
The Mighty Traveler

When a man wakes up to his world destroyed and left alone, he is met with a voice asking for his wishes. But how can one think realizing you are alone, your home gone, your life erased and your expectations vanished. Paul Egon Esteban, a man from earth that has been able to unite all nations and started to develop into the space faring age around the middle of the 21st century. Is a patient of a rare disease that has no cure currently has been placed into a state of the art research facility that would place him and many other of people with similar situations into cryostasis sleep until cures for their sickness had been discovered. But one day he was awoken suddenly as his cryopod has lost all functionality with only a tattered nurse droid taking care of him. Confused, Dizzy and totally Discombobulated, Paul walked out only to find the facility he has been on is now decrepit and destroyed. It wasn't until checking the droid did he find out he was now in the last years of the 22nd century nearly entering the 23rd. Shocked and scared he tried going out of the place only to find out a dry wasteland that was Earth. Mind blanked and shocked, he trudged the land as he realized he was all alone. A former city full of wonder and people turned to dust. It wasn't until his dazed state lingered for a bit did he get a few seconds of semblance of the thing in his eyes. {Was that all you wished for?} Not understanding what it was and why it was there, Paul agreed on something he forgot that he wanted. Light swallowed him and now took him into another world for another chance in life. (A/N: I transferred my fanfic here because the one where I first posted it was a reused dropped novel, which means the setting of the book is still a novel so I might get flagged for copyright or something. So I transferred the whole thing as well as editing the stuff that I might find correcting or adding details.)

Bottomlanefeeder27 · ภาพยนตร์
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115 Chs

Chp. 58 Old Man's resolve

[Drowned Earth]


Other that Bota and Kana, there were other people that dove with them. Three were divers but also were harpoonist as well, they only have one star at most but it helped when they had to deal with hundreds if genod's children earlier.


It was the one thing that woke up Paul in his research when they baited the sea monsters by the entrance with explosives then making them go through a sharp steel wire cutting up dozens of them before the string broke.


One of them was a pretty tomboyish girl in the name of Sonia who wielded a harpoonist's weapon, a gas propelled blade similar to Bota's but a bit inferior.  The other was a middle aged man named Gongtae Park who uses a Gas propelled bat that could bring about great blunt force in its attacks.


Their leader is a charismatic middle aged man named Jako Gusto who dreamed to find the cure to the fish disease. Same illness that killed the mother of Bota and Rita, his daughter was killed by it too so it made him want to find the cure so no one could experience what he did.


They are now helping Bota and Kana in rescuing Rita and the other survivors from the grasps of Genod. Who Paul will be facing in a moment since it did not follow his threat to not hunt anymore humans.


But what can he do, the Queen seemed insistent on turning Rita who is now in a sack behind Genod. Paul did not want to attack early as he is scanning the state of Rita and what is happening to her.


He did not want to kill the female Genod and might accidentally kill Rita in the process too. So he did not start to attack for the meantime and watch over Bota who is having a death match with male Genod.


Some of the people with them were fishermen equipped with gas powered harpoon guns. With Gontae and Sonia holding the vanguard they held on while Kana was zooming in the passages as she was being led by an old man who Paul discovered to be a survivor of the real Hong Kong base.


They had been able to live for so long underground but it was until Genod found them here did their sanctuary turn into hell on earth. Now the old man and two little kids were left and they too wanted revenge for their people on Genod.


Paul had been helping them too in the past two years when he notices they are running low on supplies. He had some of Genod's children 'accidentally' forget one making them able to live a bit better in the past few months.


Paul was looking into the mind of Rita as the virus seemed to slowly change her into much more different from the other Sea monsters. It seems she is keeping her mind well intact as she slowly transformed into something else.


Paul stood up and looked at the massive workshop he built underground. The two Jeagers were now finished and furnished and there were another three being made.


But they were not as heavy and equipped like the first two that were designed to fight. First two was similar to the CMS-223Z Zila and the Hi-Mock models that were made with the best quality materials he could find in the area.


The next three were at least 90 meters tall too but they were thin jeagers made for training and does not have much in the weapons department. Two were modeled with the EB-04 Geirail gundam which looked like a basic robot form.


It is designed to be the standard Jeager model Paul will work on for the future and is given a simple 15 meter long stainless steel sword that looked like a dagger in the hands of the Jeager. It's head could fire concentrated beams from the two small repulsors on the side of its head.


That was all it has and the last one was a sleeker design that looked similar to the EB-06 Graze Gundam, its small eye of the robot could also fire a repulsor beam and is given two short spears in proportion to its body but it is 50 meter long with a ten meter spear tip.


It is designed to be the fastest moving Jeager he has on his arsenal and could move about 30% on foot than the others. Except for the Hi-Mock which is a slow tanky Jeager, Paul looked at them and thought if he should take them out.


But he shook his head since Genod is only about 20 meters tall and 60 meters long with a bulky body which means it'll die if it faced the basic EB-04 jeager.


So Paul just picked up the gigantic Axe on the side and made himself taller to take on the persona he made. The Mysterious Solo Harpoonist with no tattoo.


He did not hurry as he watched Bota deal significant damage to the Male Genod while Kana is already facing the female and going berserk. But from what he can see the fight will take a while, leaving instructions to the worker bots Paul teleported outside with the signature broken down ship that still works going towards the Hong Kong island.


He was on full focus as he made sure there will be minimal damage on the divers as he made them a bit sensitive so they could feel the children of Genod sneaking behind them.


They were fishermen but strangely they acted like highly trained special forces as Paul stoked their adrenalin and sense of hearing. There were many close calls but Sonia and Gongtae were able to save them in time.


Some got wounded and all but Paul's trick in making them feel anger at the fact that many of the children of Genod were former citizens of Hong Kong Oasis and might be their family and friends kept them from surrendering.


Jako Gusto acted like the leader and was a very responsible man as he watched over their group to not fall from the steady onslaught of the sea monsters.


Paul's arrival on the area of Oasis Hong Kong was noticed and many of the citizens heard of it making them whisper and talk. This was spread to many especially a small girl who looked curiously at the batered ship on the sea.


There they saw a tall silhouette of a man carrying a large Axe diving down the sea making them talk about it more. Some observant people noticed that the entrance to the nest of Genod was close in where the man jumped.


Some spies of other Sanctuaries like New York and Union Busan heard the arrival of the mysterious un-tattooed Harpoonist present in Port Oasis Hong Kong.


Some sent their best ships to go ahead and try to arrive that place to contact and possibly have that man work for them as rich and powerful people wanted a better guarantee that their people would survive in this apocalyptic world.


Closest were the Union Busan who was always adrift and was in the area of the west side area of the former pacific ocean. They also turned their ship around and sailed directly towards Port Oasis.


New York was made aware of this move making them curse Union Busan for going against boundaries of they continue on their course. Rich men of Union Busan did not care as they thought if they get this strong Harpoonist then they would not fear the five star harpoonist Clark Miller.


The Queen also made a move as she felt that maybe Genod cannot take on the newcomer as she called for Skutoom to back the other Seven Devil. It was the closest one of the seven currently in the area as it had just been recovering from the wounds Teon Ma gave it years ago.


It now has regrown its pincer that was cut and is moving towards Port Oasis to help its fellow devil of the sea. Paul knew this but did not care, he already got all of the technological development this world could offer as he too hacked into the mainframe of the underground city of hong kong.


As well as the archives of Union Busan where he found the mad scientist being an idiot reviving the Sea devil Kentrassi. Then the Floating City of New York where the best advancement in material science has been found.


He did go for the records of the two broken down floating cities and even scavenged some of the parts that are made of valuable metals. So many trash and debris that were ignored but became treasure for Paul.


Even the gold that is just sitting on the sea bed were taken by him because why not, It's all useless for the current inhabitants anyways.


Now Paul felt that maybe he should leave soon, maybe push the whole planet into its climax. And to do that he needed to have this Bota Ma to lead the future, because it seems the world has designated the boy as its protagonist.


Paul was now in the entrance where he saw the corpses of the Sea monsters in the entrance. He did not have any diving suit or whatever nor does he have a breathing apparatus since he could just teleport that air to his mouth and out.


Another nifty way of using his teleportation powers, Paul arrived at the part where a pipe leads inside the underground shelter. He did not want to appear directly inside as he knew that would confuse the hell out of the trio that lived inside.


Still he walked underwater like it was dry land as the heavy axe in his arms acted like an anchor for him. Soon he arrived to where the others passed through and went straight to where the fishermen were.


Paul was so tall and wore a large set of armor he made to make it seem he still needs one. But he just used it for appearances as well as his steps were like heavy thuds signaling for his arrival.


His steps were also felt by the fisher men who looked behind them and saw the towering figure of Paul.


"Hieek!!" some were scared shitless at the moment they saw Paul but he did not stop walking.


Jako, Sonia and Gongtae also noticed him but before they could warn him the Sea Monsters stopped and retreated like a receding tide.


"W-what?" Jako was confused as he did not understand why the Sea Monsters moved. But Paul was already behind him and kept walking forward while also the Sea Monsters retreated.


"D-did they j-just retreat in fear?" Sonia was shocked as she can see that the Sea Monsters were actively avoiding Paul.


"That axe… could it be the Curse Demon?" Gongtae was looking at the large Heavy Axe that looked like it could cleave them all in half with a few swings.


Paul went with the silent uncaring persona as he moved forward, the Sea Monsters could still feel fear as they knew the one in front was a being stronger than they were.


But soon they were overdriven as the Queen issued a command to slay the person in front.






The hair raising screams of the Sea monsters echoed as Paul's arrival was announced. The Male and Female Genod were able to hear that while they were fighting Kana and Bota but this caused a lapse in their reaction.


Bota with his battered body found a chance and sent the sword flying making it circle around the neck of Genod. As soon as it tightened he jumped away and pulled hard, the Male Genod was shocked and was about to send streams of acid toward Bota but it was too late as it got decapitated.


Its large body fell on the large hole he and Bota were fighting on making his body skewered by the large metal bars below. Bota was panting hard as he looked at the killed foe which alerted the Queen as well as the female.


{{Can't be! How can Genod be killed by a human?! Hmm? Isn't that Bota?}} the Queen looked into the last memories of Genod as it did not usually interfere with the way they handle their territories.


{{No matter, Rita will become the new Devil and will be able to control Sea Monsters. My sweet dear Rita…}} the Queen did not lament at the death of the Sea Devil since there are still seven technically since Kentrassi is being revived.


Paul was now in front waving his axe chopping down Sea Monsters by the droves making those behind him awed and shocked at how fast he swung such a large Axe. A few straggles survives even when cut but they mostly land behind where Jako and the others are dealing with them.


"Amazing…" a fisherman said as he looked at the blood bath in front.


"So this is the curse Demon…" Gongtae eyes were glowing as he seemed to have seen his idol watching Paul fight.


"Is this guy even human?" Sonia was pale as she never had seen such blood filled frenzy in a fight except that time she had with Clark Miller.


Paul walked forward as his brows were raised when he noticed Bota winning against the Male Genod. Well it was injured when it tried to kidnap Rita as Kana was berserk seeing him take the girl away.


Now Kana is still berserk as she chopped the female Genod which seemed to be trying to flee knowing that Paul is currently here. They had been defeated before by him and knew that since she attacked humans then he will definitely kill her.


And somehow it is choosing Rita as its successor since the kid already has the virus within her and had developed a special physique making her able to accept more mutations with the virus.


Paul walked steadily forward while the fishermen and the harpoonist followed behind him cleaning the surviving Sea monsters. Paul did notice the package the fishermen were bringing, it was a bomb hand made by the people above, it could totally bring this whole place down but it was not strong enough to affect his underground lab so he did not mind.


It wasn't long before Kana slayed the female Genod alerting the Queen again, but before she was able to send sea monsters to stop Kana. Rita has already been taken out of the sack, the survivors in the platform were sad a the situation of Rita but the unhatched ones on the back of the female started moving.


It was just in time for Bota to arrive with one of the kids that lived here along with Paul who was drenched in blood while the fishermen arrived. Bota was about to run forward and kill the sea monsters closing on Kana and Rita but something happened that shocked everyone.


Even Paul did not predict this, Rita woke up and stopped the sea monsters from moving. The survivors and fishermen were shocked as they saw Rita turn around but her eyes were black and pupils red with a yellow lining in them.


"Tsk, so I am late…" Paul said in annoyance but from what he can tell Rita still has her conscience with her intact. So how did she still get infected, Genod mostly kills of the mind of the victim before infecting it and changing it to the genetic level.


Paul did not hurry since he can still feel her mind intact and thought that maybe the female was still busy with the other ones in her back. But he did not think much as he walked forward without a care since all the sea monsters paused.


The Queen's psionic energies were absent too as it seemed she was happy that Rita had already turned. Paul should have known, maybe the influence of Narissa, the mother of Rita and Bota on the Queen to be stronger than he had thought.


Paul looked around and saw the fearful faces of the people present but the first to react was the old man that lived in this shelter his whole life.


"I think we should evacuated this place as soon as possible. They might not stay still for so long." The old man said but Paul felt another in the old man's mind, steeled conviction.


'So he plans to finish everything all at once huh?' Paul looked at the bomb the fishermen carried and understood. The old man spent years of his life in anger and regret that he could not save his wife and family from the infection of Genod.


Thus seeing that chance come made the man go on a last hurrah, the kids he cared for are at least acquainted with the people that killed Genod. There is not safer place to be if the kids are to go live in the surface.


The others also agreed with the old man and left towards the emergency escape pods. They all went in with only Paul and the old man left.


The old man suddenly closed the hatches surprising the kids inside.




"Noah, Ling. I am too old to adjust to a new life. You have to live on okay?" the old man said as he pressed the button on the side and ejected the pod.


"Grandpa!!" the kids' cries were heard even from afar.


"I'm sorry I couldn't go with you…" the old man said as he looked up, then he looked at Paul who was still standing beside him.


"Are you not going to get inside an escape pod?" the old man asked as there were still a few that could be used to get out.


"I'll be fine, do you really want to go through with this old man?" Paul said as he looked at the bomb.


"This place was everything to me, but the children could go to a better place than here…" the old man said as he dragged the bomb away. Strangely he did not think Paul would die even if he stood beside him when the bomb would be detonated.


"My comrades… my brothers… my friends and my son… even my wife… they all took them from me." The old man said as he pulled the bomb towards the center of the hundreds of Sea monsters.


Paul was silent as he could feel the conviction of the old man was soldered in steel, even he does not have the heart to change the thoughts of the old man.


He can see his memories as well as the people he lived and loved. Paul was watching, he looked at the last moments of the man who lost everything dear to him get his revenge.


"I've never forgotten for a second…my hatred for them would never stopped. The only reason I kept going was for this moment…" the old man said as he readied to pull the string attached to the bomb.


He looked towards Paul who watched his unwavering will to get everything here destroyed.


"This is for my people!! Burn in hell!!"