
Chapter 6: Gringotts Wizarding Bank

Denver lead Jenna through the shops to a large building that drew the eye. The snowy white building towered over the other shops of the street, and one couldnt help but be awed by the appearance of the marble construction and design. Jenna wasnt exactly sure why they were going into the bank, but given the crowds of people around them, she wasnt exactly willing to ask Denver at the moment either. She wasnt sure if anyone would overhear them talking, and that was the last thing she wanted.

Denver seemed to already know about the protocol in the bank, pulling a key out to show the goblin teller once it was their turn to be seen. Jenna vaguely remembered a few things about the bank, but she also wasnt certain which book they were currently in either. The timeline would greatly effect what would be happening in the bank, as well as how safe it was to even be there. Given the open, bright atmosphere outside the bank and the opened shops, she could only guess it was before Voldemort's return.

Jenna jumped slightly when a hand touched her shoulder, having completely gotten lost in her own train of thought. "S-sorry!" She squeaked, following Denver and a small goblin back into the vaults. It was extremely hard for her not to stare at the creature leading them. She had always thought she did well not staring at others who were different from the normal back in her own world, but even given the multitude of books she had read that had mentioned goblins, she could help but keep stealing glances. To be frank...they were ugly. She felt guilty for thinking so, given their level of intelligence and skills, but it was hard to look at them and also hard not to look at them.

Jenna had been preparing herself for the crazy rollercoaster ride Harry and Hagrid had gone through in the first book, but her stomach still completely turned on her when the actual event came about. The cart looked quite weirdly made, certainly nothing like any rides she had been on before, and that alone made her fear for her safety. Magic or not, she didnt fully trust the contraption beginning to end. When the little goblin brought them to a stop, Jenna actually had to spend the time sitting outside the vault Denver unlocked and went into, her head against her knees, trying to stop the bile from making it's way out lolc her stomach and into the air.

When she finally felt well enough to raise her head, she found that Denver and the goblin were having a conversation while waiting for her.

"I've honestly always loved Bertie Botts jellybeans, but if I get a rotten egg one more time-"

Jenna gagged, shoving her face into her knees once more.

The two of them finally made it to the surface and out into the fresh air thirty minutes later. Jenna felt completely drained and weak from the whole ordeal, while Denver appeared not to have been fazed at all. This not only embarrassed Jenna, given the two of them appeared to be similar ages, but ground on her nerves. "Just how many times have you done that?" Jenna inquired, gesturing back at the bank as they walked along.

"You get use to it after a time or two, promise." Denver replied, smirking at her pale face. "It becomes quite fun, actually."

Jenna rolled her eyes, the remaining nausea too much of a reminder of the harrowing moments she had endured underground. "Fun my ass." She muttered under her breath before giving Denver's sleeve a tug. "What did you go there to get? How did you have a key? I though you said everything here was infused with magic and couldnt be taken with us back to our own worlds."

"I said there are limitations. The limitations are in place for a reason, such as items from one type of magic reacting badly when taken to another plane with different magic. An example would be one of the magical creatures from this world. If you were to take, say, a Puffskein back to your home world? The magic from this world is linked to them. The magic in your world could react badly to the infiltration of a different type of magic, and attack the Puffskein, killing it. Or, the magic in the Puffskein could react to being doused in foreign magic, drawing in your worlds magic to try and force a connection between the two worlds through the animal. This could result in the Puffskein mutating, dieing, causing a magical explosion, or even becoming an inter-plane magical void."

"That doesnt sound good." Jenna gasped, shocked.

"No. No it does not." Denver replied calmly. "Which is why, when we have to jump, we leave all magical things behind. Luckily for me, my key isnt magic. So I can bring it with me."

Jenna frowned, looking more confused then before he had answered her question. It didnt make sense to her that only some things were linked to magic. If magic was actively being used in this world, wouldnt EVERYTHING be magically linked? She supposed not everything could be, given muggles and squibs, but surely keys were made of metal and metals were often used in some potions and alchemy throughout magical books she had read.

Denver finally stopped walking along, and Jenna took notice of where he had lead her to. She balked, staring at him in confusion. "What...are we doing here?" She questioned, gesturing towards Ollivander's wand shop.

"Getting you a wand." Denver answered, before dragging her inside.

Sorry this is a bit shorter then my 1k word goal. The kiddo has been being demanding this week, and I had an attack this week from my chronic illness. Hopefully everyone is safe and healthy. Thank you for reading, and I hope you're enjoying the story so far.

Pippa_Aricreators' thoughts