
Grind Harder!

"Dong, dong, dong," the sound of his newly-made clock could be heard ringing inside his cabin. Though he doesn't know how, there is actually a button to control the volume of the classic clock.

"Ugh, can't believe I'm saying this. It feels so nice to be waken by those dong dong sounds.."

He spent some time filling his stomach by eating dried meat and drinking boiled water from the ceramic cup he made the day before. Since he used a wooden table as a substitute yesterday, he had to hold the cup while sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Even though I don't have a table to put my things on, it feels nice to have breakfast like this. I need to keep making new things to improve my life here."

It is 6:50 AM now, and Nakami finally opened his phone to see if there was anything new. There was only one notification, which informed him that he made 2E last night.

"Only 2E? I need to do better. I need to create more types of videos to see how I can increase the daily amount of 'E' I make. At least, the more content I create, the more 'E' I will receive due to compounding."

Before he leaves his hut, he decided to get a steel axe since he there are few axes can be use there as a substitute material.

He searched for the top 10 steel axes available and studied them to make sure he selected one that would suit his needs. He wanted to avoid choosing an axe that was too big and difficult to carry. He chose two axes to compare their "E" consumption: one was a random, weak iron type of axe and the other was made of harder steel.

He was aware that steel is harder to obtain because it requires proper processing, while iron is much easier to find and use. However, the difference in "E" consumption between the two was only 1.

"I'll just get the steel axe then. Sigh, I can't waste my resources on small things. Well, its chopping time."

[Wooden Axe transmuted to Steel Axe, 2E used. Number of 'E' left : 25]

He left his base and started cutting down more trees. The area around his base was quite barren, and in just two hours, he had cut down 40 medium-sized trees and 5 large trees. Some of the trees were left there since Nakami needed to make a new log cart.

He used the wood he obtained to make a bigger and stronger log cart. He transmuted it into a more modern version with rubber wheels and wooden gears to make it easier to transport large logs and metal later. For now, the wooden cart could carry 10 large logs if he pulled it slowly.

[Primitive log cart transmuted to medieval wooden cart with rubber wheels, 3E used. Number of 'E' left : 22]

"Hmm, I will post more videos today. I should stop spending.."

Today, he decided to venture further out of his typical foraging spots since the amount of left fibres are scarce nearby his base. He didn't bring his cart since he would just forage fibres and any eatable plants or fruits with his basket. He left his steel axe in his cabin and brought his stone tool instead. He was afraid of losing the steel axe during his outing.

An hour later, his basket was filled with fibers, twigs, and a significant number of berries. He was unsure if the berries were edible, so he brought them back to his base for further examination.

During his exploration, Nakami covered at least 500 meters beyond the spring and encountered a similar forest landscape. However, he noticed animal claw marks on some of the trees and decided to halt his exploration as it could indicate the presence of predators nearby.

He had gathered enough materials for making more ropes and wanted to return to his base as soon as possible to work on fortifying it. With the available woods, he should be able to complete his wooden fence project from the day before.

Upon arriving at his cabin, he emptied his basket and stored the items in the storage hut. The clock read 1:30 PM, and he set about preparing a fish for boiling as his lunch. He was eager to finally enjoy some fish soup or broth, after learning how to cook and prepare food in a primitive way.

"I should start recording the process of making new things so I can edit and post them all at once later on."

So he recorded the entire process of making the fish soup and stopped recording when it was time to eat. He preferred not to show himself in the recording, as he found it awkward.

He gazed at the bowl filled with fish soup made from the fish and some of the berries he had identified as edible. The soup smelled good, but the taste was plain, even after adding salt. Without delay, he took a taste of the soup with his wooden spoon.

"Hmm.. Is not that bad.. I guess, I really can cook!"

He spent some time savoring his meal at the table while editing the recorded video. He used to enjoy doing this kind of thing before, like eating at the office canteen while completing assigned tasks for the company. He reflected on how his former life was hellish and torturous, and wondered why he had stayed in that environment for so long.

"Right, I'm free now. This time, I get to decide how I want to live my life!"

After editing the video into a simplified story, he resumed his chores, such as reinforcing the fences, creating more ceramic tools, and collecting water from the spring to boil later. It took him four hours to complete everything except for making the ceramic tools, as they needed to be heated in the forge.

It was 6:00 PM in the evening and Nakami was constructing another hut using the remaining wood as a cooking and dining area. While it was nice to eat inside his cabin but the smells lingered since there were no proper windows. He didn't have time to make windows and was uneasy about having an open window without glass.

He decided to spend the rest of the night creating content and exploring the limits of his transmutation skills. For dinner, he planned to reheat the remaining soup. He spent an hour weaving ropes, and it was now 8:00 PM.

Tonight, he wanted to practice martial arts using his axe. Since he couldn't always rely on a single weapon outside, he wanted to improve his combat skills with the every tools he had. He had become fairly skilled with a spear, but it wasn't suitable for close combat in tight spaces.

He originally wanted to learn how to use a knife, but he abandoned that idea after acquiring the steel axe. Despite how strong his spear or knife might be, his axe was made of steel. Steel will always cut wood.

He spent an hour practicing his martial arts. Afterwards, he edited a video of himself making a ceramic jug. Although the jug was rough-looking, he was still proud of his work because it functioned as intended.

He spent an hour creating both a video and story for his latest content. He decided to post the content he made today at least an hour before midnight, to give himself more time in case he thinks of anything good to add at the last minute.

While making ropes, Nakami thought about his family back on Earth. Despite spending most of his time alone, he still loved them. He didn't have a bad relationship with them, just different interests. He felt the urge to cry but he couldn't. The loneliness was hard to deal with every day.

After finishing his weaving, he had made 20 meters of rope. He decided to make a video where he would talk without a script or plan for 5 minutes, just speaking from his heart.