosperity while the loss of one could bring it to its knees. Humanity had been losing for many many many years. This was already their 629th loss when they picked Jin, the man who would be their champion who they put all their hopes on. "I may die at the Grand Races Tournament but before that, I'll try my hardest, not just for myself but for all of humanity." That was his resolution that led him to the top.

Dragonic_Dao · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
51 Chs

Chapter 37 Theory

3 Weeks Later

"We've finally made it to Sabaody!" A teenage boy said as he jumped off his ship clutching his Straw Hat. "Luffy be careful!!" A long nosed young man said as he tried to calm down his excited friend. This was Monkey D. Luffy and Ussop members of the Straw Hat pirates who just landed on Sabaody.

"Whatever, I am the captain!" Luffy said as he jumped onto Sabaody. "Woah look at all the bubbles!" Luffy said as he hopped on the bubbles floating around Sabaody. "What the, how is that possible?" A ginger haired woman asked, as she looked on in shock.

Immediately a six armed octopus like fish-man explained and soon after the Straw Hats departed from their ship.

Across the Sabaody archipelago pirate, after pirate arrived. Normally the residents weren't to fearful of this as this was a regular occurrence but, this time, 11 pirates with bounties over 100 million belly, arrived. These 11 individuals were dubbed as the 11 Super Rookies of the Worst Generation.

"They've arrived." Hermes said as a he exited from a warp gate. "Just as expected." Kai said as he nodded. "Gather our men, this is the pivotal point." Kai continued as he waved Hermes off. "Yes boss." Hermes replied before warping away.

Simultaneously outside of the Yakuza's base. "Busoshoku: Koka!" Izuku said as he tried to activate his armament haki. Sadly he failed to do so and no matter how much he focused on his fist it never appeared.

"Still no chance." Izuku said as he teared up a bit. "Ahaha, Izuku you're so funny." Eri who was watching him said. "Come on, this is hard you know." Izuku said with a bit of self pity. "But Jin can do it." Eri said as Jin who was watching on the side chuckled.

"Come on Eri, don't bully him. I can only do it cause I have better knowledge on it." Jin said as he chuckled a bit. "Mhm." Eri replied as she nodded.

These 3 weeks had been very productive for the trio, they had each learnt the basics of haki being able to use the basics of both Kenbunshoku and Busoshoku haki, for those who don't know the difficulty of learning haki, this may sound ridiculously slow, but this was actually quite the feat.

There are 3 types of haki in the One Piece world, Busoshoku, Kenbunshoku, and Haoshoku haki.

Busoshoku haki is used to amplify the attack and defense of the user, and allow them to attack logia type devil fruit users. This is invisible in it's most basic form but in it's "Koka" form it appears as a black sheen around the used area. It can also be used in a multitude of advanced methods.

Kenbunshoku haki is akin to a sixth sense. This is generally used to sense people's presence, emotions, intent, and even strength. In it's advanced form one can even see a glimpse of the future with this ability. It can also be noted that being calm is a very important factor for this ability to work.

Haoshoku haki, unlike the previous 2 can't be acquired, but one can only be born with it. This is described as a quality of a king, and all those who have it are extremely powerful. This haki is generally used to knock out weaker willed opponents. It can also be noted that there's no way to tell if a user has Haoshoku haki untill they activate it, but their parents are a good indication if they have the capacity to use it or not.

Currently Kai, Jin, and Izuku had learned the basics of the basics of both Kenbunshoku and Busoshoku haki, none of them had exhibited any signs of Haoshoku haki yet though.

Jin had naturally made rapid progress in both Busoshoku and Kenbunshoku haki, this was of course due to his prior knowledge of them and due to a different factor, All For One. After time Jin had noticed that All For One had given him a strangely good control of energy, and by consequence haki.

The reason behind this Jin didn't know exactly but he assumed it was due to All For One's nature of controlling quirks, which were made up of energy, and by consequence energy. Because of this though, Jin had come up with a theory.

'I am not reinventing the wheel but it's very obvious, the 3 haki's represent the 3 main energies in one's body. Busoshoku haki represents vital energy, Kenbunshoku represents mental energy, and Haoshoku haki represents the soul.

This also makes sense when one considers their functions. Busoshoku haki is to reinforce and strengthen, although it does have semi telekinetic abilities, this can be attributed to the releasing of vital energy out of the body. It's also limited, and has to be recharged, so it's obviously vital energy.

Kenbunshoku haki is purely sensing, and at it's peak, it can "sense" the future. If you think about it, in cultivation novels, mental energy has almost the exact same functions. Emotion sensing, strength sensing, intent sensing, and presence sensing. The only thing really missing is the telekinetic abilities, but this can be overlooked. The main evidence for this to be mental energy though, is that it's all sensing, and even the "future sight" is actually probably just calculating future possibilities, and finding the one most likely to occur. This is also supported by the fact that future predictions can be wrong in some cases.

Lastly, it's clear Haoshoku haki represents the soul due to the fact that Haoshoku haki is unobtainable unless one is born with it. This is probably due to certain families having stronger souls, and this is somehow passed on. It also makes sense due to the fact that "wills" are involved, otherwise why would they play a part in this ability. The only loose end is Brook who hasn't shown any signs of Haoshoku haki, although his soul is presumably one of if not the strongest in the entire One Piece world.' Jin had thought a week ago as he trained rigorously with Rayleigh.

'I am so happy those hellish times are over.' Jin shivered as he thought about the past. "Moss head, Jin, they've arrived." Kai said as he went outside to call them in.

"So it begins." Jin said as he got up. "...Are we really going to do this?" Izuku asked as he walked towards them. "What else can we do? Waste time?" Kai answered as he turned around.

"Follow him." Jin said before turning towards Eri. "What's going on Jin?" She asked confused. "We're just going to be gone for a bit." Jin said as he crouched down. "Are you training with Uncle Rayleigh again?" She asked curiously.

"No, it's something else. Don't worry though, the big bros around the house will protect you while we're gone." Jin said as he hugged her. "Mhm, just be back for dinner, I want sushi and no one knows how to make it apart from you." Eri said before Jin let go and stood up.

"Hermes, take care of her." Jin said as Hermes who was standing by the entrance nodded and walked towards Eri. "Don't forget though, I'll need you at one point." Jin whispered in his ear as he passed by and entered the compound.

"Yes boss." Hermes replied before Jin shut the door. "So what do you want to do, Eri?" Hermes asked with a smile. "Why do you always make such a weird face?" Eri asked as she shook her head. 'Why is she always so mean to me.' Hermes thought as another Moss headed boy sympathised with him in another room.

Two chapters in one day. That's a first time in a while, I hope this brings back some of the readers who maybe gave up on me. Honestly speaking as along as I feel you guys are there, that's motivation enough for me. This can just be leaving a simple comment, I'd really appreciate it.

Apart from that, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and till next time, bye.

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts