


In a town named "UGHELLI" there lived a kind and queen of a small village, with the population of 345,675 people. the king name was (king Isaac), and the queen name was (Queen sally), the king and queen have been ruling the village for so many years, but they have no child that they could call their own. The king wasn't happy because he was been question by his kings men about the queen's infertility, and he was having a second thought of getting a second wife.

On hearing this from the king, the queen wasn't really happy with the ideal. so she decided to embark on a journey to find out what the problem

was, because before they both got married, they went for proper medical check up and the check up proved that they are both fit and able to bear children.

The queen left the palace on a cold night, and she swore to come back with answers to their problems. she didn't inform the king or anyone in the palace about her embarking on this journey, the queen left without a note to the king.

the next morning the king broke out with an alarm that the queen has been taken and kidnapped. He ordered the palace guards to go and search the entire village for her, he told them not to leave any stone unturned, and with his order the guards left for the search of the queen. When things men heard about this, they brought out so many questions to the king, they accused the queen of cursing the village and running away, they also treatened the king, that if he doesn't provide an air to the throne he would be dethroned, and that means the kingship would have to go to another family. on hearing this the king was scared of loosing the throne, and he knew exactly what he has to do.

with this the king ordered that a festival been held at the village square in the next 2 market days, there all the beautiful maidens would have to come and dance to impress the king, there he would choose a beautiful bride to take home and she would bear kids for the king and he would still be the king. With this the news spread through the village and all the ladies prepared themselves for the festival of love.

this book tells all about myself

Bliz_Sallycreators' thoughts