
The Monsters Beneath Ops Part III: Will vs Smoove

Now taking place beneath the hospital, Smoove is now a zombie. Will, Davontay, and Drake must unite and fight against Smoove and some other past cadets from the undead. Get ready for an epic battle that you won't forget! Who will come out on top?

lacronwilliams · Action
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"I say shoot them so we can get this over with." Davontay whispers. "Yeah, but Smoove can just recure them; there are hundreds of stimulants he can grab." Will whispers back while shrugging his shoulders and looking at Smoove. As the boys try to think of an idea, Will changes his mind about not battling Smoove. Will wanted to take care of this situation, once and for all. "I got an idea." Will finally says to the others. Will looks at Smoove. "Hey, Smoove!" Will shouts. Smoove raises his head. "We should make this even!" Will starts to say. Will takes his gun and throws it on the floor, along with his other weapons. "You shouldn't need a crew if you're the zombie you think you are." Will continues to say. As Will pauses, he looks back at Drake and Davontay. Seconds later, Will looks back at the zombies. "I'll tell you what." Will starts to say again. "No Davontay, No Drake, No other zombies; just me and you." Will finishes "What?!" Davontay and Drake both say. "Will, you don't know what you're doing." Drake adds. "I know what I'm doing." Will replies. "Then let us help you!" Davontay exclaims. "I can't." Will starts to say. "I said I was planning to go to war with him, so that's exactly what I'm about to do, alone." Will says. "It started with just me and Smoove, now it's about to end between me and Smoove." Will finishes. Moments later, after Smoove and Will glare at each other, Smoove looks at Cadet Elijah and one other zombie. Smoove gave them a look. There was no question about what the zombies were planning to do. Smoove glares back at Will. As Smoove and Will return glaring, the zombies create a concoction with GHB on a cloth. Soon after, they walk around the morgue with their own cloth, passing Davontay and Drake several times. As soon as the zombies walk toward the boys, they stop behind them. Smoove then gives the signal by snapping his fingers. At that moment, one of the four zombies walks up to Will and aggressively grabs him by the arms, leaving Will helpless. Meanwhile, the two other zombies behind Drake and Davontay aggressively gag the boys with the infused cloth, causing Davontay and Drake to collapse on the ground. Will had no choice but to watch this tragedy. Will was let go by the zombie once the boys had passed out on the floor. Will rushes over to Davontay and Drake. Will looks at them on the ground in fear. Slowly, Smoove approaches Will. Just as Will turns around, Smoove scratches him in the face, leaving marks. Will falls back onto the floor. "Ahh shit!" Will screams in pain. Suddenly, Will sees Smoove standing above him. Smoove is now glaring back at Will.