
The Mighty God of Nothingness

Deep down within the dying, decaying corpse of Hollownest. They're within a black cracked egg, which leaked out the vile orange infection. There was the chained, and rotting Pure Vessel. Degraded of its original divine image, and turned into something most vile and ugly... The kingdom of Hollownest was long dead, the king had passed and most of the gods were either slain or left in search of a new home. The eternal kingdom has fallen... And hope is lost- ..... [RECORD OF GLORY HAS FOUND NEW HOST] [FUSING INTO HOST] [10%] [30%] [60%] [91%] [100!%] ... [ A/N: This story is for fun and fun alone, unlike the Indie Gamer story this is something that I wanted to write just for fun and I will update the book randomly. The MC has a personality I made due to him not really saying anything in the game... This book will have no lovers. ]

Indie_Excursion · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

... A Blessing in The Darkest Times ...

『 A/N: This is more of an experimental story, of course the main protagonist is the Sealed Vessel/Pure Vessel, but I have taken some liberties in terms of his personality and stuff. Since the Sealed Vessel/ Pure Vessel doesn't show any form of personality or even talks. Yeah but I want to hear all of your thoughts on the story, from the complaints, criticisms, advice, and even the good things about it. I am using this story to tell well, the story I want to tell as well as use it to improve writing for the rest of my stories.. 』

The black rusted chains would groan and clang in an attempt to not fall apart from being used for oh so long, the sickly orange air which seemingly pulsated moved from the black smooth roof to the black wall filled with various engravings. The walls were covering in orange vines which moved around, spreading and getting comfortable with their new home... A clang would ring out in this near empty prison.

Wrapped within the web of chains, and the vines of infection was a massive being. This entity was wearing a long brown cloak with tattered ends, blobs of infection dripping down and staining the cloak itself. He was also wearing black armor which has holes for the chains to hold onto, two of it's long sharp serrated horns would touch a chain... Cracks ran up to one of its horns from its orange eye... Tears of pain rolled down the beings pale hard head...

'How long... Has it been... I wonder... How my father is doing...' The entity would think to itself, it writhed in pain as suddenly the being dwelling within its own body would relentlessly attack his mind. Spewing out a rapid swarm of words that he did not attempt to comprehend, his shell would ache and quake in pain as it felt like millions of nails were slammed into his head at once... He would shake rapidly as he felt memories pour into his head and melt into nothing as soon as they came, such pain and agony caused him to-


A loud roar of agony would shake his prison, chains rattling and vines of infection falling down from the roof and the sides. He would bend his head over as his vision would hit the ground, a flood of orange infection would come out of his eyes... He was trying his hardest to not roar out in agony again, it was getting more and more difficult to hold her back...

Her attempt were getting more and more violent... He hoped that his father would return and finally handle this issue... But... He knew that would not happen. This was his purpose, his destiny, he was meant to seal her. There was going to be no rescue... So all he could do was wait...




His chains would rattle again as he felt the influence of the Radiance slowly seep into his mind, his vision would have gotten abnormal. Swirling, twisting, and expanding, soon fading away into nothing but orange and gold... He stood on a massive platform, a large light in the distance. Golden clouds would float in the air as he would look at his hand. Chains no longer wrapping around his body, but he felt chains of a different sort. Chains that wrapped around his mind instead of his physical body, his brown cloak would suddenly violently move around as he looked up slightly.

The bright ball of light would move, and two large wings erupted out of it, a roar closely following the show of greatness. However, he was unfazed, for this has happened many times before. The entity would turn around and stabbed his long nail into the floor, cracks running down his old weapon, as he looked forward without fear.

[___]: "We have been through this many times... Radiance... You will not be able to get me to submit..."

The being would speak with a rough, deep and cold voice that would demand respect out of any being. Suddenly a large entity would appear in front of them, the Radiance would have its wings out as a radiant light would shine from behind it. It was fluffy and white, but despite that it had a fearsome stare.

Radiance: "Why do you attempt to resist me young one? You know that purpose that your foolish father gave you was impossible... Why don't you simply just stop? Release yourself of this pointless agony."

The Radiance would speak with a female voice, one that despite sounding calm was laced with rage and annoyance. She would look down at the entity who was now slightly shaking, out of rage of the disrespect that she did to her father... His mind was wavering between his hollow personality and the emotions that he has so forsaken...

[___]: "You will not be able to get me to submit Radiance, no matter what words come out of your vile mouth.. This purpose given to me by my father, no matter how impossible, I shall carry it out!"

She would scoff at the words of the entity, she would turn around and look at the sky... The entity brought his blade down and pierced it into the floor, he would hold onto his head as he felt it splitting... The result of showing too much emotion once again, he was forgetting that he was supposed to hollow...

He would quickly calm down, attempting to close out that one memory that he held dear to himself. The Radiance would watch silently, as she would then chuckle causing the being to look up silently. Now equipped again with the armor of emotionlessness, he responded to the Radiance of random laughs that held no emotion in them.

[___]: "Speaking does us no good Radiance, it would be for the best if you were to send me back..." He would say emotionlessly as he asked the Radiance, who in response lowered itself and then looked at the entity in his eyes. The Radiance eyes glowing maliciously.

Radiance: "You believe that I am trapped here?"

She would say as she laughed loudly causing the clouds to shake and quiver, as the being would stay still looking at the Radiance.

Radiance: "You are trapped in here with me, that's the way it always has been..."

[___]: "I am not here to listen to your lies Radiance, bring me back outside your domain at once. Unless you wish to face my nail.."

He would say as he tightened his grip on his nail, the Radiance would sigh and then suddenly vines of infection would pierce through the beings body from beneath him. Causing the entity to groan and shake in pain.

Radiance: "Since you love this kingdom that your old pathetic father created, how about I show you the redesign I have given it?"

She would say sadistically as her voice echoed out, his mind was utterly penetrated, his shell was being torn from the inside out as the infection ravenously consumed through his body up into his head. He released a roar of agony as he felt his mind twisting once more, a severe headache that felt like his head split apart accompanied it.

Visions... Invaded into his mind, the ruined kingdom that he so loved was forced into his head, the living corpses of once lively residents were now wandering around. Their minds removed, and their bodies heavily mutated into nothing sort of monsters, he would let black tears drip down his eyes... His home, his kingdom, something that his father created, it was destroyed...

No! It could not have been destroyed! This is merely another lie! Another falsehood! Something to get him to submit! To get him to stop resisting against the power of the Radiance! It- It has to be!

His body struggled, but all was pointless, waves of vines and mass were surrounding him and keeping him in place akin to the chains that he had in the physical realm. Even more visions of this infected hellscape of his home were shoved into his mind, from Green path all the way down to the darkest depths of Deepnest all beings were left infected and the kingdom which was ever so bright was no in the hands of the Radiance... Who twisted its image into nothing sort of hell...




Radiance: "Now that you have seen my masterpiece, tell me how do you feel about it? Is it better than that filthy THING that your father has made?"

She would say as she looked at the entity who was now covered completely in orange vines well except for their head.

[___]: "........ You will pay..."

Radiance: "And now how do you suppose that you can do that?... It truly has been pleasurable inflicting all sorts of pain onto you, Kin of the Pale Wyrm, but all things come to an end you included..."

She would say as she would then command the remaining bits of infection to cover the entities head, it would slowly crawl up... The entity would stop struggling as he lost all hope, if the kingdom was truly gone, and his father too was gone... What could he do.... What purpose did he hold now?...

『 Host Found...』

『 Reading Host's Soul...』

『 Host's Soul is Compatible!』

『 RECORD OF GLORY is fusing with Host..』

'Huh...What is that voice? Who are you...?'

『 10%』

『 35%』

『 89%』

The entity would have a soft white glow surrounding him which the Radiance did not notice, the being would move slightly as it's thoughts were now running wild within it's head. 'Who are you!? State your identity!'

『 Creating skill Identify(0/100)』

'Identify? Radiance is this another one of your tricks!? If you are going to kill me then kill me now! You have already removed my will to fight, and now you wish to mock me while I am down?' The entity would say in anger within his mind as more vines would grow on his head and the white light got bigger

『 99%』

'I will kill you! For taking away my home! And for mocking me like this! My rage will shatter every last piece of your vile existence!' The entity remembered the words of his father. The words that were so deeply engraved into his hollowed soul that it was the only thing he ever knew. The orange vines shook as they consumed his last seeing eye slowly '... No mind to think...No will... to break... No..n-no...voice to cry suffering... Are you.... proud of me father....?'

『 Creating skill Rage (0/100) 』

『 Creating Rare-Level skill! Dying Wish (0/100) 』

『 100!% System is fully fused! 』

The voice said enthusiastically as the being felt something shift and turn within him, like a pair of gears formed and then started to work on the spot.

『Removing threat to hosts existence... Threat Protection (1/1) is used!』

The entity would suddenly be covered in a massive light that caused even the Radiance to go back, the Radiance would look around shocked and surprised at the sudden action of strength. She growled as she then fired beams of golden light at the entity who was still standing there shocked, the entity raised its hands and then...

The beams of light suddenly vanished, and then the Radiance was hit back again. She was now enraged and confused at the same time

Radiance: "Were you hiding your true might all along!? Or is this another plan from that blasted father of yours? No matter! YOU WILL BE CRUSHED! THIS IS STILL MY DOMAIN!"

She roared out as tens of beams came raining down, just to vanish before it could hit the entity. The being standing there would look around in confusion as it felt a cold sensation rush over it's body, a blue light would appear on his body.

『 Erasure cannot be done.. Commencing banishment instead』

The robotic voice would speak once again as the Radiance screamed, as she was now held up in the air. Portals appeared that would grab her and then sent her off to god knows where, the domain would collapse as the entity felt his vision melt... And then it would return back to the familiar cage that he was in once before.

[___]: "What is happening? Why did the Radiance stop? And who is that voice that I continously hear..."

The entity would ask as it looked around rapidly, it's eyes no longer being orange but now pitch black. Something was swirling and moving within it like was water.. A screen appeared in front of the being as it heard the voice once again.

『 Hey! I am the Record of Glory! Your system! Your soul was compatible with this type of system, so it fused with you... Now, do you wish to be free from your shackles, and finally get the freedom you deserve [___]?』


That is the first chapter of this book, a pretty long one at that too. This is one of many chapters that will be coming, this system is far more unique than the other ones I made. But asides from that I want to hear your opinion do you like this chapter, what would you want it to do better, and if it did something good then tell me. asides from that see ya!