
Chapter 7: Ollivander's Wand Shop

Jenna's vision took a minute to adjust to the darkly lit interior of the shop, and for a split second she felt her gut clench in fear. Thoughts of kidnappings, murders, and a multitude of other horrendous things that could have happened back in her own world rocketed across her mind. Was this how she was going to die?

When her eyes adjusted only moments later, she felt embarrassment wash over her, and hoped Denver couldnt see the blush that made her face burn. "How can I get a wand?" She whispered urgently to Denver, trying to ignore her internal momentary overreaction. "I'm just a 'muggle', my world has no magic!"

"I told you before, all worlds have magic." Denver whispered back, looking at ease. "Its just a matter of whether or not one of the wands here is compatible with the magic that connects you to your world."

"It can do that?!" She squeaked, before hearing a noise to their right. She jumped, looking very nervous and guilty as she met the eyes of the man who was behind the counter. His hair was white and a bit disorderly, and he wore a stained apron, as if they had interrupted him in the middle of something. He huffed at her, looking her up and down while muttering to himself. She cleared her throat, awkwardly about to say something before Ollivander dismissively waved his hand at her and turned away, vanishing behind the countless stacks of wands.

Jenna's mouth hung open as she stared after him. She sputtered slightly, pointing at the way he had vanished as she looked back over her shoulder at Denver. He just shrugged and smiled in amusement, so Jenna turned her attention back towards the counter, trying to ignore the fact that Denver was getting too much amusement out of her discomfort. She remembered Harry's first meeting with Ollivander had been weird too, but she hadnt thought the man would be so rude to most other customers. Wasnt that craziness just because it had been Harry? The "chosen" one? The match to Voldemort's wand and what not?

She waited for long, silently drawn out minutes, nervously glancing at Denver. Any attempt to continue their conversation was met with a head shake and smile, so Jenna resorted to twirling a loch of hair around her finger and rubbing the end over her lips. It was a nervous habit she had developed as a child, but she couldnt stop herself from doing it whenever she was under high levels of anxiety. What would it mean to the wizard if he didnt have a wand for her? Would he know she wasnt from here? Would he try to catch them and report them?

"-it's been here for ages." Jenna tensed up as she heard the old wizard returning. He came around the corner of a shelf of wand boxes, holding a box so dusty and dirty, she wasnt sure if it was wood, metal, or cardboard under the grime.

Ollivander gave her a hard look before he opened the box and extended the wand towards her. "Beech wood with unicorn hair. Very unusual aura around this one. Hasnt even whispered to me for decades...Yes, this wand has been waiting for its match...for a very, very long time." He mused in a hushed, accusatory way, as if she were to blame for making the wand wait. He gestured impatiently for her to take the wand when she hesitated, so Jenna extended her shaking hand to grasp the end of the wand.

She expected some kind of instant fanfare, like the lights from the Harry Potter movie or sparks. Doves, stars, magic little fairies to spontaneously appear to rain flower petals down upon her head. Something to indicate a bonding or settling of the magic to her? She frowned, looking at Ollivander and waiting for...something to happen?

"Wave the blasted thing, you knobhead!" Ollivander barked, glaring at her.

Jenna jumped and a small 'eep' escaped her throat. She nodded, doing the classic yet cliche 'swish and flick' all kids at one point or another playfully copied from the movies. All that happened was a sparkle of pink, glittery smoke that came from the tip of the wand and dissipated quickly. Ollivander smiled and nodded, taking the wand back from her and putting it back into its box. "Good good, still in working order."

Jenna blinked at him slack jawed, almost in shock once again. It couldnt be that easy. She couldnt actually get a wand so easily, coming from a world without actual magic, a world so dull and bland and dark as her own. Where no magical creatures lived, where no fairies existed, where nothing abnormal ever occurred. It literally could not be this easy!

Denver scooted around her, handing Ollivander a hand full of coins. "We thank you for your work." He said, taking the wand box and placing it into Jenna's numb grip. With a wave, he pulled her back out of the shop again. "Well, unicorn hair huh? That's a nice wand." He remarked, patting her head like she were a child. "Nice match."

"Oh god..." Jenna muttered, staring at the wand box in her hands. "Have I become a Mary Sue?"

"Of course not. You've got too many flaws and you're not the main character in a story. Youre just currently in a story." Denver corrected her. "Come on, let's go get to work."

Jenna stared after him, her eyes brightening up as she smiled. She had a wand...She was a witch in the Harry Potter universe. She secretly fangirled to herself, hugging the wand box close as she ran after Denver.

Laying in bed, feeling ill and listening to the rain, I needed something to take my mind off how bad I'm feeling. So I wrote another chapter for you all. I hope you all enjoy it! :)

Pippa_Aricreators' thoughts