
The journey..

Pants... Kira, we need to make it to the next location before dawn.Laurel I'm tired.. Sits on the floor "I can't do this its too much on me"."i can't go on". yes you can. listen, "we do this for our family Kira" ,for those that died for us, that sacrificed that we may live so giving up like this isn't part of the plan kira..

"where would we go? we need a safe place laurel". we'll find. We have to. The fate of the world rest on your shoulders. you mean our shoulders. hahaha.. ya right. our shoulders.I hope we gave a big distance this time. I don't plan on moving anytime soon. I don't as well kira. its almost time for the black moon. yes it is. we've waited a long time for this. let's find a more secure place this time cus we wouldn't want any disturbances.Do you remember the legends of the land that was promised to the chosen. it says only the chosen can locate it ."At the ends of the earth shall the sun rise forth,smite and clam,keeping me at rest until the day I become one with my inner one."

"what does this mean". I don't know laurel. This has been passed down since the time of the first elders waiting for the fullfilment of the prophecy..

The sun... sun.. sun.. DEASERT. yes most likely, but... smite ,calm, which desert calms and smite at the same time. hmm.I think it should have a vegetation and a little source of life since it calms right? yes most probably . I wish I know where it is? Suddenly the air became so cold and then .. Kira why are you giving off blue wisps . stop doing it you are too weak....panicks "I can't stop it, I don't know what's going on I can't, I can't . Okay okay calm down Kira I dont want you to faint now . FOCUS NOW KIRA.. it might be leading us somewhere. Kira kira can you hear me, kira .Her eyes glowed blue and she drew a map of the location there where supposed to go an irregular triangle inscribed in a giant star in the middle was a little star.

The glow stopped.

arrrghh what happened . I'm so tired.. You literally went in a trance state.and you drew this. kira staggers and almost fell only to be held at the dime minute , don't worry I got you kira. I'll always be at your side . Your body is too weak to hold this kind of power by your self. signs... hmm, at least now we know where we are going to stay and feel secured till the black moon comes. yes we do. let's go kira..

finally we wouldn't have to worry about disturbances. yes we won't...