
The Monsters Beneath Ops Part III: Will vs Smoove

Now taking place beneath the hospital, Smoove is now a zombie. Will, Davontay, and Drake must unite and fight against Smoove and some other past cadets from the undead. Get ready for an epic battle that you won't forget! Who will come out on top?

lacronwilliams · แอคชั่น
5 Chs


Will is now glaring back at Smoove. With them both glaring, this time, it's longer. The more Smoove and Will glare at one another, the angrier Will gets. Moments later, Will kicks Smoove in the stomach, leaving Smoove to fall to the ground. As Will rushes over to a table, he flips it over. All of the extra hospital equipment falls to the ground. Will hides behind the table with the hospital equipment. While Smoove tries to get back up on his feet, he is put back on the ground with the hospital equipment Will is throwing at him. Smoove is getting hit by microscopes, leftover first aid kits, medical scissors, medical tweezers, needles, and other different types of tools. After a while, Will runs out of equipment to throw. Moments later, Smoove gets up with a propofol needle in his hand and walks over to Will. When Smoove reaches Will, he grabs Will's shirt and hits him in the face. After Will becomes conscious of the punch, he notices the needle. Smoove attempts to stick the needle into Will's neck, but Will tries to pull Smoove's hand away. As Will tries to fight the needle with Smoove over him, eventually, Will gets over Smoove. Will takes the propofol needle from Smoove's hand, then throws the needle far away in another direction. As Smoove is losing to Will, the three other zombies notice. Without the care or thought that the zombies have about Will and his word, they help Smoove out, jumping Will.