
Chapter 2 The Legends...

No No Noooo..... I'm sorry Max. There is nothing I can do for him anymore.. GBAA. Bangs the table. "Calm down max". "There is still hope". Hope?, Hope? "After everything we have done, He's still not recovering.The door clicks open. "how is he? Any changes ....

Ya," His health is deteoriating. MAX.. What. I'm sorry Nala, I'm just frustrated . what did you find? sighs.. "Nothing that helps his condition" . Anala what about you. "Me, what about me". "I mean don't you know anything about supernaturals or ancient method that cures poison or even people that we can meet since you are well knowledgeable in this area.... Something, Anything. Doc, what about you, nothing at all? mmmm

"The fact that he's a warewolf and is not showing any signs of recovery means that this has gone past the stage of medicine or humans even mist supernatural cases".. "I think Max is right, Anala stands, All I know is that if we can find any cure for Ethan it most likely be what we have never seen or heard about before... hmmm. Thinks for a while and mutters " I think I should tell them. Tell us what. There is a way..

"WHATTTTT".. All three rose to their feet at the same time. What way, Answer me Anala... Calm down Max Nala you too, I'll tell you. I think. Think? Its not easy okay?

I'm not supposed to say this. its very risky.A secret passed from generation to generation awaiting the destined one. listen to me Anala. I'll do everything to bring back my friend. Even if means giving up your life? Even if it means giving up my life. What about that of your friends and families? what about that is it worth it? Because if I tell you and we carry this out there is a chance that some of us might not come back unscattered. We might lose our lives. We might....Arrrrrrghhh. "They all turned to look at Ethan screaming in pain. They ran to his side. "Doc, whats wrong with him".. Ethan, Ethan stay with me bud. You are going to be fine.Doc, On it. Examines Ethan after a few minutes of checking , Max the poison is almost at his heart. When it gets there I'm afraid.... sighs. How long. At this rate four days tops before... I'm sorry Max, I can't help him.

"Well, Anala does this look dangerous enough to you", huh. He shouts at her. After a while. hmmm. she sighs.Okay....

Here goes nothing. I think you all would want to sit for this. Nala sits in between Max And Doc..... Tell no soul about this.. okay. They all nod in approval.

"There has been a legend that that all supernatural came from one linage. Well.some say that the traits were gathering upon themselves from different generations and manifested itself in a particular family. Consisting of a father, mother,and three children. Every known and unknown power or ability of the supernaturals came from those children. They can be referred to as the Ancient or what you or we now know as the Originals".