
The Mighty Traveler

When a man wakes up to his world destroyed and left alone, he is met with a voice asking for his wishes. But how can one think realizing you are alone, your home gone, your life erased and your expectations vanished. Paul Egon Esteban, a man from earth that has been able to unite all nations and started to develop into the space faring age around the middle of the 21st century. Is a patient of a rare disease that has no cure currently has been placed into a state of the art research facility that would place him and many other of people with similar situations into cryostasis sleep until cures for their sickness had been discovered. But one day he was awoken suddenly as his cryopod has lost all functionality with only a tattered nurse droid taking care of him. Confused, Dizzy and totally Discombobulated, Paul walked out only to find the facility he has been on is now decrepit and destroyed. It wasn't until checking the droid did he find out he was now in the last years of the 22nd century nearly entering the 23rd. Shocked and scared he tried going out of the place only to find out a dry wasteland that was Earth. Mind blanked and shocked, he trudged the land as he realized he was all alone. A former city full of wonder and people turned to dust. It wasn't until his dazed state lingered for a bit did he get a few seconds of semblance of the thing in his eyes. {Was that all you wished for?} Not understanding what it was and why it was there, Paul agreed on something he forgot that he wanted. Light swallowed him and now took him into another world for another chance in life. (A/N: I transferred my fanfic here because the one where I first posted it was a reused dropped novel, which means the setting of the book is still a novel so I might get flagged for copyright or something. So I transferred the whole thing as well as editing the stuff that I might find correcting or adding details.)

Bottomlanefeeder27 · ภาพยนตร์
106 Chs

Chp. 40 Big Guy's Love life

(A/N: Just a reminder, this Marvel world is an AU so I'll be changing some aspects of some origin stories of some characters. But I'll try to make is as close as I could, not much point in sticking to the plot with MC changing things anyways but I still feel I should leave some semblance of what the character is. Besides, I always say this is a fic made by me during my times of depression and when my brain does not brain for sometime, enjoy.)


[Marvel World]


"Like I said, I only came with your gruffy boy band because you gave the love of my life shelter and when I am done I am leaving. We both know I am not hero material Hugh." A red guy in a suit full of bullet holes said to his companion.


"On that I agree with you but again who is this Hugh Jackman you always speak of? Just give it up Wade, the professor seems to prefer to have you with us than wander around." A gruff man with three claws protruding on his hands said as he looked at the downed group of enemies around them. Seeing one still twitch he was about to finish him off but the guy in the red suit stopped him.


"Whoa whoa stop right there my lovely beefcake, don't harm Bob. We go way back, so please just leave him be or else I can't get to taste that Tuna Casserole his wife Gail used to make. Really great but very heavy on your hips." Wade aka Deadpool said as he looked at Wolverine.


"Now, let's have the British villain see my love note for him." Wade said as he arranged the dead and unconscious enemies to write a guy's name.


"What are you doing Wade?" Logan said as he looked at the guy's antics.


"Nothing much, just followed what's left of my plot and at least no gf for this Francis to threaten me with like in the movies. Gotta try and meet this new guy here, some 'me's already met up some dudes from other worlds too and that hot grandpa takes the cake on top. Did you know…" Wade talked on and on while Logan watched from above and the sides for any attacks.


"Hey hey! Eyes on me! I'm talking here and you expect to let me be with a droning dialogue? What the hell man, it would be better you change the scene than let me do all the work here. Go turn the cameras on our CGI friend there with the muscle woman would you? And call some guys to arrange these people, I still have bullets in my kidneys and spleen." Like he said the scene changed.


(A/N: The f*ck man, this is my novel…)


Colossus and Angel dust are having a heavy weight fight while NTW assisted on the sides. Sabertooth and Toad are also taking out the various goons since their actions as of late has proven to be cornering the man behind this 'Workshop'.


An offshoot branch of the Weapon X program but more focused on making mutants awaken using brutal inhumane methods. One of the people helping the group right now is a teenage girl with bone protruding on her back as well as cones covering her vitals as well.


Marrow, a girl who was diagnosed with a terminal Illness and was fooled by the recruiter into joining the program of the 'Wrokshop'. She was able to escape during an explosion Wade caused trying to kill Francis after his mutation.


Ajax thought she died with the other experiments but since then she lived in the sewers of New York among the Morlocks and was recently reached out by the X-men asking for knowledge of the 'Workshop's' activities.


So she led them here in the Scrapyard and was killing one goon after the other using bone claws growing out of her. She was fierce and has a healing factor that was good enough to regrow limbs since her mutation is growing bones at will.


It hurts but she went to lengths just to have vengeance along with Wade for what they've done for them. But one thing that made the mission hard was that the 'Warkshop' has mutants on their control as well to fight them back.


So the other X-men with them occupied like Cyclops, Beast, Pyro, Iceman and Storm. Jean, Rogue, Night Crawler, and Kitty were with Magneto, Mystique, Emma Frost and some mutants went to attack Hydra bases in the various states.


This was the first ever confrontation that was not easily hidden from public view since many could see the fires in the Scrapyard from far away and even Fury was alerted. Now he is sending men to assist the situation but he sent were mostly members of STRIKE since he said they are equipped and better for this operation to Alexander Pierce.


Pierce had been paranoid since many bases are being attacked all over the world by the mutants of both HYDRA and SHIELD. Many planned to report his in the news but Fury insisted not to or else they might lose the confidence of the people if they cannot take care of such problems.


Pierce still thought Fury has no idea since many of Fury's men were also gone during the skirmishes. And Fury sending STRIKE team made Pierce feel that maybe Fury was getting angry to resort to this strong action.


He had seen Fury lately and could see the stress of the guy but he was amazed Fury powered through and still did his job successfully. So the Council did not suspect Fury at all and even Hydra still thought this was the fault of Ophelia Sarkissan aka Viper who revolted.


She was the best they had trained in a group of orphans they brought to a secret location to live in Eight houses and twelve girls on each. She was the one who came out on top and was given the most advanced form of hypnosis to make her utterly loyal to HYDRA.


But now this super assassin they made rebelled somehow and their mental commands were now ineffective. Now her actions have brought about 20% of Hydra in her fold, they could have taken care of her but the mutants had tied their hands full with their relentless attacks all around the world.


Pierce and the other heads of HYDRA suspected she was the one leaking their locations to the mutants thus they got targeted. They thought they'd try the same giving the locations of the places she now owns to the mutants but there was no attacks on her side at all so she became the main culprit. This led to the current situation where…


(A/N: Wa-wait!!)


"Alright alright back to me camera man, lookie here I'm finished with my love note." Deadpool said as he looked up and saw the scowl of the British villain.


"So that's him huh? He used my genes to awaken your mutant powers through forcing you to die many times over, is that right Wade?" Logan said as he spit on the side looking at the guy that reminded him of a certain asshole with an unhealthy obsession over him.


"Yeah, reminds me of Striker back then too… Too bad I didn't get your good looks too when I got my powers… I would have fondled myself over and over if I have you face Hugh…" Deadpool waved towards the guy above and pointed to the laid out people beside him.


"Ughh, I wish I could bleach my brain of that..." Logan said.


"You could ask Patrick Stewart to do it for you, too bad they can't cast McAvoy here but having Captain Picard is great too." Deadpool then rolled to the side as bullets rained down from above.


"Grrr!!" Logan let his claws out and covered his face with it to avoid some bullets hitting his eyes.


"Wade, Logan over here!!" NTW shouted under a plane wing towards Logan and Deadpool who understood. They ran towards the Plane wing under heavy fire and laid down on it waiting for NTW's explosion.




"HOOOH!! THIS IS NOT HOW I IMAGING US LAYING TOGETHER WOULD LOOK LIKE!!" Wade said as he and Wolverine flew towards the top of the scrapped Aircraft carrier.


"SHUT UP WADE!!" Logan held tight on the corner of the plane wing flying almost to the top.


"Aghh!!!" Wade squealed as he hit a corner when they landed on the deck of the carrier.


"Grr!!" Logan looked around and saw this Francis that Deadpool has been going on about. He dashed towards him ignoring the gun fire hitting him all around but just as he was about to come five meters to the guy another man pounced on him and sent him rolling away.


"Holy sh*t is that who I think it is?!" Wade made his shocked face with two hands on his cheek and eye lens widening. Logan grunted as he pushed the guy away from him as six adamantine claws protruded on his back.



"I don't know who you are kid but it's your bad luck charging towards me." Logan said as he looked at the slumped body then walked towards where Francis was but after his fourth step he stopped as he looked behind him. He saw how the wounds on the guy's body healed just like his own.


"You don't know who I am, but I know who you are…" the guy turned around with rage filled eyes very familiar to Logan and black bone claws started to pop out of the guy's hands. Two were popping out above the knuckles and one on the wrist making a crab like bone claws on the Mohawk guy.


"What the hell?" Logan frowned at the sight but he was immediately on guard as the guy charged again towards him.


"GRARGHH!!!" the guy fought Wolverine in a similar wild fighting style clawing each other apart.


"Geez, I really want to be between them and get stabbed by their long hard things" Deadpool commented then looked towards Francis who now carried two one handed battle axes.


"You really are a piece of work aren't you Wade, what would you do once you defeat me then? All this work and for what? Tell me Wade, why are you acting like a hero when we both know you aren't one bit of hero material in you." Francis smiled as he looked at Deadpool.


"I'm an artwork alright, a priceless one. And if I defeat you I will tea bag you while you breathe you lying piece of sacksh*t! You said you can cure me but I know a muscular man with luxurious blue hair all over his body that holds many Phds tell me this thing is irreversible!! Also his name is somewhat like Hector or Hank something nnd thanks to blue Chewy , I realized I will make you feel pain even if your nerve endings are fried, I will find a place where to poke at and make you beg you were dead!!" Deadpool then charge towards Ajax and fought him tooth and nail like Logan and the Wolverine like person.


The commotion here is so large that Paul was able to take notice even when he is in the RV relaxing. He looked at the news and was stunned at how large this event is, there were many mutants fighting left and right in the TV.


"Well shit, maybe I'll send one clone to watch over them." Paul said as he willed one of his Wolf clones to appear near the battle.


Though the battle went on Paul took notice the one fighting Wolverine and thought of the other External like mutant Romulus, that guy was not really an External but he was almost Un-killable with his regenerative Factor Equaling even that of Wolverine's.


He spread his senses and looked for the guy but he was nowhere near the place making Paul stop and observe the battles. He looked down and just in time to see Angel dust get sent by Colossus flying, but as he walked towards her he paused and was about to raise his hands to cover his eyes but Paul interfered.


"Nice tits, very beautiful." Colossus widened his eyes as the words came out of his mouth with thick Russian accent. Angel dust who was about to defend herself paused as she realized her left boob was out to the open.


"My you are a very strong woman and I am starting to like you, are you perhaps single?" Colossus was screaming inside his head but he did not feel the usual feeling of being mind-controlled. It just that he felt he wanted to say such words so they came out of his mouth without hesitation.


"Really? I look beautiful to you? That's so sweet." Angel dust smiled but she sent a sudden punch on Colossus's groin but Paul was faster as he made the metal giant aware and was able to catch the fist. This time more words came out of Colossus's mouth.


"Whoa, easy there. I only let woman touch me there after Third base, but with you I might make exception beautiful woman. But no hurting me there or else we might not be able to make ig strong children in the future." Colossus himself was stunned inside as he does not know where he gained the guts to be this brazen in talking to a woman.


"Wow, your making plans already? You're quite a play boy aren't you?" Angel Dust smiled as she still wanted to knock Colossus out but she felt that he was quite nice.


"I play you not, I am still virgin and seeing you I feel we both could make a connection. I am Piotr, nice to meet you…?" Colossus said as he kept blocking Angel Dust's punches.


"Nice to meet you Piotr, call me Christina." Angel dust then got more exited and got stronger as she traded blow for blow to Colossus.


"Christina, a beautiful name indeed. Why keep fighting for bad people Christina, I heard they did bad things to you so why help them?" Colossus could not explain it but every second he fights Angel Dust he found her more and more beautiful.


"I just feel like it, I like fighting and beating people up." Christina smiled as she looked at Colossus finding the sweet giant more appealing.


"Then why fight as bad guy when you can beat bad guys too, at least you can be hero and people won't dislike you." Piotr smiled as he delivered a right hook to Angel Dust.


"I-I don't know, It's been like this since I was a small girl. I just kept on fighting and fighting and this is all I know." Angel Dust said as she still fought with glee towards Colossus, he was the first she could use her everything and not break apart.


Unbeknownst to them Paul was having a time of his life making the Metal Giant have a love life, he would not have done this if the girl was really bad but she just have some anger issues since her mutation centers on her adrenaline. The more it is in her system the stronger she gets, so her life after the Workshop experiment was always fighting and fighting.


She grew of course with childhood trauma, got diagnosed with a terminal illness and only the Workshop gave her a chance to live again and give her release with her anger urges. Francis too was someone she feared a bit knowing his brutal nature so she just accepted her life as a henchwoman.


Paul meddled in and gave her and Colossus a chance to make more muscle babies in the future. He looked at the two spectators on the sides looking horrified.


"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" NTW asked the pyromaniac guy besides her.


"Urghh! I think I'm gonna hurl, it's like two gorillas trying to have a mating ritual…" Pyro face was scrunched up as he said that.


"Urghh indeed…" NTW(Negasonic Teenage Warhead) was also gagging on the sides.


As the battle of the two went on Angel Dust Slowly weakened as she reached the limits her body could produce Adrenaline. After a few minutes she was now lying down exhausted along with Piotr who found how hard it is to keep up with the woman.


"What a woman you are, I can now positively say I like you very much." His thick Russian accent came out as Colossus kneeled besides Angel Dust and picked her up princess carry style.


"What a sweet guy you are…" Angel Dust looked at the Carrier and could see that they now had no chance to escape so maybe it would be better to be at least captured. She looked at the metal giant carrying her and closed her eyes in exhaustion not knowing Paul made sure Piotr's image is now locked in her mind.


"Mwuahahaaha!! Love is really thick tonight, go get her Piotr." Paul cackled in the sky watching this as he help other mutants of the X-men by making a soldier trip thus missing his shot, debris falling above them in the nick of time and other assist that no one could notice.


Paul then looked above the carrier and saw the battle is now at its end with Logan breaking the hands of his newly found son who kept rambling at how he killed his mother to prevent him from being born. Paul peeked a bit and found Romulus telling Daken this for decades as he grew up and trained him to fight after he left his life as Akihiro.


Romulus appeared to him after he accidentally killed his adoptive mother and his adoptive father committed suicide not having the strength to kill Akihiro as he raised him as his own child. Romulus took him in Canada to be trained by the same person that trained Wolverine.


A mutant called Silas Burr, now was also an operative of Romulus. They appeared here because deal made to supply Romulus with Adamantium if they could defeat the X-men.


Paul paused as he looked to where this Silas Burr was and just in time the guy made his appearance running towards Wolverine. But before he could continue Paul made the floor between him and Logan to be unstable so the guy tripped as his feet got stuck on a broken floor.


Just in time as a large metal bar flew over after NTW exploded on the ground, the metal bar landed on Cyber's head and knocked him out since the bar was at least one ton in weight. Logan was stunned as he watched how the strong looking guy with metal arms got knocked out before they even fought.


Paul just watched above as Deadpool slowly beat the shit of this Francis after breaking both his arms. Shrugging his shoulders he went to focus on the coming clean up as some members of the STRIKE team were heavily injured by some mutants of HYDRA.


"It seems HYDRA is calling connections with other bad guy groups."